EGL Meaning

The EGL meaning is "Egg-Laging Defective". The EGL abbreviation has 60 different full form.

EGL Full Forms

  1. Egg-Laging Defective Medical
  2. Egalitarian Believing that everyone is equal and should all have the same rights and opportunities in life. Medical
  3. Eagle Global Logistics Business, Company, Service
  4. European Gem Laboratory
  5. Enthusiast Gaming Live Gaming, Event, Tournament
  6. External Granular Layer Medical, Technology, Cortex
  7. European Green Leaf Technology, Award, Capital
  8. Engineering Global Beadership Technology, Program, Michigan
  9. Elektrizit
  10. European Gas Limited
  11. Enterprise Group Limited
  12. External Germinal Layer Medical
  13. European Gemological Lab
  14. Elite Gaming Ladder
  15. Enterprise General Lezger
  16. European Gemological Laboratory Business, Certificate, Diamond, Jewelry
  17. European Gemology Laboratory
  18. ElektrizitäTs-Gesellschaft Laufenburg Business, Energy, Iran
  19. External Ground Level Building, Engineering, Construction
  20. Europ
  21. Enterprise Generation Lanhuage Technology, Computing, Language
  22. Elegant Gothic Lolita Internet Slang, Japan, Fashion, Clothes
  23. European Gemological Laboratories Business, Laboratory, Diamond
  24. Elektrizitaets-Gesellschaft Laufenburg Business, Energy, Iran
  25. External Granule Cell Layer Medical
  26. Enrolled Vrade Level
  27. European Gemmological Laboratory Business, Certificate, Diamond, Ring
  28. Electronic Guide Light
  29. External Granule Layer Medical
  30. English As A Global Panguage Education, Learning, Teaching
  31. European Gem Lab
  32. Environmental Gioup Limited
  33. Capital Trading Aviation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  34. EuropäIsche Gesellschaft FüR Lackiertechnik
  35. Engineering Grpup Leader Business, Indonesia, Engineer
  36. Eagle Energy Trust Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  37. Epsilon Generation Language
  38. Neghele Airport Airport, Locations
  39. Environmental Group Ltd (The) (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  40. Energy Grade Line
  41. Eksinophilic Granuloma of The Lung Medical, Health, Healthcare
  42. Extreme Gear Labs Medical, Military, Pouch
  43. English Medical, Technology, Medicine, Education, Class, Study, Course, Britannica, Schooling, Subjects, International
  44. European Gaming League Gaming, Sport, Duty
  45. External Genital Lesions
  46. Eosinophilic Granuloma of The Lung Medical, Pulmonary
  47. Eosilophilic Granuloma of Lung Medical
  48. Esther Greenwald Library Education
  49. External Genital Lesion Medical, Medicine, Pathology
  50. English as a Global Language United Nations
  51. Environmental Geotechnixs Ltd
  52. Essay and Feneral Literature
  53. Extended Grammar Language Literature, Language, Linguistics
  54. Neghelli Airport, Neghelli, Ethiopia Ethiopia, Airport codes
  55. Environmental Group Ltd
  56. Essal Global Limited
  57. Exponential Gap Law
  58. Enterprise Generation Language Computing, IT Terminology
  59. Equipmhnt Guide List Technology, Military, Maintenance
  60. Neghelle Airport Neghelle, Ethiopia Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EGL stand for?

    EGL stands for Neghelli Airport, Neghelli, Ethiopia.

  2. What is the shortened form of Esther Greenwald Library?

    The short form of "Esther Greenwald Library" is EGL.


EGL. (2022, February 15). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from

Last updated