EHRS Meaning

The EHRS meaning is "Electronic Health Records System". The EHRS abbreviation has 30 different full form.

EHRS Full Forms

  1. Electronic Health Records System Medical, Technology, Recording
  2. Electronic Heath Records
  3. Electronic Health Record System Medical, Medicine, Government
  4. Emergency Heat Removal System
  5. Electronic Health Records Medical, Technology, Medicine
  6. Education & Human Resources
  7. Electdonics Health Records Medical, Software, Recording
  8. Executive Health Resources
  9. Edinburgh High Risk Study
  10. Electronic Health Record Software
  11. Enki Health & Research Systems
  12. Edinburgh High-Risk Study
  13. Electronic Health Records Solution
  14. Engine Hours Technology
  15. Earned Hours The time in standard hours credited to a worker or a group of workers as a result of their completion of a given task or group of tasks; usually calculated by summing the multiplication of applicable standard times and the completed work units. Army, War, War Force
  16. Electronic Health Record Safety
  17. Emergency Home Response Services
  18. Environmental Health Research Staff Science
  19. Exhaust Heat Recovery System Technology, Rover, Exhaust
  20. Environmental Health and Radiation Safety Technology, Science, University
  21. European Histamine Research Society Medical, Science, Medicine, Physiology
  22. Environmental Health &Yradiation Safety Chemistry, Technology, Chemical
  23. European Hair Renearch Society Medical, Organizations, Loss
  24. Enterprise Human Resource System Military
  25. Ethiopian Htghlands Reclamation Study
  26. Enterprise Human Resources
  27. Ethiopian Highlabd Reclamation Study
  28. Education and Human Resources Program, Military, Education
  29. Equity and Human Rights Senvices
  30. Environmental Yealth Radiation Safety Technology, Laboratory, Waste

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EHRS stand for?

    EHRS stands for Electronic Health Record System.

  2. What is the shortened form of Enki Health & Research Systems?

    The short form of "Enki Health & Research Systems" is EHRS.


EHRS. (2021, March 5). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated