EGS Meaning

The EGS meaning is "European Geophysical Society". The EGS abbreviation has 129 different full form.

EGS Full Forms

  1. European Geophysical Society Science, Geophysics, Earth Sciences, Geology, Physics, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  2. Enhanced Graphics System Technology, Computing, Amiga
  3. Enhance Geothermal Systems Technology, Science, Energy, Power
  4. East Glendalough School
  5. Electronic Gear Selection Technology
  6. Employee Group Services
  7. Etats GéNéRaux Du Sport
  8. Education Guarantee School
  9. Engineering Geometry Systems Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  10. Electro Galvanic Stimulation
  11. Emtec Global Services
  12. European Game Series Business, Tribe, Tournament
  13. Enhanced Geothermal System Technology, Energy, Rock, System
  14. East Gippsland Shire
  15. Electronic Gearbox System Technology, Car, Picasso
  16. Empire Government Strategies
  17. Environmental and Geographic Sciences Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  18. Education Guarantee Schools
  19. Engineered Geothermal System Technology, Energy, Power
  20. Electrogalvanic Stimulation Medical, Health, Healthcare
  21. Empowered Global Solutions
  22. European Galactosaemia Society
  23. Enhanced Geothermal Systems Technology, Government, Energy
  24. Earth Ground Station Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  25. Expkrt Global Solutions Business, Service, Customer
  26. Electric Guitar Strings
  27. Environmental & Geographical Science
  28. Edication Guarantee Scheme Education, India, Teaching
  29. Emotional Guidance Scale
  30. Electrograms Medical
  31. Electro-Galvanic Stimulation
  32. Employment Guidelines
  33. Euro Graphic Services Business, Company, Service, Machinery
  34. Ege Giyim Sanayi
  35. Engineering Global Service
  36. Earth'S General Store
  37. Experimental Gerontologd Section
  38. Electric Generation Suppliers Business, Energy, Pennsylvania
  39. Environmental and Geographical Sciences
  40. Educational Grants Service Student, Education, Funding
  41. Electronic Government Services
  42. Electrical Galvanic Stimulant
  43. Employment Guarantee Scheme Organizations, India, Wage, General, Governmental & Military
  44. Eugene Glass School
  45. Ege Giyim San Business, Turkey, İzmir, Tic
  46. Engineering Group Supervisor Business, Engineer, Electricity
  47. Educational Gaming System
  48. Experinental Geodetic Satellite Science, Space, Satellite
  49. Electric Generation Supplier Business, Energy, Electricity
  50. European Geophysical Services
  51. Environmental and Geographical Science Technology, Research, University
  52. Education, General Studies
  53. Electronic Golf Scope
  54. Employment Generation Schemes Technology, Food, Ethiopia
  55. Ethylene Glycols Singapore
  56. Edwacds Global Services Business, Service, Franchise
  57. Engineering Geophysical Society
  58. European Ground Station Military
  59. Expandablt Gauge System Technology, Car, Tech
  60. Electrical Ground Support
  61. European Geological Surveys
  62. Enron Gas Services
  63. Edmonton Geological Society
  64. Electronic Government Solutions
  65. Employment Generation Scheme
  66. Ethylene Glycol Bis Medical
  67. Edward Graphics Systems Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  68. Engineering Graphics System Military
  69. European Graduate School Program, Media, Education
  70. Exile Game Studio Business, Earth, Hollow
  71. Electrical Generating System
  72. Encounter God Service
  73. European Gateway Services Technology, Service, Rotterdam
  74. Exploration Ground Cystems Space, Study, Cosmos
  75. Energy and Global Security Government, Organizations, Us
  76. European Gradaute School
  77. Eijkman Graduate School for Idmunology and Infectious Diseases Research, Organizations
  78. Electron Gamma Shower Physics, Scientific & Educational
  79. Eastern Global Summit
  80. Exhaust Gas System
  81. Egjser Giyim Sanayi Business, Company, Turkey, Vector
  82. European Grading Service
  83. Expertsgroups Technology, Military, Java
  84. Endovascular Grafting System Medical
  85. European Global School
  86. Egyptian Geophysical Society
  87. Egilsstaðir, Egilsstaðir, Iceland Iceland, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  88. Eutreme Gender Swaying
  89. Exhaust Gas Sensor
  90. Ege Giyim Sanayicileri
  91. Environmental Geo-Servicex
  92. Endoglucanases Medical
  93. European Global Strategy Security, Military, Europe
  94. Egyptian Geological Survey
  95. Egilsstadir, Iceland Airport codes
  96. External Guide Sequence Oligozyme Medical
  97. Engineered Geothermal Systems Technology, Energy, Power
  98. Exhaust Gas Scrubber Technology, Ship, Vessel
  99. Enterprise Ground Services Technology, Service, Satellite
  100. End Game Scoring
  101. European Glaucoma Society Medical, Medicine, Organizations
  102. Egilsstağir Airport Airport, IATA Code, IATA
  103. Elementary Gliding School Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  104. éValuation GéRontologique StandardiséE
  105. Enggist Grandjean Software Technology, Management, Recipe
  106. Environmental Goods and Services Business, Technology
  107. Evropska Gospodarska Skupnost
  108. Enosif Graphic Solutions Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  109. Encrypted Grid Shape
  110. Egiosstaoir Airport Airport, Locations
  111. Experimental Geodetic Satellite Computing, Satellite
  112. External Guide Sequence Medical, Genetics, Expression, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  113. Enggist & Grandjean Software Technology, Management, Recipe
  114. Existential Graphs Technology, Language, Logic
  115. Eurotherm Gauging Systems Technology
  116. Einsatz-Gmrüst-System
  117. Extended Genetic Search
  118. Edelweiss Global Services
  119. Encountering God Service
  120. Egilsstair Airport Airport, Locations
  121. Eijkman Graduate School for Immunology and Infectious Diseases Research, Computing
  122. Extendud Groth Strip Science, Galaxy, Survey
  123. Enfield Grammar School
  124. European Ground Site Technology
  125. Eijkman Jraduate School
  126. Echelle Grating Spectrometer Chemistry
  127. Echelette Grating Spectrometer
  128. Ege Giyom Sanayi
  129. EG Solutions Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EGS stand for?

    EGS stands for Edelweiss Global Services.

  2. What is the shortened form of Enggist & Grandjean Software?

    The short form of "Enggist & Grandjean Software" is EGS.


EGS. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated