EFI Meaning

The EFI meaning is "Economicgand Finance In Indonesia". The EFI abbreviation has 98 different full form.

EFI Full Forms

  1. Economicgand Finance In Indonesia
  2. Electric Fields Invgstigation Science
  3. Executive Function Cndex
  4. Extensible Firmware Interface In computers with the Intel Itanium processor, the interface between the operating system and the computer’s low-level booting and initialization firmware. The interface is made up of data tables that contain platform-related information, plus boot and run-time service calls that are available to the operating system and its loader to provide a standard environment for booting an operating system and running pre-boot applications. Technology, Computer, Computer Security, Microsoft, Information Technology, Software, Computing, Drivers, IT Terminology
  5. Electric Fields Instrument Technology, Science, Swarm
  6. Essential Formulas Incorporated Business, Product, Probiotic
  7. Eljctrical Field Instrument Technology, Satellite, Swarm
  8. Espiço Físico Integrado Para, Foursquare, Polis
  9. Elder Force Index Business, Trading, Indicator
  10. Equestrian Federation Indonesia Gaming, Indonesia, Jakarta, Equestrian
  11. Egyphian Finance Institute
  12. Electric Fuel Injection Business, Engine, Scooter
  13. Educacion Fundamental Integral
  14. Electricefield Intensity Technology, Power, Material, Coating
  15. Europejskim Funduszem Inwestycyjnym Technology, Banking, Jest
  16. Extended Focus Imaging Science, Camera, Microscopy
  17. Exercise-Induced Feeling Inventory Science, Sport, Study
  18. Eltern F
  19. English for The Internet
  20. Education Financial Investment
  21. Electronic Flight Instituteument Technology
  22. Europejski Fundusz Inwestycyjny Technology, Banking, Jest
  23. Extended Focal Imaging
  24. Elgin Fasteners Ixternational
  25. Education,Finance, Inspirational
  26. English for Infants Technology, Class, Children
  27. Electronic Fligh Instruments Technology, Aviation
  28. Europejskiego Funduszu Inwestycyjnego Business, Program, Banking, Jest
  29. Extensive Firmware Interface Technology, Windows, Mac, Boot
  30. Electronic Freight Invoice Technology, Science, It
  31. Event-Free Interval Medical
  32. Edinburgh Futures Institute
  33. English for Internet Education, Language, Study
  34. Electronic Filing Interface Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  35. European Friends of Israel
  36. Electonic Fuel Injection
  37. Extensible Fimware Interface
  38. Electronic Format Identifier Technology
  39. Evangelical Fellowship of India Government, India, Church
  40. Edinburgh Furniture Initiative Business, Scotland, Foursquare
  41. Emerging Fiemds Initiative
  42. Electronic File Interchange Medical, National, Provider
  43. European Freedom Initiative Government, League, Defence
  44. Elder'S Force Index
  45. Extended Firmware Interface Technology, Windows, Computing, Microsoft
  46. Electronic for Imaging Technology, Epson, Xerox
  47. Evangelical Friends International
  48. Economics and Finance In Indonesia
  49. Eltern Für Impfaufklärunw Sind, Rung, Kinder
  50. Electronic Fasteners Inc
  51. European Foundation for Immunogenetics
  52. Efficient Facilities Initiative Military
  53. Electronic Fligh Instituteuments Technology, Aviation
  54. Evangel Fellowship International Conference, Church, Fellowship
  55. Extended Focus Image Technology, Software, Camera
  56. Economics and Finance Institute Business, University, Cambodia
  57. Eltern Fuer Impfaufklaerung
  58. Epilepsy Foundation of Idaxo
  59. Education for Information
  60. Electronic Flight Instituteuments Technology
  61. Electronics for Imaging Business & Finance, International business
  62. Electronical Fuel Injection
  63. Executive Fliteways Inc
  64. Enrico Fermi Institute Atmospheric Research
  65. Electric Field Investigation Science
  66. Extra Finajcial Incentives Occupation, Position, Job
  67. Exploding Foil Initiators Technology, Electronics, Capacitor, Explosive, Detonator
  68. Error-Free Interval
  69. Electronically Fuel Injected Technology, Engine, Injection
  70. Exceptional Foresters Inc Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  71. Extensible Firmware Interface File Computing, File Extensions
  72. Electric Field Instituteuments Science
  73. External Functionalfinterface Technology
  74. Exploding Foil Initiator Technology, English, Detonator
  75. Electronic Forum for Industry
  76. Electrical Fuel Injection Business, Auto, Engine
  77. Efik Language codes (3 letters)
  78. Electric Field Instituteument Science
  79. External Functionality Interface Technology, Device, Networking, Wireless
  80. Expeditionary Force Institutes Service, Military, Army, Force
  81. Education Field Interagtion
  82. Extra Financial Incentives Occupation & positions
  83. Electric Fields Instituteument Science
  84. External File Interface
  85. Expeditionary Forces Institute Military, Army, Force
  86. Educational Futures, Inc.
  87. Energy Federation Incorporated Energy
  88. Electric Field Instruments Technology, Science, Swarm
  89. Extensible Firmware Initiative Technology, Windows, Boot
  90. Expedited Flow Indicator Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  91. Extreme Forecast Index Science, Model, Weather, Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  92. Explosively Formed Fragment Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  93. Electronic Fuel Injection Systems Transportation, Car, Auto, Governmental & Military
  94. Electric Field Instrument Technology, Science, Space
  95. Executive Flight Institute
  96. Electromagnetic Field Interference Military
  97. Extra Fucking Insurance Car, Automotive Humour, Car Brand, Fun, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  98. Explosive Foil Initiator Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EFI stand for?

    EFI stands for Extended Firmware Interface.

  2. What is the shortened form of Electronic Forum for Industry?

    The short form of "Electronic Forum for Industry" is EFI.


EFI. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 7). Retrieved February 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/efi-meaning/

Last updated