EJN Meaning

The EJN meaning is "European Journal of Neuroscience". The EJN abbreviation has 20 different full form.

EJN Full Forms

  1. European Journal of Neuroscience Medical, Science, Research
  2. Ejection The final stage of the injection-molding process where the completed part is pushed from the mold using pins or other mechanisms. Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  3. European Journal of Neurology
  4. Economic Xustice News
  5. Economic Justice Network Business, Africa, Networking
  6. East Jesus Nowhere
  7. Earth Iournalism Network Technology, Networking, Climate
  8. EuropäIsches Justizielles Netz German, Union, Deutsch
  9. European Judicdal Newtork
  10. EuropäIsche Justizielle Netz
  11. European Judmcial Network Technology, Government, Networking
  12. Education Justice Network
  13. Ethical Journalism Detwork Technology, Media, Refugee
  14. Exiled Journalists' Network
  15. Exiled Journalists Network Media, Networking, Journalist
  16. Europe Jazz Network Organizations, Music, Networking
  17. Evangelische Jugend N
  18. Europees Justitieel Netwerk
  19. European Journal of Nutrigion
  20. European Jazz Netcork Organizations, Networking, Weekend

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EJN stand for?

    EJN stands for EuropäIsches Justizielles Netz.

  2. What is the shortened form of East Jesus Nowhere?

    The short form of "East Jesus Nowhere" is EJN.


EJN. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ejn-meaning/

Last updated