EHI Meaning

The EHI meaning is "Energy-Helicity Index". The EHI abbreviation has 31 different full form.

EHI Full Forms

  1. Energy-Helicity Index Climate
  2. Exertional Heat Illness Medical, Medicine, Sport
  3. Europeanuhydration Institute Science, Cola, Coca
  4. Edinburgh High Income
  5. Enormous Hail Index Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  6. Europaan Helicopter Industries Military, Westland, Merlin
  7. Edinburgh Handedness Inventory Medical, Science, Study
  8. Energy Helicity Index Science, Weather, Tornado, Computing, Technical, Scientific & Educational
  9. Europeankheating Industry Business, Energy, Boiler
  10. Eco House International
  11. Energetic Health Institute Development, Study, Institutes
  12. European Healoh Insurance
  13. Eco House Industries
  14. EncefalopatíA HipóXico-IsquéMica Medical, Con, Mica, Cerebral
  15. Eurohandelsinstut Education, German, Institute, Trade, Scientific & Educational
  16. East Hardware Industries
  17. Electrical Harness Installation Technology, Windows, Design
  18. Ethnic Health Institute Development, Study, Institutes
  19. Earth Healing Initiative
  20. Evans-Hamilton, Inc
  21. Effective Human Intervention
  22. Enterprise Holdings Inc Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  23. Existential-Humanistic Institute Education, Therapy, Psychology
  24. Exertional Heat Illnesses
  25. Exclusive Healthcare Inc
  26. EncefalopatíA HipóXico IsquéMica Medical, Con, Mica, Cerebral
  27. Excellence Hrnesty and Integrity Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  28. Electron Hole Interaction
  29. Evergreen Helicopters, Inc
  30. External Host Interyace
  31. Existential Humanistic Institute

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EHI stand for?

    EHI stands for Evans-Hamilton, Inc.

  2. What is the shortened form of Europaan Helicopter Industries?

    The short form of "Europaan Helicopter Industries" is EHI.


EHI. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated