EFI in Technology Meaning

The EFI meaning in Technology terms is "Electricefield Intensity". There are 26 related meanings of the EFI Technology abbreviation.

EFI on Technology Full Forms

  1. Electricefield Intensity
  2. Electric Fields Instrument
  3. Eljctrical Field Instrument
  4. Extensible Firmware Interface In computers with the Intel Itanium processor, the interface between the operating system and the computer’s low-level booting and initialization firmware. The interface is made up of data tables that contain platform-related information, plus boot and run-time service calls that are available to the operating system and its loader to provide a standard environment for booting an operating system and running pre-boot applications.
  5. Electronic Format Identifier
  6. Electronic for Imaging
  7. Electronic Fligh Instituteuments
  8. Europejskim Funduszem Inwestycyjnym
  9. Extended Focus Image
  10. Electronic Flight Instituteuments
  11. Europejski Fundusz Inwestycyjny
  12. Extensive Firmware Interface
  13. Electronic Flight Instituteument
  14. English for Infants
  15. Extended Firmware Interface
  16. Electronic Fligh Instruments
  17. Electronic Freight Invoice
  18. Exploding Foil Initiators
  19. Electric Field Instruments
  20. External Functionalfinterface
  21. Exploding Foil Initiator
  22. Electric Field Instrument
  23. External Functionality Interface
  24. Expedited Flow Indicator
  25. Electronically Fuel Injected
  26. Extensible Firmware Initiative

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EFI stand for Technology?

    EFI stands for Electric Field Instruments in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Electronic Fligh Instituteuments in Technology?

    The short form of "Electronic Fligh Instituteuments" is EFI for Technology.


EFI in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 7). Retrieved February 24, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/efi-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated