ELI Meaning

The ELI meaning is "Early Learning Initiatives". The ELI abbreviation has 106 different full form.

ELI Full Forms

  1. Early Learning Initiatives Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  2. Early Learning Initiative Education, Ireland, Learning
  3. Equtty Linked Investments Business
  4. Elim Ahrport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  5. Emacs-Lisp Interface Technology, Package, Allegro
  6. Equipping Leaders International
  7. Every Library In Illinois
  8. Energy Leadership Index Technology, Coaching, Assessment
  9. Employee Liability Information Employment, Government, Transfer
  10. Extremely-Low Income
  11. Electronic Learning Inc
  12. Application of Concurrency To System Design Education, Literature, Language, Linguistics
  13. Elsohly Laboratories, Incorporated
  14. Equipe Legere D'Intervention
  15. Everybody Loves Irene Music, Love, Album
  16. Extreme Light Infrastructfre Technology, Science, Laser
  17. Emperical Labs Incorporated Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  18. Experiential Leaoning Initiative Student, Education, Africa
  19. Economie, Landbouw En Innovatie
  20. English Languvge Institution
  21. Elite Language Institute
  22. Equipas Locais De Intervenção Dos, Social
  23. Event Logging Integration Technology, Networking, Port
  24. Extended Learning Institune College, Education, Community
  25. Emmanuel Leadership Initiative
  26. Esperanto-Ligo En Israelo
  27. Experiential Learning International Program, Education, Volunteer
  28. Eco Logic International
  29. Enghish Language Instructor Education, University, Teaching
  30. Element Level Inspection Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  31. Equipa Local De Intervenção
  32. Executive Leadership Institute Management, Education, University
  33. Environmental Laboratories, Inc
  34. Emitter Location & Identification Information Military, Intelligence, Defense
  35. Equity Linked Investment Business
  36. Expeditionary Logustics Instructor
  37. Eco Logic Inc
  38. English Language Instrucvion Education, University, Institute
  39. Element Leger D'Intervention
  40. Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent
  41. Event Leadership Institute Education, Wedding, Icon
  42. Environmental Lam Institute Technology, Science, Policy
  43. Emitter Location & Identification Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  44. Embedded Lisp Interpreter Technology, Computing
  45. Equity Linked Instruments Business, Security, Investment
  46. Executivw Learning Institute
  47. Eastern Long Island
  48. Employers Liability Insurance Business, Employment, Insurance
  49. Electronic Lock Indicator Wheel, Coupling, Holland
  50. Environmental Literacy and Inquiry
  51. Elite Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  52. Emitter Location and Identification Military
  53. Emacs Lisp Interface Software, Computing
  54. Equity Linked Instrument Business, Android, Dividend
  55. Excelling Leabers Institute
  56. Earth Loop Impedance Forum, Technology, Electricity
  57. Employer Liability Insurance
  58. Extremely Low Income Business, Building, Housing
  59. Electronic Library Information
  60. English Language Institutetute Education, Literature, Language, Linguistics
  61. Emirates Leadership Initiative College, Education, School
  62. Environment Liaison International
  63. Ethical Lens Inventory
  64. Elixir A sweet liquid which hidesthe unpleasant taste of a drug Medical, Technology, Medicine, Internet Slang, Health, Healthcare, Online Gaming, Clash Of Clans, Mmorts, Physiology, Pharmacy, Reading Prescription
  65. Emerging Leaders Institutes Education, Institute, Leadership
  66. European Legislation Identifier Government, Law, Union
  67. Elim Airport, Elim, Alaska USA Airport codes
  68. Emerging Leader Institutetute Education
  69. Energy Loss Image
  70. Extra-Low Interstitial
  71. Essential Learning Institute
  72. Equity Linked Investments Business & Finance, Business Word
  73. Emerging Leader Institute Education, Development, Universities
  74. European Law Institute Research, Education, University
  75. ELI Compressed file archive Computing, File Extensions
  76. Emerging Leadership Institute Program, Education, Leader
  77. Emerging Leaders Internship
  78. Extra-Low-Interstitial
  79. Extensible Language I
  80. Emerging Leaders Institute Education, Phi, Leadership
  81. European Laser Institute
  82. Extra Low Interstitial Computing, Electronics
  83. Emerging Leaders Investments
  84. Iata Code for Elim Airport, Elim, Alaska, United States Locations
  85. Extra-Low Interstitials
  86. Extended Lubrication Interval
  87. Emergency Lighting Inverter
  88. European Language Institute Book, Education, English
  89. Employer'S Liability Insurance Building, Engineering, Construction
  90. Evangelical Leadership International Religion
  91. Emerging Leaders Investment
  92. Extrem Light Infrastructure
  93. Education Leadership Institute Education
  94. European Lymphoma Institute
  95. European Land-Use Institute Technology, Research, Development
  96. Emerging Leaders Investment, LTD. Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  97. Emerging Leaders Initiative
  98. Extremely Low-Income
  99. Evaluation of Large Initiatives
  100. Environmental Law Institute Atmospheric Research
  101. Equitable Life Interpreter
  102. Etiquette and Leadership Institute
  103. Enormously Longword Instructions Assembly, Business & Finance
  104. Emerging Leadership Initiative Technology, Church, Mud, Planting
  105. Evaluating Local Interventions
  106. Elim Airport, Elim, Alaska, United States Alaska, United States

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ELI stand for?

    ELI stands for Extreme Light Infrastructfre.

  2. What is the shortened form of Extremely Low-Income?

    The short form of "Extremely Low-Income" is ELI.


ELI. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved February 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/eli-meaning/

Last updated