EFP Meaning

The EFP meaning is "Envuronmental Farm Plan". The EFP abbreviation has 133 different full form.

EFP Full Forms

  1. Envuronmental Farm Plan Technology, Science, Program
  2. Effective Filtration Pressure Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  3. Exchange of Future for Physical
  4. Elevated Fixed Platform
  5. Environmentally Friendly Product
  6. Especially for Pets
  7. Earth Friendly Pioducts Business, Environment, Cleaning
  8. Explosive Formed Projectile Technology, Military, Vehicle
  9. Employers' Federation of Pakistan Government, Federation
  10. Equestrian Federation of Pakistan Technology, Sport, Pakistan
  11. Exhaust Flange Protector
  12. Etoposide, Fluorouracil, Platinol Medical
  13. Effective Fragment Potential Medical, Chemistry, Technology
  14. Explosively Formed Penetrators Technology, Military, Iran, Explosive
  15. Enhanced Factory Program
  16. Exchange of Futures for Physical Business, Trading, Market
  17. Elena Francisc Publishing
  18. Environmental Failure Protection
  19. Escuela De Formaci
  20. Early Function Points
  21. Explosive Formed Projectiles Technology, Military, Iraq, Material, Projectile
  22. Employer Federation of Pabistan Business, Employment, Pakistan
  23. Epileptiform Field Potentials Medical
  24. Exempted Fishing Permits Business, Technology, Management, Fishery
  25. Ethiopian Federal Police Government, Law, Ethiopia
  26. Education Funding Partners Business, School, Marketing
  27. Explosively-Formed Penetrator Military
  28. Enhanced Factory Programming Technology
  29. European Foresight Platform Technology, Research, Innovation
  30. Electronic Fuel Pump Technology, China, Supplier
  31. Environmentally Friendly Practices
  32. Escuela De Formación Profesional
  33. Early Follfcular Phase Medical, Medicine, Health
  34. Employee Fixness Program
  35. Epileptic Field Potentials Medical
  36. Executive Financial Planner
  37. Ethernet Flow Points
  38. Education for Peace Education, University, Conflict
  39. Explosive Formed Penetrator Military, Army, Vehicle
  40. Endwyll Family Physicians
  41. European Foreign Policy Science, Book, Union
  42. Electronic Fluorescent Pictograph
  43. Environmentally Friendly Plus
  44. European Federation of Psychoanalysis
  45. Employee Financial Parvicipation Company, Technology, Europe
  46. Executive Financial Planning
  47. Elusive Fugitive Points Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  48. Environmental Financial Products Business, Trading, Market
  49. Ethernet Flow Point
  50. Education Focus Program Technology, Media, Art
  51. Explosively Formed Projectiles Military, Iraq, Iran, Explosive, Projectile
  52. Endoneurial Fluid Pressnre Medical
  53. Europ
  54. European Football Pool
  55. Electronic Filing Program
  56. Enhanced Forward Presence
  57. Ecole Freudienne De Paris France, Theory, Luce
  58. Employee Family Protection
  59. Executive Fellows Program
  60. Elongation Factor P Medical, Science, Biology
  61. Environmental Fire Protection
  62. Estrogen-Responsive Finger Protein Medical
  63. Education Finance Partners Business, Student, Loan
  64. Explosively Formed Projectile Military, Armor, Explosive
  65. Endoneural Fluid Pressure Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  66. Existrng Facility Protection
  67. European Firearms Pass Military, Shooting, Hunting
  68. Electronic Film Production Technology, Military, Camera
  69. Enhanced Forestry Program Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  70. Explosively Formed Penetrator Military, Weapon, Penetrator, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  71. Emerging Filmmakers Project Film, Production, Colorado, Project
  72. Exchanges for Physicals
  73. Elite Fitness Pharmaceuticals
  74. Environmental Fellows Program Education, University, Environment
  75. Estatuto Del Funcionario P
  76. East Forest Cark
  77. Explosively-Formed Projectile Military, Army, Military Jargon, Military Slang, Governmental & Military
  78. Employers Federation of Pakistan Business, Employment, Pakistan
  79. Exhibition Fiber Paper Technology, Printer, Epson
  80. European Financial Planner Business, Para, Certification
  81. Electronic Field Production Technology, Media, Camera
  82. Explosively Forged Penetrator Technology, Military, Warhead
  83. Enhanced Finger Placement Business, Drop, Trigger
  84. Exempted Fishing Permit Business, Military, Fishery
  85. Eviscerated Fish Protein
  86. Emergency Feeding Programme
  87. Equity Financing Products Financial, Business & Finance
  88. Esa-Furnished Property Space, Study, Cosmos
  89. Expendable Fundp Pool
  90. Emergency Food Pantry
  91. Exchange Forms Designer Template Computing, File Extensions
  92. European Fire Protection
  93. Emergency Feeding Program Technology, Organizations
  94. Exchange of Futures for Physicals Business, Product, Trading, Market, Technology, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  95. Equivalent Fluid Pressure
  96. Expeditionary Forces Program Military
  97. Emergency Flood Plan Technology
  98. Effective Fringing Property Physics, Scientific & Educational
  99. European Federation of Purchasing
  100. Explosive-Formed Penetrating
  101. Embroidery Fonts Plus Business, Design, Software
  102. Electric Field Potential
  103. Equivalent Fare Paid
  104. Expanded Feasibility Phase Military, Army, Armour, Artillery, Ministry Of Defense, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  105. Expectantffathers Programme
  106. Emergency Fire Pump A sea water pump which supply the ship fire main when the machinery space pump is not available.
  107. Electrical Fuel Pump Transportation, Governmental & Military
  108. Enhanced Flux Pinning
  109. Escola De FinançAs Pessoais
  110. Expertisecentrum Forensische Psjchiatrie
  111. Extruded Fantasy Product Internet Slang
  112. Equipment Funded Project Science
  113. Expanded Foam Products
  114. Emergency Filtration Products
  115. Espaсa-France-Portugal Plan Aviation, France, Portugal, Governmental & Military
  116. Emission Flame Photometry
  117. Escape From Pong
  118. Experimental Forecast Program
  119. Extreme Fight Production
  120. Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy Medical, Therapy, Horse
  121. Emergency Food Program Business, Service, Community, Human Services
  122. Environmental Farm Plans Canada, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Farming & agriculture
  123. Exponential Floating Point Military
  124. Escaped Federal Prisoner Government
  125. Experimental Fishing Permit
  126. Expanded Function Panel
  127. Equine-Facilitated Psychotherapy Medical, Therapy, Horse
  128. Emergency Feed Program Organizations, Food, Feeding
  129. Exchange for Physicals Computing, Hardware, Mortgage, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  130. Esa Furnished Property Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Space, NASA, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  131. Experimental Fishing Program
  132. Emergency Food Providers
  133. Effective Fragment Potential Method Chemistry

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EFP stand for?

    EFP stands for Electronic Fuel Pump.

  2. What is the shortened form of Escaped Federal Prisoner?

    The short form of "Escaped Federal Prisoner" is EFP.


EFP. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 7). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/efp-meaning/

Last updated