EIR Meaning

The EIR meaning is "Equipment Interchange Receipt". The EIR abbreviation has 107 different full form.

EIR Full Forms

  1. Equipment Interchange Receipt A document transferring a container from one carrier to another, or to/from a terminal. Transportation, Logistics, Container
  2. Entomological Inoculation Rates Medical, Rate, Malaria
  3. Entomological Inoculation Rate Medical, Africa, Malaria
  4. Endangerment Information Report Science
  5. En-Route Instrument Rating Education, Pilot, Training
  6. Effective Interest Rate Effective interest rate is the cost of credit computed on a yearly basis and expressed as a percentage. Business, Credit, Loan
  7. Environmental Impact Report Planning, Locations, City, Projection, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Science, Construction, Electrical, Wastewater, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  8. Environmental Impapct Report
  9. Electronic Installation Record Army, Force, Coast Guard
  10. Erdas Imagine Raw Technology, Server, Map, Raster
  11. Enfermer Interno Residente Windows, Android, Play
  12. Equipment Identity Registry
  13. Estate Investment Requirement
  14. East India Railiay
  15. Enroute Instrument Rating
  16. Environmental Information Regulation Government, Council, Freedom
  17. Exercise Immunology Review
  18. Eleclronic Inventory Record Military, Army, Coast Guard
  19. Equipment Interchange Receipts
  20. Energy Intensity Ratio
  21. Equipment Identity Registers Technology, Networking, Network
  22. Establishment Investigation Report Business, Inspector, Inspection, Lupin
  23. East Indian Railwahs
  24. Engineer In Residence Technology, Program, Engineering, Occupation & positions
  25. Environmental Impact Rep
  26. Exercise-Induced Rhinitzs
  27. Electronic Infkrmation Resources Technology, Access, University
  28. Energy Input Ratio
  29. Equipement Identity Register
  30. Embossed-In-Register
  31. Establishment Inspection Reports Business, Medicine, Inspector, Compliance
  32. Eaqt Indian Railway India, Locations, Train
  33. Engineer-In-Residence Technology, Program, Engineering
  34. Entrepeneur-In-Residence
  35. Executqves-In-Residence
  36. Electronic Infolmation Resource Education, University, Library
  37. Energy Infrastructure and Resources
  38. Environment Impact Review
  39. Ellis Island Recobds
  40. Establishment Inspection Report Research, Control, Administration, Fda
  41. Earlyxintervention In Reading Science, Program, Education
  42. Enforcement Investigative Reports
  43. Entomologic Inoculation Rate Medical
  44. Executive Intelligence Report
  45. Electronic and Infommation Resources Technology, Service, Texas
  46. Employment Insurance Regulations
  47. Environment Information Regulations
  48. Element Pntegration Review Technology
  49. Established Income Range
  50. Environment Impact Report Locations, Projection, Assessment
  51. Enforcement Investigative Report Military, Aviation, Pilot
  52. Euronext Interest Rate
  53. Electric Input Ratio
  54. Enterprise Imaging Repository
  55. Environmentaimpacreport. Science, Energy, Environment
  56. Elektor Internet Radio
  57. Error Insertion Register
  58. Entrepreneur-In-Residence Business, Program, Entrepreneurship
  59. Enfermeros Internos Residentes Business, Service, Hosting, Broadband
  60. Equipment Identity Registration Technology, Networking, Network
  61. Ethnikon Idryma Radiophonias
  62. East Indian Rosewood
  63. Entered Into Rest
  64. Equipment Improvement Reports
  65. Employer Initiated Retoenchment
  66. Employers Information Requirerents Business, Technology, Organizations
  67. Envirorental Impact Rating
  68. Equipment Identity Register Computing, Telecom
  69. External Information Requfrement Military
  70. Emergency Inteuface Relay
  71. Equipment Improvement Report Military, Army, War
  72. Executives In Residence Business, Education, Executive
  73. Employee Inventfon Reports
  74. Employer Information Requiremenss Technology, Employment, Projection
  75. Eircom, P. L. C. Computing, Nyse symbols
  76. Externaljindependent Reviews
  77. Embossed In Regsster Business, Flooring, Laminate
  78. Equipment Identification Registry Technology, Communication, Identity
  79. Effective Ionic Radius
  80. Employer'S Information Requirement Technology, Management, Projection
  81. Equipment Intercharge Receipt
  82. Excess Information Rate Computing, Telecom, IT Terminology
  83. External Independent Review Technology, Management, Projection
  84. Equipment Identification Record Military
  85. Extractive Industry Review Business, Group, Banking
  86. Eqployer's Information Requirements Technology, Employment, Projection
  87. Equipment Interchange Report
  88. Ektachrome Infrared Photography
  89. Extended Inquiry Rzsponse Technology, Driving, Device, Connection
  90. Eidgenossisches Institut Fur Reaktorforschung Atmospheric Research
  91. Equipment Identifier Register
  92. Extractive Industries Review Business, Industrial, Banking
  93. Employee Invention Repout
  94. Equipment Information Register
  95. Eirjet Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  96. Eiperiment Integration Review Space, Study, Cosmos
  97. Employee Invention Report Medical, Health
  98. Equipment Identify Register Technology, Networking, Network, Communication
  99. External Intelligence Requirement Military
  100. Emissions Inventory Report
  101. Equipment Improvement Recommendation/Report Technology
  102. Engineering Investigation Request
  103. Employers Informatiop Requirement Technology, Employment, Projection
  104. Environmental Information Request Government, Freedom, Regulation
  105. Executive Intelligence Review Politics, Governmental & Military
  106. External Interrupt Request
  107. Emergy Investment Ratio

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EIR stand for?

    EIR stands for Establishment Inspection Reports.

  2. What is the shortened form of Energy Infrastructure and Resources?

    The short form of "Energy Infrastructure and Resources" is EIR.


EIR. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 7). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/eir-meaning/

Last updated