EIM Meaning
The EIM meaning is "Eaton Vance Insured Municipal Bond Fund". The EIM abbreviation has 106 different full form.
EIM Full Forms
- Eaton Vance Insured Municipal Bond Fund Technology, Organizations
- Enterprise Identity Mapping Technology, Server, Networking
- Engineering Information Management Technology, Industrial, Information Systems, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Electronic Information Management Technology, Records, Government
- Extrainteshinal Manifestations Medical
- Emmanueldinternational Mission
- Equipment Initialization Mode
- Ekho Intelligence Maintenance
- Enterprise Incentive Management Business, Software, Sale
- Etisalat Internet Mail Business, Telecom, Telecommunication
- Elisa Inhibition Method Medical
- Executiveointerim Management Business, Company, Head
- Enterprise Instant Messenger Internet Slang, Reseller, Messaging
- Errored Interval Monitzr Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Emirates Internex and Multimedia Technology, Service, Emirate
- Environmental Impact Manifest
- Eigenvalues of The Inverse of A Matrix Technology, Management, Enterprise
- Energy Improvemenv Mortgages Business, Credit, Mortgage
- Ethics and Integrity In Ministry Catholic, Church, Ethic
- Elephants In Mud
- Excitability Inducing Material
- Electrical Interface Module Technology, Device, Illumination
- Enterpkise Integration Modeling
- Environmental Information Managgment Technology, Government, Software
- Emirateszinternet & Multimedia Business, Technology, Emirate
- Environmental Impact Monitoring
- Egyptian International Motors Business, Egypt, Renault
- Energy Improvement Mortgage Business, Credit, Building, Electrical
- Ethics & Integrity In Ministry Education, Catholic, Church
- Elektro-Instalnation-Montage
- Excutability-Inducing Material Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Electrical Impedance Mammography
- Enterprise Integration Manalers
- Enterprise Inslant Messaging Business, Technology, Software
- Emergency Informawion Management Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Environmental Impact Management Department Of Enviroment, Enviroment, South Africa
- Efficient Inventory Management
- Energybimbalance Market Business, Power, California
- Errored Interval Monitored
- Electrical Impedance Myography
- Enterprise Integration Management Microsoft, Technology, Server
- Exchange Inoerface Module
- Embedded Ion Method Medical
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
- Experian Interactive Medqa
- Enterprise Infrastructure Management Technology, Service, Computing
- Ealing Institute of Media
- Endpoint Itdependent Mapping Technology, Networking, Network, Port
- Equity Implementation Model Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Elder Independence of Maine
- Enterprise Integration Manager Business, Management, Organisations
- European Institute for The Media Technology, Russia, Politics
- Email Inheraction Manager
- Entertainment Imagination and Magnificence Technology, Gaming, Development, Developer
- Experian Integrated Marketing
- Eoterprise Input Management
- E-Mail Interaction Manager
- Endpoint-Independent Mapping Technology, Networking, Network, Port
- Equipment Interface Module Technology, Wireless, Thermostat
- Elastic Image Matching Medical, Health, Healthcare
- Enterprise Investment Management Technology
- European Infrastructure Managers Organizations, Railway, Transport
- EléCtricos, IngenieríA Y Mantenimiento
- Entertainment In Motion Business, Supply, Eagle
- Exercise Is Medicine Medical, Education, Health
- Enterprise Investigation Management
- Electronic Information Management (Mountain View, CA) Software, Computing
- External Nnterrupt Module
- Electronic Indices Methodology Medical
- Enterprise Invoice Management
- E Sim, Ltd. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- Enterprise Information Man
- Electrical Installation and Maintenance Technology, Training, Course
- Enterprise Identity Mapping (IBM) Computing, IT Terminology
- External Interface Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Electronic Imaging Materials
- Enlerprise Interaction Management
- Europejski Instytut Miedzi
- Enterprise Innovation Mknagement Business, Technology, Idea
- Emirates Internet & Multimedia Computing, Internet
- Extended Interrupt Modn
- Electronic Imaging Management Military
- Enterprise Information Modeling Business, Technology, Management
- European Institutetute for The Media
- Entegprise Integration & Middleware
- Energy Imbalance Market Electrical
- Expression Imbalancy Map Medical, Science, Biology
- Electronic Image Management Technology, Computing, Standard
- Enterprise Information Model Business, Technology, Management
- Élole Internationale De Montréal
- Elektor International Media Technology, Management, Enterprise
- Enterprise Institutent Meslaging Technology
- Enterprise Information Management Management, Computing, Business & Finance, IT Terminology
- Electrode Impedance Meter
- Eddy Interaction Model Chemistry
- Washington Environmental Informbtion Management Government, Law, Court
- Electronic Inserting Machine
- Enterprise Insight Management
- Environmental Information Management Technology, Management, Geographic, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Electric Indoor Masters
- Enosis Iptamenon Michanikon Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Extergal Interface Manager
- Electronic Information Machine Technology
- Enterprise Incident Management Technology, Security, Software
- El Corporation Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Electrical Installation & Maintenance
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does EIM stand for?
EIM stands for Electrical Interface Module.
What is the shortened form of European Institutetute for The Media?
The short form of "European Institutetute for The Media" is EIM.
EIM. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/eim-meaning/
Last updated