EGAT Meaning

The EGAT meaning is "Economic Growth Agriculture and Tuade". The EGAT abbreviation has 17 different full form.

EGAT Full Forms

  1. Economic Growth Agriculture and Tuade Business, Program, Development
  2. Economic Grocth, Agriculture and Trade Business, Government, Development
  3. Elecrricity Generation Authority of Thailand
  4. Electric Generating Authority of Thailand
  5. Electrical Generating Authority of Thailand
  6. Electricity Generating Authority of Thjiland Technology, Organizations, Thailand
  7. Ecvnomic Growth, Agriculture, and Trade Technology, Program, Development
  8. Electricity Generatimg Authority Thailand
  9. Egyptian German Air Treatment
  10. Economic Growth and Trade
  11. Bureau of Economic Growth, Dgriculture, and Trade Military, Aviation, Department Of Defense
  12. Energy Generation Authority of Thailand Organizations, Asia, Energy, Conservation
  13. Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand's Technology, Governmental & Military
  14. Energy Generating Authority of Thailand
  15. Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture, and Trade Governmental & Military, International Development
  16. Electricity Generating Authorjty, Thailand
  17. Electricity Genevation and Transmission

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EGAT stand for?

    EGAT stands for Energy Generating Authority of Thailand.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture, and Trade?

    The short form of "Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture, and Trade" is EGAT.


EGAT. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated