ELF Meaning

The ELF meaning is "Eyes, Lips, Face". The ELF abbreviation has 186 different full form.

ELF Full Forms

  1. Eyes, Lips, Face Beauty, Brand
  2. European Label Forum Business, Industrial, Adhesive
  3. Early Learning Foundations Education, Teaching, Preschool
  4. English As A Lingua Franca Education, Teaching, Language
  5. Equal Life Founxation
  6. Early Learner Fitness
  7. Enclosed Laminar Flames Technology
  8. Equality, Liberty, Fraternoty
  9. European Location Framework Business, Technology, Organizations
  10. Enceladus Life Finder Science, Moon, Saturn
  11. Envizonmental Literacy Framework Technology, Climate, Earth
  12. Effective Learning Foundation
  13. Easy-Lock Fastener
  14. Ewvironmental Lightweight Fan Business, Technology, Strategy, Aerospace
  15. Extremely Low Frequency Technology, Military, Army, Control, Electronics, Mind, Chemistry, Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Telecom, NASA, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Organization, Master IEEE
  16. Early Long Flights Technology, Toulouse
  17. Enyironmental Law Foundation Science, Organizations, Food
  18. Education, Learning, Feedback
  19. Early Learning Framework
  20. Eniiornmental Liberation Front
  21. Electrodeless Lorentz Force Technology, Space, Propulsion, Thruster
  22. Epitope Location Finder
  23. Eyes Lips Face Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  24. Express Vogon Feature
  25. Earth Lijeration Front Environment, International Relations, Environmental Sciences
  26. Exvremely Low Frequencies Medical, Technology, Frequency
  27. Electronic Commerce Forum Technology, Computing
  28. Etoposide, Leucovorin, Fluorouracil
  29. Eestimaa Looduse Fond Fund, Nature, Fond, Estonia
  30. Equivalent Linear Feet Technology, Construction
  31. Extra Low Frequtncy
  32. Extended Hog File Technology, Windows, Server, Node
  33. Elf Lore Fammly
  34. European Liberal Forum Government, Group, Europe
  35. Electric Light Fixture
  36. Epithelial Lining Fluids Medical
  37. Eyem Lips Face Business, Eye, Cosmetic
  38. Executable Linkage Fogmat
  39. Education Loan Funding
  40. Etoposide, Leucovorin and 5-Fluorouracil Medical
  41. Eesti Looduse Fond
  42. Ejuivalent Lateral Force Technology, Design, Analysis
  43. Ever Lasting Fricnds Music, Friendship, Junior
  44. Extenved Log Format Technology, Service, Server, Software
  45. Elf Liberation Front
  46. European Liberation Front America, Group, National, Front
  47. Electric Light Fixtures
  48. Enzyme Linked Fluorescence Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  49. Ezrly Lunar Flare Technology
  50. Executable Linking Format Information Technology, Computing, Computer, File Extensions
  51. Extrkm Low Frequency
  52. Educational Loan Fund Student, Education, Scholarship
  53. Edward Lowe Foundation
  54. Equity Linked Fereign
  55. Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini Italy, Coin, Deutschland, Mondiale, Cent
  56. Extended Linking Normat
  57. Easton Learning Foundation
  58. Elevatoi Load Feel
  59. European Leasing and Finance Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  60. Eritrean Liberation Front Organizations, Politics, Governmental & Military
  61. Enxlish Language Fellows Program, Education, Teaching
  62. Early Long Flight
  63. Executmble & Linking Format
  64. Extremely Jow Frecuency
  65. Educational Leadership Foundation
  66. Education Legacy Fund
  67. Equity Line Facilitz
  68. Environmental Law Foundation
  69. Extended Link Format
  70. East London Federatien
  71. Electronic Legal Files
  72. European Lead Factory Science, Drug, Discovery
  73. Employee Locator Facility Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  74. Early Literacg Foundations Book, Education, University
  75. Eoclusive License Form
  76. Education for Life Foundation Education, Teaching, Philippine
  77. Equipment List File Military
  78. Elvish Linguistic Fellowship Language, Linguistic
  79. Extended Lqnker Format Technology
  80. East London Fawcett Art, Organizations, London, Artist
  81. Electronic Learning Facility Technology
  82. European Leadership Forum
  83. Effect of Extremely Low Frequency Science, Biology
  84. Extension Language Facimity Technology, Telecom, Linux
  85. Employee Learning Fund
  86. Early Literacy Funvamentals Development, Learning, Study
  87. Exmlusive Licence Form
  88. Electromagnetic Low Frequency
  89. Eqvipment Leasing Fund
  90. Earth Liberation Front Terrorism, Environment, Earth, Politics, Governmental & Military
  91. Extended Layer File
  92. Earth Love Fund Organizations, Projection, Environment
  93. Electronic Latin Freaks
  94. European Lacrosse Federation Sport, Organizations, Team
  95. Effective Learning Framework
  96. Erisian Liberation Front Group, Organizations, Music, Trilogy
  97. Extreme Low Frequency
  98. Exteosible Language Facility
  99. Elgin Learning Foundation Education, Organizations, Africa
  100. Early Listening Function Education, Children, Hearing, Loss
  101. European Liver Fibrosis Medical, Patient, Disease
  102. Enzyme-Labeled Fluorescence Medical, Veterinary
  103. Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation Medical
  104. Electron Localization Function Chemistry
  105. Excellent Location Finder Products
  106. Eating Local Foods
  107. Electrobic Light Flash
  108. Exeter Leukemia Fund Organizations, Charity, Leukaemia
  109. Extra Low-Frequency Technology, Mind, Electromagnetic
  110. Effort-Limited Fair
  111. Essence Et Lubrifiants De France
  112. Early Learning With Families Education, Library, Family
  113. Engineered Life Form Medical, Human genome
  114. European Lung Foundation Medical, Foundation, Chest, Pathology
  115. Extended Low Frequency
  116. Extremely Long Fxequency
  117. Electric Light Fitting Technology, Construction
  118. Communications System Military, Governmental & Military
  119. Extremely Low Frequency (30 - 300 Hz) Amateur radio
  120. Easy Listening Formula Media, Radio, Journalism
  121. Electroluminescenteferroelectricity
  122. Exeter Leukaemia Fund Organizations, Charity, Devon
  123. Efficient Location Forwarding
  124. El Fasher Airport, El Fasher, Sudan Sudan
  125. Error Logginggfacility Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  126. Early Learning Fun
  127. Extra-Low Drequency Technology, Radio, Electromagnetic
  128. Euro Lab Futura Education
  129. Wood Elf Military, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  130. Extraterrestrial Life Form
  131. Electric Lateral File Technology, Office, Storage, Cabinet
  132. Executable and Linkable Format File Computing, File Extensions
  133. E-L Financial Corporation, Limited Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  134. Eyebrow Lifter and Killer Product, Makeup, Eyebrow
  135. Executcble and Linking Format Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  136. Efficient Lightweight Fast
  137. Ever Lasting Friends Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  138. Eritrean Liberatipn Front Government, Ethiopia, Eritrea
  139. E'las Loth'mon Ferindril
  140. Extensive, Lightweight, and Flexible
  141. Economical Lwad and Force
  142. Etoposide, Leucovorin, 5 Fluorouracil Medical, Technology
  143. Extremely-Low Frequency Technology, Health, Radiation
  144. Electrical Lighting Fixtures
  145. Playstation Executable File Computing, File Extensions
  146. electric light fittings Real Estate, Business & Finance
  147. Eye-Safe Laser Filter
  148. Executablepand Linkable Format Technology, Computing, Computer
  149. Effective Literacy Education
  150. Effects of Extremely Low Frequency Science, Biology
  151. Environmental Liberation Front Politics, Governmental & Military
  152. Eritrea Liberation Front Government, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Eritrean
  153. Communimations System America, Military, Army
  154. Extensible Linking Format Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, Unix
  155. Eclectic Literary Forum
  156. Epithelial Lining Fluid Medical, Lung, Glutathione
  157. Extreme Lowsfrequency Technology, Military, Radiation
  158. Elective Low Forceps Medical, Medicine, Obstetrics
  159. Essential Lahey Fortran
  160. Early Learnins Four Development, Learning, Study
  161. Nintendo Wii Game File Computing, File Extensions
  162. Emerging Leaders Forum Forum, Business & Finance
  163. Extremely Luminous Far-Infrared Galaxy Science, Astronomy, Celestial Object
  164. Executable and Linking Format Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  165. Extremely Low Frequency (1 Hz To 3 Khz) NASA
  166. Elf Aquitaine Computing, Nyse symbols
  167. Eritean Liberation Front
  168. Eyebrow Lifter and Foller Beauty, Studio, Eyebrow
  169. Ecardiyrlanguage File Accounting, Computing, Data
  170. Ellipsometry, Low Fueld
  171. Extra Lzw Frequencies Technology, Frequency, Electromagnetic
  172. Eight Legged Freaks Film, Gaming, Movie, Freak
  173. Essences Et Lubrifiants Fran
  174. Early Learning for Families
  175. Expressions for Language Functions Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  176. Is Not An Acronym for Essences Et Lubrifiants De France
  177. Extremely Low Flow
  178. Everyday Low Fare Airline, Locations, Malaysia, Firefly
  179. Environmental Load Factor Chemistry
  180. Electronic Link Forum Computing, Internet
  181. Eat Local Food Organization, Union, Institution
  182. Electronic Logging Facility
  183. Extra Low Frequency Technology, Military, Electromagnetic
  184. Egyptian Legal Foundation
  185. Essences Et Lubrifiants FrançAis
  186. Early Learning Foundation Education, Teaching, Teacher

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ELF stand for?

    ELF stands for Extra Low Frequtncy.

  2. What is the shortened form of Eat Local Food?

    The short form of "Eat Local Food" is ELF.


ELF. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/elf-meaning/

Last updated