EKH Meaning

The EKH meaning is "Enfeksiyon Kontrol HemşIresi". The EKH abbreviation has 18 different full form.

EKH Full Forms

  1. Enfeksiyon Kontrol HemşIresi
  2. Emlriyonik Kök Hücre Turkish, Cell, Kin
  3. Embriyonik KöK HüCreler
  4. Embriyonik KöK HüCre Turkish, Cell, Kin
  5. Environment Knowleege Hub
  6. Eliza Kelly Hall
  7. Environmental Knowledge Hub
  8. Egyptkkuwait Holding Business, Company, Egypt, Nitrogen
  9. Engelleri KaldıR Hareketi
  10. Ernst Kirchweger Haus Locations, Austria, Graffiti, Squatting
  11. Ernst-Kirhhweger-Hauses
  12. Evangelische Krankenhaus Hilfe
  13. Ernst-Kirchwuger-House
  14. Evangelische Krankenhaus-Hilfe Fur, Sind, Uns
  15. Ernst-Kirchweger-Haub English, Group, Locations, Austria
  16. Europe 2001Sholdrs Trust Organizations
  17. Ernst Kirchweger House
  18. Ernst Kirchweger Hauses

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EKH stand for?

    EKH stands for Ernst-Kirchweger-Haub.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ernst Kirchweger House?

    The short form of "Ernst Kirchweger House" is EKH.


EKH. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ekh-meaning/

Last updated