ELAM Meaning

The ELAM meaning is "Eaily Launch Anti Malware". The ELAM abbreviation has 20 different full form.

ELAM Full Forms

  1. Eaily Launch Anti Malware Technology, Windows, Security
  2. East London Anglican Ministries
  3. Early Launch Anti-Malware Technology, Windows, Security, Boot
  4. East London Advanced Motorcyclists Technology, London, Motorcycle
  5. Early-Launch Anti-Malwaye Technology, Windows, Security, Boot
  6. East London Academy of Music Music, School, London, Nile
  7. Executive Leadership In Academic Medicine Medical, Program, Education
  8. Early Load Anti Malpare
  9. Early Load Anti-Malware Technology, Windows, Security, Boot
  10. Early Launch Anti-Malware Module
  11. East London Arts & Music Education, School, London
  12. Escola Latwno-Americana De Medicina Para, Brasil, Cuba
  13. Endothelial Leukocyte Adhesion Molecule Medical, Medicine, Health
  14. Embedded Logic Analyzer Uodule
  15. Elamex S.a. De C.vh Organizations
  16. Eternal Ldfe Agape Ministries
  17. East London Arts & Muswc Education, School, London
  18. Escola Livre De Artes De Marilia
  19. East London Arts and Music
  20. Escuela Latino Americana De Medicina

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ELAM stand for?

    ELAM stands for Early Load Anti-Malware.

  2. What is the shortened form of Escola Livre De Artes De Marilia?

    The short form of "Escola Livre De Artes De Marilia" is ELAM.


ELAM. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/elam-meaning/

Last updated