ELC Meaning
The ELC meaning is "Early Learning Center". The ELC abbreviation has 111 different full form.
ELC Full Forms
- Early Learning Center Education, Coding, Toy
- Electronic Light Control Technology, Security, Camera
- Early Learning Centre Business, Coding, Toy
- Electronic Level Control Technology, Auto, Automobile
- Elcho Island Airport Elcho Island, Northern Territory,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
- Education Law Center Education, School, Pennsylvania
- Economic Land Concessions Government, Forest, Cambodia, Cambodian
- Early Learners' Centre
- Electronic Leveling Control
- East London College
- Electrical Loss Component
- End-Of-Life Care Medical, Science, Medicine, Education
- Electronic Lock-Up Clutch
- Eaton Logic Controllers Technology, Control, Programming
- Elk Fest Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Early Learning Centres
- Efficient Language Coaching Business, English, Client
- East Linn Christ
- Electrical Load Controller Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Encontro De Ling
- Early Learning Challenge Technology, Race, Grant
- Electronic Load Controllers Technology, Power, Hydro
- Eaton Logic Controller Technology, Hammer, Cutler
- Elizabeth Learning Center County, Education, California
- Early Learning Centers Education, Coding, Learning, Children, Toy
- Educational Leadership Consultants College, Leadership, Alpha, Theta
- East Lancashire Coachbuilders Technology, Group, Model
- Electrical Load Center
- Encontro De LingüíStica De Corpus
- Early Learning Campus
- Electronic Load Controller Technology, Power, Hydro
- Eat Local Challenge
- End of Line Count
- Elite Light Crusaders
- Early Learning Coalitions
- Educational Leadership Consultant University, Leadership, Alpha, Theta
- Eastern Luzon College
- Elchfest Technology
- Encapsulated Liquid Crystals
- Early Learning Company
- Electronic Linkage Control Technology, Ferguson, Challenger
- Easy Locking Connector
- End of Line Code Science, Information, Geography, Geographic
- Elite Leather Creations
- Early Learning Coalition Technology, County, Florida
- Educational Leadership and Cultural Science, Education, School
- Elba Liquefaction Company
- Empowered Learning Center
- Early Learning Communities Technology, Community, Family
- Electronic Literature Collection Book, Education, Volume
- Eastside Leadership Center
- Electric City Corp. Organizations
- End of Life Choices
- Electronic Local Content
- Embedded Linking and Control Technology, Computer, Electronics
- Educational Leadership & Change
- Employment Law Conference
- Early Learning Community Education, School, Children
- Elaeocarpaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
- Electronic Library Computer Technology, Aviation
- East Lothian Council Business, School, Scotland
- Electric City Corporation Technology, Organizations, Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- End of Life Care
- Electronic Locked Clutch
- Eligibility In The Local Context Government, Education, Admission, Science, Scientific & Educational
- Educational Leadership and Change
- Emacs Lisp Compiled Technology, String, Expression, Operator
- Early Learning Council Technology, Program, Education
- Egyptian Labour Corps Military, Army, India
- Engineering Learning Center Technology, Education, University
- Early Learning & Childcare Education, School, Scotland
- Embedded Linux Consortium General, Governmental & Military
- Electrochemical Pertaining to chemical reactions induced by an electric current, such as electrolysis or electroplating. Describes any effect concerned with the electrical properties of solutions and the ions in solutions. OR cell a device that uses a chemical reaction to produce an electric current.
- Enforce Legal Characters Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Earth Law Center Environment, Earth, Nature
- Emacs Compiled Lisp File Computing, File Extensions
- Electronic Learning Credits Development, Learning, Study
- Engineering and Logistics Centre
- Esperanto League of Cyberspace Computing, Internet
- Electric Light Control
- Energetic Learning Campus Student, Education, School
- Early Learning Coordinator Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Environmental Learning Center Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Electronic Learning Center Education, School, Tennessee
- Engineering and Logistics Center Military
- Emacs Lisp Compiled ELISP code Computing, File Extensions
- Electric Leet Crash
- Early Learning and Childcare Education, Learning, Scottish
- Elcho Island, Northern Territory, Australia Airport codes, Australia
- Electronic Learning Community Technology, Research, Education, Learning
- Engineering Logistics Center Technology, Military, Coast
- CIC Energy Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Electric City Corporationration Organizations
- Early Learning and Care Program, Education, Child
- Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Electronic Learning Communities Technology, Education, Community
- Engineering & Logistics Center Technology, Projection, Cargo
- Eastern Light Capital Business, Supply, Stock
- Employee Learning Centre Management, Business & Finance
- Early Learning Collaborative
- Environmental Law Centre Technology, Governmental & Military
- Electronic Law Consultancy
- Engineering & Logistics Centre Technology, Coast, Guard
- Eastern Leadership Centre Education, School, Training
- Engineering Logistics Center Or Elected Leader‘S Course Army, Force, Coast Guard
- Early Learning Composite
- Earth Limb Clutter NASA, Governmental & Military
- Electrochemistry Study of chemical changes produced by electrical current and the production of electricity by chemical reactions.
- Enforcement of Lawyer Conduct
- Eastern Laguna Colleges
- Educational Leadership Conference Education
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ELC stand for?
ELC stands for Early Learning Centre.
What is the shortened form of Early Learning Coalitions?
The short form of "Early Learning Coalitions" is ELC.
ELC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/elc-meaning/
Last updated