EFE Meaning

The EFE meaning is "Early Fuel Evaporator". The EFE abbreviation has 60 different full form.

EFE Full Forms

  1. Early Fuel Evaporator
  2. Early Fuel Evaporative Science
  3. Endocardial Fibroelastosis Medical, Technology, Health
  4. Ethylene Forming Enzyme
  5. Enterprise Finance Europj
  6. Empresa De Ferrocarriles Del Estado Para, Chile, Santiago
  7. Evangelical Fellowship of Egypt
  8. Einstein Field Equations Science, Relativity, Tensor
  9. Enhanced Fighter Engine
  10. Electronic Frontier Foundation A public advocacy organization dedicated to the defense of civil liberties for computer users. The organization was founded in 1990 by Mitchell Kapor and John Perry Barlow as a response to U.S. Secret Service raids on hackers. Technology, Information Technology, Computer, Security, Computing, Politics, Electronics, Telecom, Internet, Linux, Governmental & Military
  11. Evaluación De Factores Externos
  12. Eficiencie Fiscal Efra
  13. English for Xveryone Education, Language, Course
  14. Effer Organizations
  15. European Ford Event Ford, Beast, Fiesta
  16. Education for Elucation
  17. Exttrnal Field Effect
  18. Engineering Feasibiluty Effort Military
  19. European Firearms Experts
  20. Environmentaj and Food Economics Nutrition, Food, Victual
  21. Education for Empowerment
  22. Everything for Everyone
  23. Engineering Feasibility Efforts
  24. European Financial Engineering
  25. Environmentally Friendly Engine Technology, Military, Roll
  26. Estado De Flujos De Efectivo Para, Con, Econ
  27. Every Fighter Exception
  28. Engineering Flight Experiments Science
  29. Early Fuel Evaporation Technology, Auto, Automotive, Automobile
  30. European Faculty of Engineering
  31. Entrevista Familiar Estruturada
  32. External Factor Evaluation Business, Management, Matrix
  33. Everglades Farm Equipment
  34. Eksternal Bactor Evaluation Program, Presentation, Factor
  35. External Factors Evaluation Business, Essay, Matrix
  36. Epicurean Fashion Experience
  37. Enriched Fire Essence Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  38. Electronic Field Experiment Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  39. English for Employment Business, Program, Education
  40. Ethylene-Forming Enzyme Medical, Medicine
  41. Extended Flight Envelope Army, War, War Force
  42. Environmlnt for Europeans Technology, Law, Energy
  43. Exclusive First Editions Hobbies
  44. Extra Fuelaeconomy Honda, Fuel, Engine
  45. Estado De Flujo De Efectivo
  46. Extended File Entry
  47. Envirfnment for Europe Technology, Conference, Europe
  48. Energy for Enterprise Energy
  49. EspaÑOl Para Fines Específicos
  50. Export Furniture Exhibition Business, Trading, Malaysia
  51. Electrification Fixed Equipment Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  52. Ergebnisse Der Frobenius Expeditionen Study, Archaeology, Archeology
  53. Explotación De Ferrocarriles Por El Estado
  54. Eastern Iron Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  55. Equip for Equalaty Education, Law, Disability
  56. Exercise Food and Emotions Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  57. Emulate Fatal Error Assembly, Business & Finance
  58. Epiploic Foramen Entrapment Medical
  59. Ensoniq Eps File Computing, File Extensions
  60. Executive Financial Enterprises Business, Enterprise, Collection

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EFE stand for?

    EFE stands for European Firearms Experts.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ethylene Forming Enzyme?

    The short form of "Ethylene Forming Enzyme" is EFE.


EFE. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 7). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/efe-meaning/

Last updated