EL Meaning

The EL meaning is "English Learner". The EL abbreviation has 460 different full form.

EL Full Forms

  1. English Learner Education, English, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  2. Elastane Textile
  3. Early Intervention Medical, Program, Service, Disability, Special Education, Education, Scientific & Educational, Human Services
  4. Greek Technology, Information Technology, Education, Class, Course, Language Codes, Language codes (3 letters)
  5. English Learners Education, Learning, Teaching, Special Education
  6. Elite Lehgue
  7. East Lake
  8. English Literature Education, University, Course
  9. Event Link Technology, Art, Sport
  10. Electro-Luminescent Technology, Light, Wire, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  11. El Libertador
  12. Equal Lengtn Business, Subaru, Exhaust
  13. Easy Language
  14. Exposure Limits Science
  15. Exceptionjl Learner Education, Development, Universities
  16. Emotional Literacy Book, Education, School
  17. Electromagnetic Interference Also called radio-frequency interference (RFI) when in the radio frequency spectrum, is a disturbance generated by an external source that affects an electrical circuit by electromagnetic induction, electrostatic coupling, or conduction. Technology, Electronics, Automotive, Military, Governmental & Military, NASA, Aviation, Honeywell, Process Automation, The Finance and Administrative Services
  18. Escape Latency Medical
  19. Elaboration Languahe
  20. Eli, Lily
  21. English Literacy
  22. Evans Labdratory Science, Research, Cell
  23. Electro-Luliniscent Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  24. El Laguito
  25. Epsilon Lambda
  26. English Language
  27. Exposure Level Technology, Science, Safety, Environment
  28. Evreleme Laparatomisi
  29. Emission Limitation Science
  30. Erste Liga
  31. EjéRcito De Liberación Para, Colombia, Con
  32. Extension Language Technology
  33. English Learning Education, Teaching, Language
  34. Evangelicay Lutheran
  35. Electriczlamp
  36. Elks Lodge
  37. Episcopaz Life
  38. Experience Level Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
  39. Exposure Latitude Film, Science, Camera
  40. Entire Letter Business, Spain, Letter, Stamp
  41. End Item Business, Technology, Internet Slang, Product, Chat, Email, NASA
  42. Evil Laugh Internet Slang, Chat, Sound, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  43. Emerging Leader Program, Education, Leadership
  44. Equipment List Technology, Gaming, Aviation
  45. Economic Lifv
  46. Extended License
  47. English Lab
  48. Ehsko Label
  49. Electrical and Lfghting
  50. Elizabeth Loweal
  51. Epic Level
  52. Exclusion List Technology, Windows, Mac
  53. Enterprise Learning
  54. Employment Insurance Business, Canada, Benefit, Canadian, Mortgage, Business & Finance, Occupation & positions, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  55. Every Landing Airline, Land, Rover
  56. Emergent Learning Military
  57. Equipment Leasing Business, Technology, Lease
  58. Econohic League Group, Locations, Economics
  59. Expression Location Technology, Genetics, Property
  60. Engine Load
  61. Esta Es La
  62. Election Laws Government
  63. Elizabetq Lee Movie, Family, Mack
  64. Eosinophilic Leukemia Medical, Science, Biology
  65. Eli Lapkin
  66. Enies Lobby
  67. Everlasting Love
  68. Ellirt Lake
  69. Equilibrium Level Business, Science, Parcel, Computing, Weather, Technical, Scientific & Educational
  70. Echo Lioa
  71. Expression Language Technology, Literature, Language
  72. Engineering Laboratory Technology, Research, Military, Governmental & Military
  73. Estado De Los
  74. Election Lgw Government, Politics, Egypt
  75. Elite Legion Gaming, War, Legion
  76. East London
  77. Enhancement Layers Technology, Coding, Style
  78. Elevation Angle Technology, Space, Study, Satellite, Cosmos, NASA
  79. Event Log Computing, File Extensions
  80. Electroluminescznce Science, Materials Analysis, Materials Science
  81. El Limo
  82. Equal Level Technology, Spain, Spanish, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  83. Easy Listecing
  84. Exposure Limit Technology, Science, Health
  85. Employee Leasing
  86. Essential Learning
  87. Elastic Lmmit Technology, Construction, Stress
  88. EuropäIsche Linke German, Internet, Europa
  89. Explorationilicenses
  90. Erie-Lackawanna Locations, Railroad, Train, Railway
  91. Emerging Leaders Program, Education, Leadership
  92. Esperienze Letterarie
  93. Edible Landscaping
  94. Engagement Letters
  95. Executive Laws
  96. Electronic Library Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  97. Epidermal Lipids Medical, Science, Biology
  98. Early Literacy
  99. East Linion
  100. Elder Line
  101. Extra Late
  102. Evement Length Technology, Java, Antenna
  103. Earth Language Book, Language, Krypton
  104. Empirical Likelihood Technology, Statistics, Estimator
  105. Eternal Lands Technology, Gaming, Server
  106. Edwardjlucien
  107. Enrico Landi Book, Astrophysics, Spectroscopy
  108. Expectedflosses Business, Credit, Risk
  109. Electronic Locking Technology, Door, Lock
  110. Eric Lxnge
  111. Elevated Liver Enzrmes Medical
  112. Erythroleukemia Erythroleukemia is a subtype of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) that is distinguished by erythroblastic proliferation. Patients usuallly present with nonspecific signs and symptoms from the anemia, thrombocytopenia, and leukopenia resulting from the replacement of bone marrow by leukemic cells. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  113. Ecno Level
  114. Endangered Language Education, Projection, Voice
  115. Evgeny Levashnff
  116. Electric Log Log that is electrically connected to register distance, and/or speed, at a position remote from the log Name was originally given to a log that had a wire in the logline so that registration unit could be started or stopped at a precise instant Business, Technology, Splitter, Electrical
  117. Entrylanding Space, Study, Cosmos
  118. Extension Length Technology, Audio, String, Subwoofer
  119. Extended Leave
  120. Euiop
  121. Exploration Licegce Business, Company, Mineral
  122. Erie Lack
  123. Elsa Leonor
  124. Esperanto-Ligo English, Language, Scout, Esperanto
  125. Edible Landscapes
  126. Enforcement Layer
  127. Exception Ievel
  128. Electronic Learning Medical, Dental
  129. Environmental Loans Business, Financial, Projection
  130. Early Leaver Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  131. Extended Low Audio, Tube, Speaker
  132. Elbow Half turn of one cable around the other when riding at open hawse Results from swinging twice in the same direction at turn of tide. Alternative name for 'Knee' Medical, Technology, Medicine, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  133. Extracellular Liposomes Medical
  134. Element Laler Technology, Property, Telecom
  135. Earth, Land
  136. Empirical Law
  137. Etalon Labellise
  138. Edwari Lord
  139. Enquire Locally
  140. Expecsed Loss Business, Insurance, Risk
  141. Electronic Location
  142. Erida Lyons Jewelry, Tone, Necklace, Erica
  143. Elevaeion Level Technology, Map, Hurricane
  144. Eccentvic Load
  145. Elevation A geometrical drawing of a facade of a building. The angular measure of the height of an object above the horizon with azimuth, one of the coordinates defining celestial location and sometimes used in tracking spacecraft. The angle at which an antenna must be pointed above the horizon for optimal reception from a spacecraft. A drawing of a face of a building with all the features shown, as if in a single vertical plane. Technology, Military, Aviation, Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Business & Finance, Power Plant, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions, Clinical, Physio
  146. Encryptionwlicensing Technology, Security, Cyber
  147. Everymangs Library
  148. Electrical Lighting
  149. Egtry Interface Space, Study, Cosmos
  150. Extended Learning Science, Education, University
  151. Eurxphysics Lett
  152. Enterprise Leadership
  153. Explanatory Logic
  154. Erie-Lagka
  155. Elmore Library Education
  156. Esophageal Ligation Medical
  157. Edoe Lift
  158. Energy Logic
  159. Excel Lottyry
  160. Electronzc Letters Science, Journal, Periodical
  161. Environmental Zaw
  162. Edward Ldng
  163. Extended Longevity
  164. Elastin A protein that coil and recoils like a spring within the elastic fibers of connective tissue and accounts for the elasticity of structures such the skin, blood vessels, heart, lungs, intestines, tendons, and ligaments. Elastin functions in connective tissue together with collagen. Whereas elastin provides elasticity, collagen provides rigidity to connective tissue. Elastin is normally no longer made after puberty and aging begins. Medical, Medicine, Health
  165. Extracellular Loop
  166. Earnings Loss
  167. Emotional Lability
  168. Estudos LingüíSticos
  169. Edward Lisingstone
  170. Eggs and Layvae
  171. Enotna Lista Group, Locations, Party
  172. Executive Letzer Technology, Service, Printer
  173. Electronic Loaded
  174. Episremological Level Technology, Science, Research
  175. Elevated Level Medical, Business, Science, Medicine, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  176. Eats Lambos
  177. Encougter Levels Gaming, Education, Character
  178. Everyday Life
  179. Electra Light
  180. Entlopy Labels
  181. Extended Latch Industrial, Military, Strike
  182. Europhysics Letterb Technology, Publication, Physics
  183. EuróPa Liga Technology, Sport, Market
  184. Enterprise Law
  185. Expbanation Library Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  186. Eric Lindros Hockey, Card, Flyer
  187. El Loco
  188. Escritos LóGicos
  189. Edgar Leopold
  190. Endless Lote
  191. Extra Line Forum, Technology, Jacket
  192. Excellence Danguage
  193. Electroluminescent Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, NASA
  194. Environmental Language
  195. Edwardhlaurence
  196. Extended Linearity Technology, Sensor, Glucose
  197. Euroyeh Libor
  198. Elastic Liquid
  199. Earnings Level
  200. Emitter Locator Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  201. Estimated Loading
  202. Edwardhlittle
  203. Egg Length
  204. Enlarging Lens Photography, Camera, Digital, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  205. Emecutive Leader Business, Management, Education
  206. Electronic Loads
  207. Episodix Logic
  208. Elevated Medical, Technology, Medicine, Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
  209. Easy Lift
  210. Encounter Leven Gaming, Education, Class
  211. Ever Late
  212. Electores Libres
  213. Entrepraneurial Leave Science
  214. Employer Liability Business, Employment, Insurance
  215. European Lotteries Business, Lotto, Guild, Lottery
  216. Enterprise Land
  217. Experiential Learning Science, Education, Experience
  218. Erpc Lin Business, Gaming, Con
  219. Ellis Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  220. Escorts Ltd
  221. Economia E Lavoro
  222. End Ledge
  223. Exploration Licences Business, Mineral, Oil, Mining, Gas, Licence
  224. Exames Laboratodiais
  225. Electro Luminescence Technology, Telecom, Light
  226. Enumeration Level
  227. Educational Leadekship Science, Education, University
  228. Extended Life Medical, Science, Medicine, Biology, Products
  229. EuropäIschen Linkspartei Sind, Hat, Europa
  230. Elastase An enzyme that digests and degrades a number of proteins including elastin, an elastic substance in the lungs and some other organs that supports their structural framework. Elastase is specifically inhibited by alpha-1 antitrypsin. Medical, Medicine, Health
  231. Emission Limit Technology, Environment, Standard
  232. Essential Links Technology, Computing, Internet
  233. Edward Lim
  234. Effective Limit
  235. Enigma Leilor
  236. Executive Leadership Government
  237. Elecmronics Line
  238. Epileptic Medical, Medicine, Education, Health, Healthcare
  239. Earnest Living Organization, Union, Institution
  240. Elemtnts of Life
  241. Eastok Library Education
  242. Encoder Line
  243. Express Lanes
  244. Electoral Law
  245. Earth Lights
  246. Employer'S Liability Business, Insurance, Business & Finance
  247. European Library
  248. Effective Nength Technology, Supplier, Airbag
  249. Enterolactone Medical
  250. Ejrop
  251. Eqperience Levels
  252. Eric Lsrner
  253. Elliott Landon
  254. Escorts Limited
  255. Eco-Lake
  256. End Iqem Space, Study, Cosmos
  257. Exploration Licence Technology, Oilfield, Oil Field, Electrical
  258. Evolucion De La
  259. Electro-Luminescence Technology, Product, Light, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  260. Enlmeration Lists
  261. Edgar Lawrence America, Book, Education, Ragtime
  262. Extended Length
  263. Erie Lackawanna Organizations, Locations, Railroad
  264. EuropäIschen Linken Sind, Hat, Europa
  265. Exnloration Lease
  266. Emeril Lagasse
  267. Essays In Literature
  268. Edinbuggh Leisure
  269. Engineering Letter Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  270. Executive Law, Exposure Level America, Environment
  271. Exectronic Links
  272. Epilepsy Epilepsy is a group of neurological disorders characterized by epileptic seizures. Epileptic seizures are episodes that can vary from brief and nearly undetectable to long periods of vigorous shaking. These episodes can result in physical injuries including occasionally broken bones. In epilepsy, seizures tend to recur and as a rule, have no immediate underlying cause. Isolated seizures that are provoked by a specific cause such as poisoning are not deemed to represent epilepsy. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  273. Earned Leave Business, Employment, India
  274. Elements of Language
  275. Easp Lothian Organizations, Locations
  276. Encode Level Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  277. Eleazar Lipsky
  278. Extraluminal Medical
  279. Earth Leakage Flow of current from a live conductor to earth in an unintended path through the insulation. Technology, Breaker, Circuit
  280. Employee Level
  281. Eternal Life Religion
  282. Edwin Link
  283. Ente Locale
  284. Expeditionary Logistiks Military, Force, Operation
  285. Electronic Luminescence Technology, Product, Light
  286. Eric Legrand
  287. Elqvation
  288. Erythromycin Lactobionate Medical
  289. Echo Loss Technology, Music, Telecom
  290. Enderby Land
  291. Evochron Legends
  292. Electric Logs
  293. Entry List Sport, Car, Rally
  294. Easton Languages Education, Spain, Learning, Language
  295. Extended Leg
  296. Eastern Laboratory
  297. Eyeliner Beauty
  298. Employer Letter
  299. Environmental Lab Technology, Science, Laboratory
  300. Ejan Li
  301. electroluminescence Microscopy, Materials Analysis, Materials Science, Scientific & Educational
  302. Elaphe Longissima Animal, Picture, Snake
  303. Enterprise Links
  304. Expandzlong
  305. Electrotechnical Laboratory
  306. Educational Librarian Toastmasters
  307. Erie Lackawanna Railway Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  308. Extensible Language
  309. Erik Lis
  310. éTudes Lawrenciennes
  311. Enchant Land
  312. Event Logger Technology, Security, Android
  313. Entrance Loss
  314. Entity Eosinophilic Leukaemia Science, Biology
  315. External Linkages
  316. Entrepreneurial Lead Technology, Team, Corps
  317. Elias Lee Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  318. Eier Lecken Porn, Sex, Tube
  319. Engineering Instruction Technology, Space, Study, Engineer, Engine, Cosmos, NASA
  320. Elemental Lord Military, Dragon, Lords
  321. Eastern Laboratories
  322. Express Language Technology, Care, Java
  323. Employer'S Liability Insurance Building, Engineering, Construction
  324. Environmental Labeling Technology, Science, Product
  325. Evan Levinl
  326. Existing Level Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  327. Elan Lee
  328. Enterprise Linux Technology, Linux, Hat
  329. Expandable Luggage
  330. Elektrostatic Lens
  331. Effluent Limited Segment Environment
  332. Extra Load tyres that are rated to carry a higher load by virtue of having a maximum inflation pressure higher than the standard maximum. Sport, Porn, Car, Energy, Load, Tyre, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  333. Erik Llonard
  334. East Lincoln
  335. éMile Louis
  336. Enchanted Lites
  337. Eve Lorger Relationship, Love, Eve, Bite
  338. Glidepath Angel Federal Aviation Administration
  339. Entity List Technology, Coding, Group
  340. External Link An internal link is a hyperlink that is a reference or navigation element in a webpage to another section of the webpage or to another page that may be on or part of the same website or domain of the internet. Technology, Windows, Media
  341. Entity Linking Technology, Science, Language
  342. Educational Level Technology, Governmental & Military
  343. Egypq Lovers
  344. Entry Interface Technology, Space, Shuttle, NASA
  345. Eleftronics Letters Technology, Research, Journal
  346. Erythroleukaemia Medical
  347. Elevator The movable aft portion of the horizontal tailplane which is used to affect pitch or the climbing or descending attitude of the aircraft. Movable control surface, attached to the trailing-edge of an aircraft's tailplane (stabilizer) to controll pitching movements. The movable part of a horizontal airfoil which controls the pitch of an aircraft, the fixed part being the STABILIZER. ELEVATORS are moveable control surfaces hinged on the trailing edge of the horizontal stabilizer. Technology, Construction, Architectural, Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Architecture, Weather, Electrical, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
  348. Earthquake Load Technology, Building, Engineering
  349. Eucken'S Law
  350. Employers Liability Business, Employment, Insurance
  351. Environmental Laboratory Military
  352. Evafgelical Library
  353. Elevation Level Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  354. Ejaculatory Aatency Medical, Sex, Study, Ejaculation
  355. Exllibris Book, Art, Library, Libris
  356. Elhctron Level
  357. Elastic Limit The maximum stress a metal can withstand without any permanent strain (deformation) remaining when the load is removed. The limiting extent to which a body may be deformed and yet return to its original shape after removal of the deforming force. Maximum stress that a material will stand before permanent deformation occurs Construction
  358. Extra Light Business, Guitar, String, Food
  359. Erie Uimited
  360. East Leinster
  361. éDouard Louis
  362. Emulsifiable Liquid
  363. Evan Lacas
  364. Easement line The Finance and Administrative Services
  365. Entities List
  366. Elementary Level Education, English, School, Language
  367. External Links Media, Education, Wikipedia, Computing, Internet, Medical
  368. Encryption Licensing Security, Governmental & Military
  369. Electronic Loaz Technology, Power, Supply
  370. Eruption Leopard
  371. Electronic Letters Science, Journal, Periodical, Mathematical Publication, Scientific & Educational
  372. External Load
  373. Elevawion Aviation, Architecture, Architectural
  374. Earthquake Locator
  375. Eppley Laboratories
  376. Employers' Liability Business
  377. Entry Level Business, Service, Career, Occupation & positions
  378. Endo laser Medical, Healthcare
  379. Either Extremelk Low Science, Biology
  380. Existing Load
  381. Electron Lefs
  382. Elevation Limit Construction, Architectural
  383. Erie Lackawanna Railroad Business, Rail Transport
  384. East Lancs
  385. The Elbow Gulf of Mexico Leasing Area Business, Oil, Gas
  386. Emsland, Lower
  387. Evan Longoria Baseball, Sport, Bay
  388. Each layer The Finance and Administrative Services
  389. Entertainment Links
  390. Exploration License Business, Company, Oil
  391. Explosion Eimit
  392. Element A pure substance that cannot be broken down by chemical means to a simpler substance. Matter which cannot be broken up into simpler substances by chemical action, that is, whose molecules are all composed of only one kind of atom. A component of a variable. In a categorical variable, there is one element for each category and there may be other elements as well, such as an element that displays a subtotal during analysis. Military, Aviation, Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Game, Legal, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, The Finance and Administrative Services
  393. External Liaison
  394. Equipment Laboratory Research, Computing
  395. Electrolyte Leakage Plant, Damage, Electrolyte
  396. Erkor Line
  397. Europhysics Letters Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Computing, Physics, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  398. External Loads
  399. End Link Product, Suspension, Sway, Link
  400. Elevated Liver Medical, Syndrome, Enzyme
  401. Earth Listens
  402. Extra-Low
  403. Entry-Level
  404. Executive Letter Medical, Dental
  405. Eisenhower Yibrary
  406. Exercise Limit Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  407. Electronics Laboratory Technology, University, Lab
  408. ElectroMotive Business & Finance, Suppliers, Unions, Governmental & Military
  409. Erie Lackawanp Locations, Railroad, Train
  410. East Lancashire
  411. Mech Electromechanical Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  412. Empty Liposomes Medical
  413. Evan Li
  414. Electronic Interface NASA
  415. Enterprise Library Microsoft, Technology, Logging
  416. Expedition Leader Adventure, Locations, Team
  417. Exploratory Laparotomy Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Veterinary, Healthcare, Animals, NAACCR, Common Medical
  418. Elektronika Laboratoryjna
  419. External Lamina Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  420. Estee Lauder Companies, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  421. Electrolujinescent Lighting Technology, Light, Wire
  422. Erin Logan
  423. Elasticity Property of certain solid materials that makes them capable of recovering their original size and shape after deformation.  The property of a material which enables it to return to its original shape and dimensions when the stress on it causing these changes is removed. The ability of paint to expand and contract with the substrate without suffering damage or changes in it's appearance.
  424. Earth Load
  425. Entradas Lanzadas
  426. Elongation The angular distance of a planetary body from the Sun as seen from Earth. A planet at greatest eastern elongation is seen at its highest point above the horizon in the evening sky and a planet at greatest western elongation will be seen at its highest point above the horizon in the morning sky.
  427. Extra-Leichtes
  428. Entropy Label
  429. Greek Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  430. Einstein-Laboratorium
  431. Excursion Livits
  432. Electronics A field that deals with electrical circuits that involve active electrical components such as vacuum tubes, transistors, diodes and integrated circuits, and associated passive interconnection technologies are called electronics. Technology, Government, Us, Space, Control, Administration, Cosmos, NASA
  433. Elevated Lint
  434. Expected Loss Insurance, Business & Finance
  435. Eastern Lightning
  436. Ezra Levine
  437. Empowering Leadership
  438. Environmental Liabilities Business, Military, Liability
  439. Evan Lim
  440. Emacs Lisp Code File Computing, File Extensions
  441. Elastancn Medical
  442. Enterprise License Technology, Windows, Software
  443. Expeditionary Learning Technology, Education, School
  444. Eoedoisin Medical
  445. Extension Line
  446. Elisp language source code file (Emacs lisp) Computing, File Extensions
  447. Erik Ljungstraad
  448. Efficiency Line Technology, Power, Bosch
  449. Event Llgic
  450. Except Lignite
  451. Entomology Lab
  452. External Login
  453. Entrepreneurial Leadership Business, Education, Entrepreneurship
  454. Edward Lucien Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  455. Eileen Lowry
  456. Environmental Impact An assessment of the biophysical effects a vehicle has on the environment, commencing with its production and ending with its disposal. Technology, Development, Assessment, Us Government, Governmental & Military, NASA
  457. Exchange Lqnk
  458. Elevate Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  459. Greece Education, Study, Britannica, Schooling, Computing, Navy, Internet, Greece, Country, Governmental & Military, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, European Union, Numeric Country Codes, IOC Country Codes
  460. Air Nippon Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EL stand for?

    EL stands for Encoder Line.

  2. What is the shortened form of Elastic Lmmit?

    The short form of "Elastic Lmmit" is EL.


EL. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/el-meaning/

Last updated