EIB Meaning

The EIB meaning is "Expert Infantryman'S Badge". The EIB abbreviation has 79 different full form.

EIB Full Forms

  1. Expert Infantryman'S Badge Military, Army, Infantryman, Military Slang, Governmental & Military
  2. Expert Infantryman Badge Military, Badge, Infantryman
  3. European Investment Bank The "long-term lending bank of the European Union." It supports projects within the member states as well as in countries that are working to become members states of the EU. Technology, Army, Banking, Government, Military, Aviation, Energy, Rail Transport, Electrical, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International business
  4. Environmental Improvement Board Science, Government, Mexico, Atmospheric Research
  5. Elves In Black
  6. European International Bank
  7. Excellence In Boys Development, Learning, Study
  8. Empresa Inyustrial De Borracha
  9. Exercise-Induced Bronchospasm Medical, Symptom, Pediatrics, Asthma, Physiology
  10. Equatorial Investment Bank
  11. Exercise-Induced Bronchial Obstruction Medical
  12. Electrical Installation Bus
  13. European Installation Bus Technology, Networking, Control
  14. Employer Insured Beneficiary Medical, Healthcare
  15. Excellence In Building
  16. Excellence In Broadcasting Technology, Radio, Rush
  17. Eosinophilic Intracytoplasmic Inclusion Body Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Pulmonary
  18. Executive Investment Bond
  19. Eisenbahner Im Betriebsdienst Fur, Sind, Transport
  20. European Industrial Bank
  21. Empire Insurance Brokerage Business, Accounting, Insurance, Accountancy
  22. Exbibytes - Military
  23. External Intelligence Bureau Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  24. Exbibyte A exbibyte is a unit of data storage that equals 2 to the 60th power, or 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 bytes. While a exabyte can be estimated as 10^18 or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes, a exbibyte is exactly 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 bytes. This is to avoid the ambiguity associated with the size of exabytes. A exbibyte is 1,024 pebibytes and precedes the zebibyte unit of measurement. Technology
  25. Environment Information Bulletin
  26. Executive Interface Block Technology, Coding, Transaction, Software, Computing
  27. Eisenach-Kindel Airport Eisenach, Thuringia,Germany Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  28. Erasure Indicator Bit Technology, Channel, Control, Power
  29. Enission Inventory Branch
  30. Ewangeliczny Instytut Biblijny Technology, English, Jest, Testament
  31. Extended Iwlness Benefit Business, Employment, Freeman
  32. Environmental Impact Bond Business, Projection, Water
  33. Execution Interface Block
  34. Energy Informytion Bureau
  35. Eiropas InvestĪCiju Banka
  36. Equity Investment Bank
  37. Emerates Investment Bank
  38. European Investments Bank
  39. Entregas Intracomunitarias De Bienes
  40. Execute Interface Block Technology, Program, Coding
  41. Energy Intensive Buxinesses
  42. Eiropas Integracijas Birojs
  43. Equipment Information Bridge
  44. Emirates Industrial Bank
  45. European Investment Banking
  46. Emirates Islamic Bank Business, Dubai, Emirate, Banking, Business & Finance
  47. Entertainment Insurance Brokers
  48. Exec Interface Block Technology, Training, Mainframe
  49. Energy-Intensive Businesses
  50. Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction Medical, Treatment, Asthma
  51. Equest Investments Balkans
  52. Exercise Induced Bronchospasm Medical, Symptom, Asthma
  53. Enterprise Identity Bus
  54. Electrophoretic Immunoblotting Medical, Pulmonary
  55. Export and Industry Bank Business, Coding, Philippine
  56. Enterprise Investment Board
  57. École Internationale Bilangue
  58. English for Qnternational Business Program, Education, Course
  59. Eisenach-Kindel, Eisenach, Germany Germany, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
  60. Export Import Bank Business, Technology, Government, Us, Banking, Business & Finance, Financial
  61. Elterprise Interface Builder Business, Organisations, Workday
  62. Extreme Ironing Bureau
  63. Engineering Information Bureau Development, Study, Universities
  64. Execute Interface Block (CICS) Computing, IT Terminology
  65. Export-Import-Bank
  66. Enterprise Informationnboard Government
  67. Engixeering Information Bulletin Technology
  68. Excellence In Broadcasting (Network; Rush Limbaugh show) Media
  69. Export-Import Bank Business, Investment, Us, Ethiopia, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  70. Necri Government
  71. European Installation Bus (home automation) Construction
  72. Experimental Immunology Branch Government, Organizations, Us
  73. Enterprpse Information Bus
  74. Extended Illness Bank
  75. Electrical Industry Board Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  76. Exercise Induced Bronchoconstriction Medical, Treatment, Asthma
  77. Entergrise Information Base Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  78. Export Import Bank of The United States Business, Finance, Agency, Trading, Trade
  79. Europese Investerings Bank Business, Door, Cookie

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EIB stand for?

    EIB stands for European Installation Bus (home automation).

  2. What is the shortened form of English for Qnternational Business?

    The short form of "English for Qnternational Business" is EIB.


EIB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/eib-meaning/

Last updated