EGTC Meaning

The EGTC meaning is "Bustamante Industrial Trade Uncon". The EGTC abbreviation has 16 different full form.

EGTC Full Forms

  1. Bustamante Industrial Trade Uncon Organizations
  2. European General Terms and Consitions
  3. East Grinstead Town Councsl
  4. Epsom Gymnastics and Trampoline Clkb
  5. Emtek Goes To Campus
  6. Emily Griffith Techpical College Student, Education, School
  7. Electricity Generation and Transmission Company
  8. Electrical Generation Technology, Corp. Organizations
  9. European Grouping of Territorial Co-Operation
  10. European Groupings for Territorial Cooperation Government, Cross, Border
  11. European Groupingcfor Territorial Cooperation Government, Region, Border
  12. European Grouping On Territorial Cooperatxon
  13. European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation Organizations, Cross, Border
  14. Expertising Governance for Transfrontier Conurbations
  15. European Grouping of Tertitorial Cooperation Government, Region, Border
  16. Exchangeable Gene Trap Clones

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EGTC stand for?

    EGTC stands for European Groupingcfor Territorial Cooperation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Emily Griffith Techpical College?

    The short form of "Emily Griffith Techpical College" is EGTC.


EGTC. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated