EGI Meaning

The EGI meaning is "Duke Field". The EGI abbreviation has 62 different full form.

EGI Full Forms

  1. Duke Field Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  2. Effective Gross Income Business, Building, Income, Business & Finance, Business Word, Housing and Urban
  3. Echelon General Insurance
  4. Engineering Geniuses, International Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  5. Electron Gasolink Injection Technology
  6. European Grid Initiative Technology, Computing, Computer Networking
  7. Enabling Growth and Innovation Technology, Australia, Education
  8. Easy Gardener Inc
  9. Engineering Graphics, Inc
  10. Electrolytic Galvanized Iron Product, Panel, Steel
  11. Esa Gemilang Indah Media, Indonesia, Locations, Bandung
  12. Employees' Group Insurance
  13. Elite Goal Internatioual
  14. Eagle Group International
  15. Energy Group Inc
  16. Elemtroacústica General Ibérica
  17. Ernie Green Industries Business, Industrial, Powder
  18. Employee Group Insurance
  19. Evil Genius Interactive
  20. Elite Genderhinversion
  21. Eagle-Group International
  22. Energy and Geoscience Institute Science, University, Utah, Energy
  23. Electroac
  24. Equity Group Investments Business, Company, Building
  25. Euzko Gaztedi Indarra
  26. Elia Grid Icternational
  27. European Grid Infastructure Science, Astronomy
  28. Energy & Geoscience Institute Technology, Science, Utah
  29. Econolite Group Inc
  30. Equipment Group Gnc
  31. Electronic Gas Injection Technology, Car, Fuel, Engine
  32. Europe General Insurance
  33. Electronic Gasoline Injection Technology, Car, Engine, Nissan
  34. Energia Global International
  35. Econolite Group, Inc
  36. Epilepsy Genetics Instiative Medical, Medicine, Research
  37. Electronic Gas Injector
  38. European Grid Initiatives
  39. Endoglucanase I Medical
  40. European Gemmological Institute
  41. Embedded Gps and Ins Military
  42. Expert Guided Implementations
  43. Ellerston Global Inxestments
  44. Eucalyptol-Guaiacol-Iodine
  45. Embedded Gps/Inertial Navigation Military, Army, Airforce
  46. Exhaust Gas Ignition Technology, Engine, Catalyst
  47. End-Of-Group Indicator
  48. Embedded Gps/Inrrtial Military
  49. Iata Code for Eglin Af Aux. Nr 3 Duke Field, Crestview, Florida, United States Locations
  50. Embedded Global Positioningusatellite Inertial Navigation System Technology, Telecom
  51. Eglin AF Aux. Nr 3 Duke Field, Crestview, Florida, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  52. Employee'sigroup Insurance
  53. Extended Gaussian Images
  54. Embedded Gateway Interface Software, Computing
  55. Embedded GPS/Inertial Navigation Air Force, Governmental & Military
  56. Emerald Green Inierior
  57. Extended Gaussian Image Computing, Orientation, Image
  58. Ellwood Grohp Incorporated
  59. European Genealogy Initiative
  60. Embedded Gps Inu Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  61. Export Grazing Interval
  62. Ellwood Group Inc

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EGI stand for?

    EGI stands for Embedded Gateway Interface.

  2. What is the shortened form of Eagle-Group International?

    The short form of "Eagle-Group International" is EGI.


EGI. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated