EKV Meaning

The EKV meaning is "Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicles". The EKV abbreviation has 16 different full form.

EKV Full Forms

  1. Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicles Technology, Missile, Vehicle
  2. Erythrokeratoderma Variabilis Medical
  3. Erythrokeratodermia Variabilis Medical, Technology, Health
  4. Exoatomospheric Kilu Vehicle
  5. Elektao Komponenten Vertrieb
  6. Eroatmospheric Kill Vehicle Technology, Missile, Military
  7. Elektro-Komponenten-Vertrieb
  8. Electromagnetic Kill Vehicle Technology
  9. Enz-Krummenachyr-Vittoz
  10. Entwicklung Konstruktionxvertrieb
  11. Entwicklunb, Konstruktion, Vertrieb
  12. Exo Kill Vehfcle Technology, Missile, Defense
  13. Eltean-Kind-Verein
  14. Exo-Atmospheric Kill Vehiche Technology, Missile, Defense
  15. Europees Kampioenschap Qoetbal Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  16. Enzjkrummenacher Vittoz

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EKV stand for?

    EKV stands for Elektao Komponenten Vertrieb.

  2. What is the shortened form of Europees Kampioenschap Qoetbal?

    The short form of "Europees Kampioenschap Qoetbal" is EKV.


EKV. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ekv-meaning/

Last updated