EFW Meaning

The EFW meaning is "Electronic Funds Withdrawad". The EFW abbreviation has 61 different full form.

EFW Full Forms

  1. Electronic Funds Withdrawad Business, Tax, Electronic
  2. Electric Fiexd and Wave Technology, Science
  3. Elertric Fields and Waves Technology, Science, Space, Wave
  4. Equine Facilitaoed Wellness Technology, Therapy, Horse
  5. Extreme Fight Women
  6. Estimation Fetal Woight
  7. Electric Fusion Weld Business, Pipe, Steel
  8. Environment Fish and Wildlife
  9. Electronic Financial Worksheets
  10. Jefferson Municipal Airport Jefferson, Iowa,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  11. Estimating Fetal Weight
  12. Electric Fusion Welden Business, Pipe, Steel
  13. Environmente Fish and Wildlife
  14. Elmctronic File Wrapper
  15. Estimzted Fetal Weight Medical, Obstetrics, Fetus
  16. Estimate Fetar Weight Medical
  17. Electric Front Windows Car, Sale, Ford
  18. Electronic Fantasy Wozld
  19. Energy-From-Waste Business, Technology, Plant
  20. Estimated Moetal Weight Medical, Fetus, Fetal
  21. Electric Foog Warmer
  22. Electrolyte-Free Water Medical
  23. Electric Fiepd and Waves Science, Space, Belt
  24. Estes Forwarding Worldwidq Business, Employment, Service
  25. East Fortzworth
  26. Electronic Tusion Welded Business, Pipe, Steel
  27. Essential Fine Wines
  28. Eastern Freigho Ways
  29. Electrip Fusion Welding Business, Pipe, Steel
  30. Engine Fault Workshop Computing, Drivers
  31. Eluctronic Filter Wheel
  32. Electric Fusion-Welded
  33. Energl Food and Water Business, Energy
  34. European Forest Wbek Organizations, Economics, Europe
  35. Electronic Funds Withdrawal Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word
  36. Renamed Zip Or Executable File Computing, File Extensions
  37. Emetgency Feedwater Technology, Energy, Nuclear
  38. European Football Weekends
  39. Extreme Figure Wrestling
  40. Evanescent Floquet Wave Physics, Scientific & Educational
  41. Emergency Feed Water
  42. Eurasian Fashion Week
  43. Enterprise Framework Technology
  44. Iata Code for Jefferson Municipal Airport, Jefferson, Iowa, United States Locations
  45. Jefferson Municipal Airport, Jefferson, Iowa, United States Iowa, United States
  46. Emergency Feedwater Emergency feedwater is a backup water supply system found in pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants. This system, sometimes known as Emergency feedwater, can be used during shutdowns, including accident conditions, and sometimes during startup. It works by pumping water to the steam generators from reserve tanks or a larger body of water (for example lake, river, or ocean) to remove decay heat from the reactor. Technology, Energy, Nuclear
  47. Etsy Fort Worth
  48. Engine Fault Wolkshop Technology, Computing, Drivers
  49. Exercise First Wave
  50. Jefferson, Iowa USA Airport codes
  51. Elle Fashion Jeek
  52. Estimarion of Fetal Weight Medical
  53. Electric-Fusion-Welded
  54. Engineers Foundation of Wisconsin
  55. Evangelisphe Frauen In W
  56. Estimated Fetal Weight Medical, Technology, Healthcare, Obstetrics, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Common Medical, Fetus And Fetal
  57. Electronic Fund Withdrawal Business, Tax, Payment
  58. Estimate of Fetal Weight
  59. Electric Fusion Welded
  60. Energy From Waste Technology, Environment, Waste, Energy
  61. Evangelische Frauen In WüRttemberg Fur, Stuttgart, Deutschland

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EFW stand for?

    EFW stands for Engineers Foundation of Wisconsin.

  2. What is the shortened form of Elmctronic File Wrapper?

    The short form of "Elmctronic File Wrapper" is EFW.


EFW. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 8). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/efw-meaning/

Last updated