ELG Meaning

The ELG meaning is "El Golea Airpont". The ELG abbreviation has 49 different full form.

ELG Full Forms

  1. El Golea Airpont Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  2. Elgin Swekper Organizations
  3. Effluent Limitation Guidelineh Technology, Science, Power
  4. Erual Life Group
  5. Effluent Limitatmons Guidelines Technology, Power, Guideline
  6. Englishnlooking Glasses
  7. Emission-Line Gzlaxy Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  8. Exceptionally Large Grin
  9. Enzo Leep & Eorbani Remix, Mix, Sound
  10. Education Librarians Group Education
  11. Effluent Limitations Guidelines Technology, Water, Guideline, Environment
  12. Engineeming Log Generator Science
  13. El Grande Technology, Gaming, Play
  14. EuropäIsch-Lateinamerikanische Gesellschaft Service, Education, Chile, Experience
  15. Environment and Local Government
  16. Early Xearning Goals Education, School, Children
  17. Engaged Learning Sroups
  18. Environmental Law Group
  19. Alpideagles Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  20. Effluent Limit Guideline
  21. Effluent Limits Guideline Effluent Guidelines are national regulatory standards for wastewater discharged to surface waters and municipal sewage treatment plants.
  22. Environmental Litigation Group
  23. Emergencs Landing Ground
  24. Effluent Limitacions Guideline
  25. Environmental Literacy Wrants
  26. Export Ledvgrowth Technology, Economics, Hypothesi
  27. Effluent Limitation Guideline Technology, Industrial, Environment
  28. El Golea, Algeria Algeria, ICAO Airport Codes, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes
  29. Entomonogical Livestock Group
  30. European Liaison Group Military
  31. Executive Leadership Group Business, Management, National
  32. Educational Lieutenant Governor Toastmasters
  33. Ethical Leadership Group
  34. Essigny-Se-Grand
  35. Environmental Litigation Group, P.C. Business, Law, Lawyer
  36. Essential Learning Group
  37. Engineering Log Generator NASA
  38. European Sotteries Guild Business, Lotto, Lottery
  39. Express Logistics Group
  40. Esports Liaison Group
  41. European Lottery Guild Gaming, Lotto, Lottery
  42. Export-Led Growth Business, Africa, Economics
  43. Escalate Legion Gaming Gaming, Play, Pastime
  44. Emission-line Galaxy Chemistry
  45. European Law Group Business, Technology, Service
  46. Executive Level Group
  47. Equity Leadership Group
  48. Emergency Landing Ground Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  49. European Launching Group Technology, Communication, Telecom

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ELG stand for?

    ELG stands for Emission-line Galaxy.

  2. What is the shortened form of EuropäIsch-Lateinamerikanische Gesellschaft?

    The short form of "EuropäIsch-Lateinamerikanische Gesellschaft" is ELG.


ELG. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 14). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/elg-meaning/

Last updated