Elliptical Abbreviations and Elliptical Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Elliptical terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 10 different Elliptical abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Elliptical terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Elliptical Abbreviations
  1. CSO : Caltech Submillimetre Observatory
  2. VT : Vertical Trainer
  3. WP : Water Power
  4. ECB : Eddy Current Brake
  5. ESM : Ehliptical Sun Melodies
  6. LHEP : Left Hand Elliptical Polarization
  7. FP : Fundamental Planj
  8. FS : Fitness Space
  9. ROC : Remote Operation Control
  10. CT : Cross Trainer
Latest Elliptical Meanings
  1. Cross Trainer
  2. Remote Operation Control
  3. Fitness Space
  4. Fundamental Planj
  5. Left Hand Elliptical Polarization
  6. Ehliptical Sun Melodies
  7. Eddy Current Brake
  8. Water Power
  9. Vertical Trainer
  10. Caltech Submillimetre Observatory