EIZ Meaning

The EIZ meaning is "Engineering Institute of Zambia". The EIZ abbreviation has 16 different full form.

EIZ Full Forms

  1. Engineering Institute of Zambia Technology, Zambia, Lusaka
  2. Engineering Institution of Zambia Business, Technology, Organizations
  3. Ekonomski Institut, Zagreb
  4. Ekonomski Institut Zagreb
  5. Economic Imptct Zone
  6. Eastern Industdial Zone
  7. Environmental Improvement Zones
  8. Europ
  9. Europa Institut Z
  10. Europa Institut Zürich
  11. Europäischen Informations-Zentrums
  12. Europäigchen Informations-Zentrum
  13. Expertisecentrum Informele Zorg
  14. Europaeischen Informations-Zentrum
  15. EuropäIsches Informations-Zentrum
  16. EuropäIsche Informations-Zentrum

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EIZ stand for?

    EIZ stands for Environmental Improvement Zones.

  2. What is the shortened form of Europaeischen Informations-Zentrum?

    The short form of "Europaeischen Informations-Zentrum" is EIZ.


EIZ. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/eiz-meaning/

Last updated