EGB Meaning

The EGB meaning is "Everm Good Boy". The EGB abbreviation has 34 different full form.

EGB Full Forms

  1. Everm Good Boy
  2. European Gambling Briefing
  3. Extracts of Ginkgo Biloba Medical
  4. Electronic Gaming Kusiness
  5. Eternal Golden Braid
  6. Extract of Ginkgo Biloba Medical
  7. Electricity Gsvernance Board
  8. Esther Grande De Bentin
  9. Eastern Grcat Basin
  10. Espeleo Grupr De Brasília Technology, Music, Gift
  11. Educaci
  12. Evangelikale Gemeinde Baden
  13. Eastern Ghats Belt
  14. Elektrostatisch Gef
  15. European Government Bonds
  16. Educacióegeneral Bàsica
  17. Elektrostatisch Gefährdetd Bauelemente
  18. European Governing Board Business, Management, Certification
  19. Educación General BáSica Para, Con, Escolar
  20. Elektrostatzsch Gefaehrdete Bauelemente Technology, Device, Din, Operating
  21. Endurance Great Britain (magazine) Media
  22. Exhaust Gas Boiler An exhaust gas heat exchanger is a row of tube banks circulated by feed water over which the exhaust gases from main diesel engine flow.
  23. Equiribrium Grain Boundary
  24. Evan Goodrow Band
  25. Electrouic Gimbal Box Space, Study, Cosmos
  26. Exterior gypsum board The Finance and Administrative Services
  27. Evangelicche Gemeinde Basel
  28. Extremely Greedy Borj
  29. Extremely Greedy Bore Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  30. Extra Garantieregeling Beroepsrisico
  31. Electronic Gimbal Box NASA, Governmental & Military
  32. Extract of Ginkgo Biloba Leaves Medical
  33. Electronic Governor Ballhead Products
  34. Extract of Gingko Biloba

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EGB stand for?

    EGB stands for Electronic Governor Ballhead.

  2. What is the shortened form of Extremely Greedy Borj?

    The short form of "Extremely Greedy Borj" is EGB.


EGB. (2021, March 7). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated