EG Meaning
The EG meaning is "Eau Gallie". The EG abbreviation has 369 different full form.
EG Full Forms
- Eau Gallie
- Enterprise Group Business, Company, Technology
- Exfoliated Graphite Medical, Material, Oxide
- East Gippsland Australia, Forest, Lake
- Engine Generators Business, Technology, Service
- Example Given Technology, English, Language
- Earth Grains
- Electrical Goods
- Evil Grin Internet Slang, Slang, Chat, Computing, Texting, Sms, Online, Usenet, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
- Earnings Growch
- Eichth Grade
- Eagle A brand of automobile which was a carry-over from the AMC Eagle and later produced by Chrysler Medical, Organizations
- Entertainment Guide
- For Exampls Student, Writing, Notes, Studies
- Egypt Locations, Countries, Country, Aviation, Computing, Internet, Egypt, Governmental & Military, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Entergainment Gathering Technology, Conference, Mind
- Exempli Gratia Science, English, Latin, Writing
- Expander Gate Technology, Audio, Pedal
- Eddie Guerrero
- Enterprise Guide Technology, Book, Analytics
- Expanded Graphite Business, Material, Composite
- Equitoriaa Guinea
- Exploration Geophysics
- Earl Vrey Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Etsi Guidg Technology, Network, Telecommunication
- Edge Grain Technology, Architecture, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Enterprise Gateway Technology, Management, Service
- Events Galltry
- Environmentalkgraphics
- Extrection Guides Technology, Product, Guide
- Exterior Gateway Protocol Technology, Military, Networking, Computer Security, Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Telecom, Linux, Technical, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Elite Guard Gaming, Military, Car
- Ecological Genetics
- Ender'S Game
- Engine Generator
- Elderigeek Occupation, Position, Job
- Exercise Generator
- Electric Gun
- Escola Da Guarda
- Earnect Graham
- Ember Glow
- Europeiska Gemenskaperna
- Edison Glass
- Entry Grade Education, University, Model
- Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis Medical, Medicine, Disease, Health, Symptom, Allergy, Healthcare, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Experimental Group Medical, Education, Study
- Elizabeth Gordon
- Etablissement Du G
- Endocrine Gland A ductless gland that secretes hormones directly into the blood stream.
- Engineering Gvidelines Technology, Standard, Guideline
- Evening Gathering
- Exhaustion Gap
- Electronic Groove
- Eazy-Going
- Emerald Guardian
- EuropäIschen Gemeinschaften Business
- Edward Garnytt
- Equatorial Duinea
- Exploration Geophysicist
- Earl Grab
- Etrufcan Gold
- Edge Glued Technology, Construction
- Enteroglucagon Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Event Guidelines
- Extractioa Guide Technology, Product, Herbal
- Exterior Gateway
- Elite Games
- Ecole De Gendarmerie
- Employee Groups Business, Management, Coding
- Engine-Generator Science
- Elbrbdge Gerry
- Evonik Goldschmidt
- Electric Guitars
- Erythrocyte Ghosts Medical
- Earlyhgreen
- Embedded Generation Generation that is connected to a distribution system possibly at LV instead of HV. Plant which is connected directly to (embedded within) the utility's distribution network rather than to the high voltage transmission system. They are generally considered to be less than 10-100 MW in capacity and are not centrally planned or dispatched.
- Europe In Geosciences
- Edison Giocattoli Business, Car, Model, Toy
- Entrez Genes Technology, Genetics, Antibody
- Eosinophilic Granuloma Medical, Cat, Complex
- Extreqe Gaming Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Elizabeth Gooch
- Etablissement Du GéNie
- Ethylene Glycol A compound added to the cooling system to reduce the freezing point. Medical, Chemistry, Science, Scientific & Educational
- Endo-Beta-1,4-Glucanase Medical
- Engineering Veologist Technology, Engineer, Geotechnical
- Evan Goldberg
- Easy Being Green
- Exhaust Gas The products of combustion in an internal combustion engine. Technology, Valve, Recirculation
- Electronic Government Technology, Service, Journal, Governmental & Military, International Development
- East Germanic
- Embroonic Gonad
- EuropäIsche Gemein
- Eoward Gaming Gaming, League, Team, Legend
- Equalizing Grid
- Explicit Group Technology, Query, Criterion
- Ear Guxrds
- Eternal Guard
- Edge-Of-Gutter
- English German Language codes (2 letters)
- Event Ggft
- Experts Group Technology, Development, Java
- Elite Gamers Forum, Gaming, Gamer
- Eclipse Gray
- Employee Group Business, Insurance, Payroll
- Engagement Gatewao
- Elbow Guards Business, Design, Troy
- Electric Guitar Business, Music, Yamaha
- Erstes Gewächx
- Early Girl
- Embedded Generator
- European Guide Technology, English, Travel
- Edinburgh Gazette
- Entrez Gene Technology, Package, Annotation
- Evolution of Gendcr Science, Economics, Transsexual
- Enzio Gehrig
- Extreme Games
- Elizabeth Gomez
- Estimated Grade
- Endless Gaming Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Engineering Graplics Technology, University, Lecture
- Evangelische Gemeinschaft Sind, Uns, Passion
- Europ
- Exfoliation Glaucoma Medical
- Electrode Grinder Welding, Fusion, Splicer
- Esopuagogastric Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- East German
- Embryonic Germ Medical, Science, Cell
- Europã¤Ische Gemeinschaft
- Education Gkoup
- Equation Group Technology, Broker, Shadow
- Explanation Given
- Eaale Games
- Eternal God
- English-German
- Evenf Generation Technology, Coding, Control
- Expert Groups Meeting, Technology, Development
- Elisha Gallaudet
- Ecker
- Empeslidis Giorgos
- Engage Grants
- Elbow Guard Business, Design, Troy
- Electric Grid Technology, Energy, Power
- Error Guessing Technology, Software, Testing
- Eazly Geometric
- Etudes Vrégoriennes
- Ed Greene Education, Drum, Funk, Groove
- Entertainment Group
- Evolution Graphics
- Elections Group
- Environment Group Technology, Organizations, Presentation
- Extra Gross Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Elizabeth Gaskell
- Ester Gum Medical, Science, Biology
- End Grodp
- Enginelring Grade
- Exercise Guide
- Electro-Galvanized Business, Steel, Coil
- Escort Group Military, Tourism, Convoy
- East Gate
- Embryonal Germ
- EuropäIsche Gemeinschaft Business, Technology, German
- Education Grant Education, School, Funding
- Equalities Group
- Exp Gerontol
- Eternal Glory Technology, Gaming, Bible
- Endoglucanase Medical
- Engle and Granger
- Evening Gown
- Expert Group Organizations, Telecom, Telecommunications, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Electronics Gmbh Business, Company, Product
- Echoing Green Music, Song, Album, Echoing
- Emma Griffiths
- Elastic Grid
- Electric Griddmes
- Error Grvup Forum, Technology, Message
- Exploration Geologist Business, Mineral, Oil
- Early Generation Cat, Bengal, Kitten
- Etudes G
- Edgerton, Germeshausen Technology, Military, Light, Strobe
- Enterprise Growth
- Evolution Gear Business, Gen, Pants
- Election Guide
- Environmental Genomics
- Extra Geau
- Elizabeth Garcia
- Esteemed Gentlemen
- End Gafe
- Engineer Grade Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Exercise Group Medical, Research, Bone
- Eljctricity Generation Technology, Energy, Power
- Escolabde Governo
- East Gaston
- Embryo Germination
- Europischen Gemeinschaft
- Educationak Grant
- EnttäUschte GrüßE
- Epic Gpme Technology, Tube, Alliance
- Expert Gunner
- Eternal Gathering
- Endoylucanases Medical
- Engle-Granger
- Evening Glow
- Existential Graph
- Electronic Gun
- Echinococcus Granulosus
- Emma Goldman
- Elaine Grxnt
- Electric Glass
- Ernst Gustav
- Exploration Geology
- Egrly Gate
- Etudes Germaniquev
- Edge Grip
- Enterprise Geoterma
- Evolution Garden
- Environmental Geotechnics
- Extra Gaugo
- Elite Guardian
- Economic Gardening
- Endeqs Game
- Engineered Garments
- Elder God
- Exercise Goal
- Electric Guns
- Escolt De Gesto
- East Garo Coding, India, Locations, District
- Embroiderers Guild
- Europese Gemeenschap English, Organizations, Translation, Dutch
- Edit-Group-Edit Group
- Entt
- Eosinophilic Gastroentiritis Medical
- Experimental Groups Medical
- Etat Grave
- Etdogastric Medical
- Engine of The Gods
- Evening Gazette
- Exhibition Gala Gaming, Olympic, Event
- Electronic Grade Technology, Energy, Silicon
- Eccentric Gear
- Emerald Guardians Hosting, Emerald, Sonic
- Elaine Gallagher
- Electric Generators
- Elmer Gantry
- Enhanced Grip Products
- Energy Gap Science, Semiconductor, Physics
- Estado General
- Cannot Find Meaning and Yet It Is Used.
- Evangelii Gaudium Internet Slang, Church, Pope, Joy
- Exposure Gallery
- Egypt (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Electrical Grade
- Estimates Given
- Executive Grade: old style executive job grading system Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Editing Group Media
- Edad Gestacional Medical, Para, Presentation, Con
- Economic Geography
- Environmental Geologist
- Especificacionesqgenerales
- Exploration Geochemist
- Electric Generagion
- Ellis Group
- Extra Gear Products
- Enekgy Gain
- Environmental Graphics
- Essential Gmming Technology, Community, Play
- Epoca Gestazionale
- Evan Gattis Business, Baseball, Card
- Exponentiated Gradient Technology, Learning, Algorithm
- Engineering Geologist Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Elkctive Geography
- Estates Gazette
- Exempli Gratiar Latin
- Economic Growth Economic growth is the expansion of total output produced in the economy. It is usually measured by the expansion of real GDP. Business, Government, Economics
- Enviro-Glaze
- Esophagogastructomy Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Europaeische Gemeinschaft
- Electric Generator In electricity generation, a generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy for use in an external circuit. The source of mechanical energy may vary widely from a hand crank to an internal combustion engine. Generator provide nearly all of the power for electric power grids. Business, Technology, Service
- Elk Grove City, Village, Elk
- Engine Gear Products
- Enemy Group
- Environmental Group
- Existing Grade Building, Engineering, Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Essaven Gel Medical
- Iso Country Csde for Arab Republic of Egypt Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Evaluation Guidelines
- Exploratory Group Group, Presentation, History, Standard
- Exotic Garden Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Electriaal Group
- Equatorial Guinea Business, Sport, Africa, Sports, Locations, Fifa, Guinea, International Olympic Committee, Code, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Equatorial Guinea, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, IOC Country Codes
- Exempli Gratis
- Empty glass Food
- Economy Group
- Eric Garcia
- Envelope Generators Technology, Analog, Synthesizer
- Electric Gardens
- Elizabeth Guttman Acting, Shopping, Pic
- Electricity Generation Computing, Electronics, Products
- Edgar Gonzalez
- Endothelial Growth
- Environmental Governance
- Existential Generalization Logic, Proof, Predicate
- Esquerda Galega Election, Galicia, Parliament
- Eza Gionmno Jakarta, Sale, Metro
- Evaluation Guideline Technology, Science, Software
- Exploration Glitch Gaming, Episode, Legend, Glitch
- Emanuel Ginobili
- Esophagogastric Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Enforcemene Guide Business, Financial, Law
- Engineering Graphics Technology, Software, Drawing
- Electrodynamic Generator
- Earl Grey Food
- Economic Group
- Evangelischen Gesangbuch Music, Sind, Uns
- Elite Gaming
- Envelope Generator Technology, Music, Synthesizer, Computing, Electronics
- Electricggarage
- An Etsi Guide Access Network Technology, Network, Telecommunication
- Elizabeth Grillo
- Evil Genius Occupation & positions
- Eddie GóMez
- Environmental Geography
- Existential Graphs Technology, Language, Logic
- Esquel Grfup Business, Technology, Development
- Extrinsic Gettering Technology, Science, Semiconductor
- Engage Granb
- Evaluation Group Business, Research, Health
- ElèVe Gendarme
- Evidence Gatherer Police, Uk Police, Governmental & Military
- Energy Gjoup Business, Company, Service
- Elaine Goodale
- Edition Gravis Music, Edition, Score, Oper
- Elizabeth Guttman, actress Famous
- Economic Geology
- Evangelische Gesangbuch Sind, Nun, Hat
- Japan Asia Airways Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
- Extended Growth
- Electric Gasing
- For Example Short for "Exempli gratia," which is Latin for "free example;" may be translated accurately as "for example;" typically precedes one or more examples. Student, Internet Slang, Finance, Banking, Chat, Genealogy, Writing, Genealogical, Online, Notes, Studies, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Medical, Texting, Healthcare, NAACCR
- Elizabeth Grey England, King, Queen, Famous
- Emissions Guidelines Environment
- Evil Geniuses Occupation & positions
- Eddie Griffin
- Environmental Guidelines
- Esplendor Geometrico
- Extremely Good
- Engaged Group
- Eva Garza
- Eluent Generator
- External Gun Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Energy Generatvon Technology, Power, Supply
- Education Group
- Estaxuto General
- Echelette Graling
- Evangelisches Gesangbuch Sind, Nun, Hat
- Exposure Group
- Entry Guidance NASA
- Electric Gaee
- Evil Girlfriend Girl, Writing, Fiction, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Elizabeth Grant
- E G & G Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Elder Geek Occupation & positions
- Eddie George Business, Sport, Card, Football
- Economic Geographer
- Environmental Geology
- Esperanto-Grupo
- Extxemely Gifted
- Enforcement Group Business, Forum, Court
- Eva Gabor
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does EG stand for?
EG stands for Engineer Grade.
What is the shortened form of Embryonal Germ?
The short form of "Embryonal Germ" is EG.
EG. (2020, September 1). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from
Last updated