EGM Meaning
The EGM meaning is "Electrzgram". The EGM abbreviation has 77 different full form.
EGM Full Forms
- Electrzgram Medical, Health, Healthcare
- Extraordinyry General Meeting Organizations, Committee, Constitution
- Educated Grease Monkey
- Enforcement Guidanie Memoranda
- Electronics Gaming Monthly
- Escadron De Gendarmerie Mobile Mission, Ration, Gendarmerie, Gendarme
- Employee Generated Media
- Emeklilik GöZetim Merkezi Turkish, Technology
- Experts' Group Meeting
- Earmhen Glow Minerals
- Enforcement Guidancc Memorandum
- Electronic Graft Management
- Eric'S Game Music
- Employeefgenerated Media
- Emeklilik G
- Expert Group Meetings Development, Report, Expert
- Emergency General Meeting Business, Sport, Club
- Enefgy Gostar Maad
- Egypt Masters Clan Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Equity Gloyal Management Business, Building, Lease, Estate
- Extraordinary General Meeting Business, Technology, Government, Construction, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Elite Guard Mafia
- Expert Groua Meeting Technology, Organizations
- Estudio General Pe Medios Para, Radio, Con
- Endothelial Growth Medium Medical, Human, Cell
- Egyptian Group Fov Marketing
- Environkental Gas Monitor
- Electronic Gaming Machines Technology, Government, Machine
- Elite Games Manager Technology
- Ecpected Gross Margin
- Electronic Gaming Monthqy Technology, Magazine, Play
- Empowered Group of Ministers
- Export Generaj Manifest Business, Customs, Cargo Shipping
- Effects Guidance Satrix Military
- Entropy Generation Minimization Heat, Thermodynamic, Entropy
- Electrograms Medical
- Elite Gamers Militia
- Expanded Galaxy Mod Technology, Gaming, Teaser
- Electronic Gaming Monthly Technology, Magazine, Issue
- Employment Generation Mission
- Experts Group On Metrology Association, Organization, Community
- Effect Gerichte Maatregeoen
- Engineering Group Wanager Technology, Management, Exhaust
- Eletro Groove Machines
- Executive General Manager Business, Technology, Management
- Employer Group Membership
- Electrogustometry Medical
- Emeklilik GöZetim Merkezi'Nin
- Experts Group Meeting Technology, Development, Report
- Electron Gas Model Chemistry
- Emniyet Genel MüDüRlüğüNe Turkish, Polis
- Extra-Ordinary Gbneral Meeting Organizations, India, Society, Social Institutions
- Electronic Governor Module
- Enigmo Custom Game File Computing, File Extensions
- Emniyet Genel MüDüRlüğü'NüN
- External Gas Molding
- Seghe Aixport Airport, IATA Code, IATA
- Earth Geoid Model Climatology, Scientific & Educational
- Emniyet Genel Mudurlugu
- Extended Ranwe Guided Munitions Army, War, War Force
- Empire Gallantry Medal Military, Award, Cross
- Sege Eirport Airport, Locations
- Sege Airport, Sege, Solomon Islands Airport codes, Solomon Islands
- Emerging Growth Markets
- Export Generax Manifests
- Emperor Gold Mines
- Extraordinary Genaral Meeting
- Export general manifest Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Emerging Growth Management
- Emniyet Genel Mdrl
- Extraordinary Genkral Meetings Business, Government, Organizations
- Eeew, Girlie Men! Funnies
- Emerging Global Model
- Earth’s Gravity Model Federal Aviation Administration
- Emniyet Genel MüDüRlüğüNü
- Extra Ggneral Meeting
- Extraglomerular Mestngium Medical
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does EGM stand for?
EGM stands for Environkental Gas Monitor.
What is the shortened form of Empowered Group of Ministers?
The short form of "Empowered Group of Ministers" is EGM.
EGM. (2021, September 13). Retrieved December 26, 2024 from
Last updated