EGMA Meaning

The EGMA meaning is "Early Grede Mathematics Assessment". The EGMA abbreviation has 14 different full form.

EGMA Full Forms

  1. Early Grede Mathematics Assessment Technology, Education, Learning
  2. Early Grade Math Asseshment Technology, Education, Reading
  3. Enterprise Geodatabase Managemene Associate Technology, Certification, Exam
  4. Ecb Guide On Materiality Assessment Business, Finance, Banking
  5. Earqy Grades Mathematics Assessment Technology, Education, School
  6. Early Grade Mathemntics Assessments Science, Education, Grades
  7. Enterprise Growth Market Advisorz Business, Banking, Tanzania
  8. Evergreen Gdr Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  9. Enterprise Geodata Zanagement Associate Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  10. European Guitar and Mandolin Association Guitar, Festival, Orchestra
  11. European Generics Medicine Assochation
  12. European Genwric Medicines Association
  13. European Gay Minagers Association
  14. Enterprise Growth Markets Advisors Business, Banking, Standard, Tanzania

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EGMA stand for?

    EGMA stands for Enterprise Geodatabase Managemene Associate.

  2. What is the shortened form of Evergreen Gdr?

    The short form of "Evergreen Gdr" is EGMA.


EGMA. (2020, May 23). Retrieved February 28, 2025 from

Last updated