EGA Meaning

The EGA meaning is "Eagle, Globe, Anchor". The EGA abbreviation has 97 different full form.

EGA Full Forms

  1. Eagle, Globe, Anchor
  2. Eagle Globe Anchor Business, Military, Corps
  3. Estimated Gestational Age Medical, Healthcare, Obstetrics, Physiology
  4. Enhanced Graphics Adapter The Enhanced Graphics Adapter is an IBM PC computer display standard specification which is between CGA and VGA in terms of color and space resolution. Introduced in September 1984 by IBM shortly after (but not exclusively for) its new PC/AT, EGA produces a display of 16 simultaneous colors from a palette of 64 at a resolution of up to 640×350 pixels. The EGA card includes a 16 kB ROM to extend the system BIOS for additional graphics functions, and includes the Motorola MC6845 video address generator as used in the CGA. Technology, Computing, Computer Hardware, Science, Military, Aviation, Army, Electronics, Telecom, Hardware, Drivers, General, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology
  5. Electronic Government Agency Technology, Thailand, Cloud
  6. Electron Generator Assembly
  7. Eagle, Globe and Anchor Military, Corps, Eagle
  8. Error-Grid Analysis Technology, Accuracy, Glucose
  9. Eiegant Gothic Aristocrats
  10. Evaluator Global Assessment
  11. Emissivity Growth Approximation Science
  12. Ethics In Government Act
  13. Eagle, Globe, & Anchor Military, Eagle, Globe
  14. Enhanced Graphics Adapters Technology, Computing, Resolution
  15. Eagle, Globe, and Anchor Army, Anchor, Eagle
  16. Erin Group Administrators
  17. Elegant Gothic Aristocrat Funnies
  18. Euskararen Gaitasun Agiria Education, Language, Basque
  19. Emissions-Gas-Analyse
  20. Estudio General De Audiencias
  21. Exhaust Gas Analysis Technology, Engine, Emission
  22. Eagle, Globe & Anchor Military, Corps, Eagle
  23. Enhanced Graphic Adapter Technology, Science, Graphics
  24. Electronic Great Awakening
  25. Erik Giudice Architects Design, Architecture, Urban, Architect
  26. Emirates Global Aluminum Business, Dubai, Emirate
  27. Estonian Geothermal Association
  28. Elite Gymnasticshacademy
  29. Exhaust Gas Analyser
  30. European Grooming Association Grooming, Groomer, Groom
  31. Enchanced Graphics Adapter Technology, Computing, Display
  32. Extended Graphics Adapter Technology, Computing, Display, Ibm, Hardware
  33. Electro Group Apprentices
  34. Enhance Graahic Array Technology, Device, Computing, Hardware
  35. Emirate Global Aluminium Business, Company, Dubai
  36. Estimated Gestation Age Medical
  37. Elite Girls Academy Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  38. Exhaust Gas Analyzer Technology, Motorcycle, Emission
  39. Elements De Geometrie Algebrique Mathematics, Algebraic, Geometry
  40. Empty-Net Goals Against Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  41. Electricidad, Gas F Agua
  42. Enhanced Graphic Array Technology, Computing, Display, Controller
  43. Emerson Gerard Associates
  44. Estimated Gestational Ages Medical
  45. Elite Gamers Association Gaming, Play, Pastime
  46. Evolved Gas Analyzer Technology, Science, Analysis
  47. Employment Guarantee Act
  48. Electric Cenerator Alliance
  49. Enhance Graphic Adapber Technology, Graphics, Connecting
  50. Erving Goffman Archives
  51. El Golea, Algeria Algeria, ICAO Airport Codes, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes
  52. Evolved-Gas Analysis
  53. Empire Group Alliance
  54. Ethyl Glycol Acetate
  55. Earth Gravity Assist Technology, Space, Shoemaker
  56. Enhance Graphics Odapter Technology, Computing, Monitor
  57. European Generics Associations
  58. Emergency General Assistance Business, Service, Minnesota
  59. Effluent Gas Analysis
  60. Enhanced Graphics Adaptor Geographic
  61. Elizabethlgarrett Anderson Medical, School, London
  62. Expanded Graphix Adaptor Technology
  63. European Generic Association
  64. Emerald Growers Association Business, Marijuana, Cannabis
  65. East German Attitude Technology, Remix, Factor, Album
  66. Enhanced Graphics Array Computing, Computer, Construction
  67. Elizabeth Garrft Anderson
  68. European Generics Association Medical, Business, Medicine
  69. Extended Graphics Adaptor Technology, Computing, Drivers, Hardware
  70. Emtryonic Genome Activation
  71. Extraordinary General Assembly Organizations, President, Vote
  72. European Golf Association Technology, Course, Handicap
  73. Evolved Gas Analysis Construction, NASA, Governmental & Military
  74. European Gaucher Alliance Medical, Patient, Disease
  75. Estimated gate arrival Transportation, Flight, Flight Status
  76. Embryonic Gene Abtivation Medical
  77. Exterior Gross Area Technology, Building, Estate
  78. European Genome-Phenome Archive Science, Genetics, Cancer
  79. Enhanced Global (de-listed) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  80. European Games Award Technology, Gaming, Tank
  81. Engati Airport, Engati, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Papua New Guinea
  82. Embroidery Guild of America
  83. Extended Guarantee Annuity
  84. European Genotype Archive
  85. Eagle Globe & Anchor Business, Military, Corps
  86. Empresa General Artigas
  87. Etsy Glass Artists
  88. Enterprise Grid Alliance Computing, International, Standards
  89. Embroiderers' Guild of America Hobbies
  90. Energy Gap Anisotropy
  91. European Generics Medicines Association Medicine, Health, Care, Medical, Business & Finance, Professional organizations, Fda
  92. Eagle Globe and Anchor Military, Corps, Tattoo
  93. Emerging Global Adviscrs Business, Fund, Market
  94. Emergency Gas Act
  95. EGA display font (Ventura Publisher) Computing, File Extensions
  96. Embroiderer'S Guild of America Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  97. Expert Geomorphological Assessment Science, Ecology, Environmental Statement

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EGA stand for?

    EGA stands for Electronic Government Agency.

  2. What is the shortened form of Estimated Gestational Ages?

    The short form of "Estimated Gestational Ages" is EGA.


EGA. (2021, March 7). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated