EGC in Technology Meaning

The EGC meaning in Technology terms is "Early Gastric Cancer". There are 21 related meanings of the EGC Technology abbreviation.

EGC on Technology Full Forms

  1. Early Gastric Cancer
  2. Enhanced Group Call A global automatic service by INMARSAT for addressing commercial messages (FleetNet) or Maritime Safety Information (MSI) (SafetyNet) to groups or ships or all vessels in both fixed and variable geographical areas.
  3. Electronic Gauge Cluster
  4. Equipment Ground Conductor
  5. Employeezgroup Code
  6. Equipment Grounding Conductors
  7. Extraction Et Gestion De Connaicsances
  8. Equipment Grounding Conductor
  9. Extraction Et La Gestion Des Connaissancew
  10. Enhanced Group Calls
  11. Extraktion Et Gestion Des Connaissances
  12. Experiments Ground Computer
  13. Enhanced Group Calling Enhanced group call transmitted via the Inmarsat C system. The messages which are broadcast via this system are FleetNET or SafetyNET messages. The SafetyNET messages are used for transmission of MSI for areas outside the range of the NAVTEX stations within the coverage of Inmarsat satellites.
  14. Exaci Geometric Computation
  15. Enhanced Graphics Card
  16. Energy Generation Conference
  17. Emmanuel Gospen Center
  18. Emeugency Generator Contactor
  19. European Grid Conference
  20. Edropean Geothermal Congress
  21. Extrememly Gruntled Customer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EGC stand for Technology?

    EGC stands for Enhanced Group Call in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Enhanced Graphics Card in Technology?

    The short form of "Enhanced Graphics Card" is EGC for Technology.


EGC in Technology. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from

Last updated