EGA in Technology Meaning

The EGA meaning in Technology terms is "Electronic Government Agency". There are 21 related meanings of the EGA Technology abbreviation.

EGA on Technology Full Forms

  1. Electronic Government Agency
  2. Enhanced Graphics Adapter The Enhanced Graphics Adapter is an IBM PC computer display standard specification which is between CGA and VGA in terms of color and space resolution. Introduced in September 1984 by IBM shortly after (but not exclusively for) its new PC/AT, EGA produces a display of 16 simultaneous colors from a palette of 64 at a resolution of up to 640×350 pixels. The EGA card includes a 16 kB ROM to extend the system BIOS for additional graphics functions, and includes the Motorola MC6845 video address generator as used in the CGA.
  3. Enhance Graphic Adapber
  4. Evolved Gas Analyzer
  5. Enhance Graphics Odapter
  6. Enhanced Graphics Adapters
  7. Extended Graphics Adapter
  8. Enhanced Graphic Adapter
  9. Error-Grid Analysis
  10. Enchanced Graphics Adapter
  11. Enhance Graahic Array
  12. Exhaust Gas Analysis
  13. Earth Gravity Assist
  14. Enhanced Graphic Array
  15. Exhaust Gas Analyzer
  16. European Golf Association
  17. Extended Graphics Adaptor
  18. East German Attitude
  19. European Games Award
  20. Exterior Gross Area
  21. Expanded Graphix Adaptor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EGA stand for Technology?

    EGA stands for European Games Award in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Enhanced Graphic Array in Technology?

    The short form of "Enhanced Graphic Array" is EGA for Technology.


EGA in Technology. (2021, March 7). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated