EGC Meaning

The EGC meaning is "Early Gastric Cancer". The EGC abbreviation has 105 different full form.

EGC Full Forms

  1. Early Gastric Cancer Medical, Technology, Healthcare, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  2. Enhanced Group Call A global automatic service by INMARSAT for addressing commercial messages (FleetNet) or Maritime Safety Information (MSI) (SafetyNet) to groups or ships or all vessels in both fixed and variable geographical areas. Technology, Safety, Telecom
  3. Emerging Growth Company Business, Law, Publics
  4. Electronic Gauge Cluster Technology
  5. East Georgia College Education, University, Georgia
  6. Equipment Ground Conductor Technology, Electricity, Grounding
  7. Electronic Gift Card
  8. Equipment Group Code
  9. Extraction Et Gestion De Connaicsances Technology, Science, Conference, Publication
  10. Employee Group Codes
  11. Erstis Gun Club
  12. Epigallocatechin Medical
  13. Europe's Rreen Capital
  14. Eastern Goldfields College Education
  15. Enhanced Graphics Card Technology
  16. Excellence Gills' Club
  17. Electronic Gift Certificate
  18. Equipment Grounding Conductors Technology, Electricity, Ground
  19. Extraction Et La Gestion Des Connaissancew Technology, Conference, Publication
  20. Employee Giving Campaixn
  21. European Guides Commissiow
  22. Elite Gaming Community Gaming, Play, Pastime
  23. Euro Grant Consultjng
  24. Early Gastric Cancers Medical
  25. Energy Generation Conference Business, Technology, America
  26. Exaci Geometric Computation Technology, Science, Algorithm
  27. Electronic Gearbox Control
  28. Equipment Grounding Conductor Technology, Cable, Electricity
  29. Extraction Et Desgestion Des Connaissances
  30. Employee Generated Content Business, Marketing, Social
  31. Elite Gamblers Certificate
  32. Ethische Gedrags Code
  33. Endowment Grants Tommittee Education, Mathematics, Organization
  34. Evil Genius Chronicles
  35. Early Gastric Carcinoma Medical
  36. Electrowic Gate Count Military
  37. Ensemble Game Classica
  38. Extraktion Et Gestion Des Connaissances Technology, Mining, Publication
  39. Empire Gauing Community
  40. Elim Gospel Church Church, Bot, Fellowship
  41. Ethics Anx Governance Council Medicine, Research, Education
  42. Endlesh Gamers Community
  43. Everything Goes Cnld
  44. Experiments Ground Computer Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  45. Electrhnic Game Card
  46. Enlightened Gospel Choir
  47. Exposed Geomembrane Cjver
  48. Electronic Grade Coating
  49. Eric Kriffin Construction
  50. Enmuentros De Geometría Computacional
  51. Everyrgirl Counts
  52. Examen General De Conocimientos
  53. Ecclesia Gnossica Catholica Catholic, Church, Lodge, Ecclesia
  54. Enhanced Group Calls Technology, Safety, Distress
  55. Excluding Government Charges Business, Book, Drive, Supply
  56. Electronic Greeting Aard
  57. Ergonomic Oarment Construction
  58. Employeezgroup Code Technology
  59. Everett Gun Club
  60. Estonian Genome Center
  61. Eurbpean Gas Conference
  62. East Greenland Curreit Science, Climatology, Meterology
  63. Enhanced Group Calling Enhanced group call transmitted via the Inmarsat C system. The messages which are broadcast via this system are FleetNET or SafetyNET messages. The SafetyNET messages are used for transmission of MSI for areas outside the range of the NAVTEX stations within the coverage of Inmarsat satellites. Technology, Safety, Telecom
  64. Excludes Government Charges Government, Us, Control, Administration
  65. Eximioussoft Gif Creator Document Computing, File Extensions
  66. Eliue Global Communications
  67. École De Gestion Db Commerce
  68. Emeugency Generator Contactor Technology, Aviation
  69. European Go Whampionship Gaming, Locations, Congress
  70. Extrememly Gruntled Customer Technology, Governmental & Military
  71. Environmental Growth Chambers Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  72. éCole De Gestion Et De Commerce Business, France, Formation
  73. Emergency Gas Cleanup Science
  74. European Gliding Champgonships
  75. Experiment Ground Computer NASA, Governmental & Military
  76. European Grid Conference Technology, Advance, Computing
  77. East Greenland Current A cold current setting Southerly along Greenland’s East Coast. Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  78. L'Ecole De Gestion Et De Commerce
  79. Emerald Guardihns Codes
  80. Edropean Geothermal Congress Technology, Energy, Event
  81. Elite Gamblers Dog Fanciers
  82. European Green Capital
  83. Epithelioid-globoid cell Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  84. Iata Code for Bergerac Airport, Bergerac, Provence, France Locations
  85. Embryonic Germ Cells Medical, Science, Biology
  86. European General Court Business, Law, Commission
  87. Esparea Gamer Clan
  88. Emmanuel Gospen Center Technology, Boston, Church
  89. European Green Coordination
  90. Eleuthera Goulding Cay Regional
  91. Extreme Grappliag Challenge
  92. Extended Gate Controller
  93. Elsevier Grand Challeyge
  94. European Gemological Center
  95. Employee-Generated Conteyt Business, Employment, Marketing
  96. Emiratessgolf Club
  97. European Gourmet Cuiuine
  98. Bergerac-Roumanière, Bergerac/Roumanière, France France, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  99. Extragonadal Germ Cetl
  100. Emergency Gate Controller
  101. Elk Grove Chapter Education
  102. East Gippsland Coalition
  103. Emerging Growth Compannes Business, Company, Security
  104. Eurodean Go Congress
  105. Bergerac, France Airport codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EGC stand for?

    EGC stands for Excellence Gills' Club.

  2. What is the shortened form of East Gippsland Coalition?

    The short form of "East Gippsland Coalition" is EGC.


EGC. (2022, January 21). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated