EG in Business Meaning

The EG meaning in Business terms is "Expanded Graphite". There are 26 related meanings of the EG Business abbreviation.

EG on Business Full Forms

  1. Expanded Graphite
  2. Enterprise Group
  3. Engine Generators
  4. Elbow Guards
  5. Employee Groups
  6. EuropäIschen Gemeinschaften
  7. Elbow Guard
  8. Employee Group
  9. EuropäIsche Gemeinschaft
  10. Edison Giocattoli
  11. Electronics Gmbh
  12. Exploration Geologist
  13. Electro-Galvanized
  14. Evolution Gear
  15. Electric Guitar
  16. Evaluation Group
  17. Japan Asia Airways
  18. Esquel Grfup
  19. Eddie George
  20. Enforcement Group
  21. Economic Growth Economic growth is the expansion of total output produced in the economy. It is usually measured by the expansion of real GDP.
  22. Enforcemene Guide
  23. Equatorial Guinea
  24. Evan Gattis
  25. Electric Generator In electricity generation, a generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy for use in an external circuit. The source of mechanical energy may vary widely from a hand crank to an internal combustion engine. Generator provide nearly all of the power for electric power grids.
  26. Energy Gjoup

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EG stand for Business?

    EG stands for Electronics Gmbh in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Expanded Graphite in Business?

    The short form of "Expanded Graphite" is EG for Business.


EG in Business. (2020, September 1). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated