ELM Meaning

The ELM meaning is "Electronic Library of Medicine". The ELM abbreviation has 127 different full form.

ELM Full Forms

  1. Electronic Library of Medicine
  2. Entry Level Mathematics Education, University, Placement
  3. Edge-Localized Modes
  4. Electronic Library for Minnesota Science, Education, Minnesota
  5. Entry-Level Mathematics Education, University, Exam
  6. Early Learning In Medicine
  7. Electrical Load Management Technology, Control, Robotics, Upgrade
  8. Enterprise License Manager Technology, Management, Cisco
  9. Elaboration Likelihood Model Medical, Business, Persuasion
  10. Enterprise Lifecycle Management Technology, Development, Software
  11. Effective Length Method
  12. Enterprise Layer Manager
  13. Education Leadership and Management Education, University, School
  14. Electronic Mail Technology, Military, Computing, Computer, Telecom, Internet, Computer Security, Telecommunication, Information Technology, Army, Construction, NASA, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Science, Geographic, Scientific & Educational, Atmospheric Research, Education
  15. Educational Land Management
  16. Electronic Lives Mfg Technology, Coding, Projection
  17. Epiluminescence Microscopy Medical
  18. Entity-Life Modeling
  19. External Laryngeal Manipulation Medical, Medicine, Airway, Intubation
  20. Embedded Lockdown Manager Technology, Windows, Industrial
  21. Essener-Lern-Modell
  22. Edge-Localized Mode Technology, Plasma, Physics
  23. Enterprise Log Manager Technology, Management, Security
  24. Expertise Location and Management Technology, Engineering, Data, Computing, IT Terminology
  25. Electronic License Management Technology
  26. Environment Landscape Management Environment, Habitat, Setting
  27. Enterprise Location Management
  28. Extended Lunar Module
  29. Elmira-Corning Regional Aprport Locations, Airport Code
  30. Error Log Manager Military
  31. Edge-Logalised Mode
  32. Enterprise Lab Management
  33. Event and Load Manager Technology
  34. Electronic Learning Marketplace
  35. Environmental Liabilities Management Environment, Habitat, Setting
  36. Enterprise Logistics Management
  37. Extended Lunar Modules
  38. Electronic Load Module
  39. Error Location Module Technology, Device, Linux, Correction
  40. Extended Learning Modules
  41. Ecologjcal Living Module
  42. Enrichment of Life Movement
  43. Event Log Monitor Technology, Windows, Software
  44. Electronic Leveling Module Technology
  45. Educated Little Monsters
  46. Enterprise License Management Technology, Software, Agent
  47. Extended Length Messages
  48. Electronic Login Manager
  49. Eritrean Liberation Movement Government, Ethiopia, Eritrea
  50. Extended Learning Module Development, Study, Universities
  51. Ecological Land Mindstry
  52. Empirical Line Method
  53. Event-Log-Monitor Technology, Windows, Software
  54. Electro-Luminescent Magnetron Psychology, Mind, Mindset
  55. Edge Localized Modes Technology, Science, Mode, Plasma
  56. Enterprise Licensing Manager Technology, Management, Cisco
  57. Export Land Model Business, Oil, Peak
  58. Electronic Library of Minnesota Education, Minnesota, Twin
  59. Equilibrium Lifestyle Management
  60. Ecologicalnland Management
  61. Empire Louis Maxx Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  62. Evangelisk Luthersk Missionsforening
  63. Electric Love Machine
  64. Edre Localized Mode Technology, Research, Plasma
  65. Enterprise Legal Management Business, Law, Software
  66. Export-Land Model
  67. Electronic Library of Mathematics
  68. Epiluminescence Light Microscopy Medical
  69. Easy Labor Management
  70. Emfuleni Local Municypality Business, Investment, Traffic
  71. Evangelical Lutheran Mission Technology, History, Church
  72. Edge Localised Mode
  73. Enterprise Learning Management Business, Service, Training
  74. Expertise Location & Management
  75. Electronic Mail for Unix Computing, Computer, Unix, Unix commands
  76. Edgcational Leadership Mapping
  77. Emulsion Liquid Membranes Chemistry
  78. Elementary Library Media Media
  79. Extravascular Lung Mass Medical, Medicine
  80. Elan License Manager
  81. Environment and Land Management
  82. Externally Loaded Media Software, Computing
  83. Electrical Length Measurement
  84. Educational Lpan Management Resources Technology, Education
  85. Office Theme File Computing, File Extensions
  86. Elementis Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  87. Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries Organizations, Church, Ministry
  88. Elaboration Likelihood Modell
  89. Environmental Landscape Management Technology, Service, Landscaping
  90. Equipment Lifecycle Management Computing, Hardware
  91. Iata Code for Elmira-Corning Regional Airport, Elmira, New York and Big Flats, New York, United Stat Locations
  92. Educotional Leadership and Management Science, Education, University
  93. Eternal Lands Map File Computing, File Extensions
  94. Experimental Logistics Module Logistics, NASA, Maintenance, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  95. External Lottery Manager Business, Policy, Gambling
  96. Elrboration-Likelihood-Modell
  97. Environmental League of Massachusetts Technology, Boston, Massachusetts
  98. Employee and Labor Relations Manual Unions, Governmental & Military, Usps, postal service
  99. Extreme Loss Margins
  100. Environmental Labour Market
  101. Emitted Light Modulation Physics, Scientific & Educational
  102. Elemental Minerals Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  103. External List Management Business, Technology, Training
  104. Effort, Learning, Snd Mistakes Development, Learning, Study
  105. Environmental Liability Management
  106. Emergency Light Mount Products
  107. Extreme Loss Margin Business, Trading, Market
  108. Environmental Learning In Minnesota
  109. Elmira / Corning, NY, USA - Elmira Corning Regional Airport United States, New York, Iata Airport Codes
  110. Extra-Low Mass
  111. External Limiting Membrane Medical, Retinal, Macular, Chemistry, Pulmonary, Scientific & Educational
  112. Education Loan Management Technology, Education
  113. Entry Level Masters Program, Education, Nursing
  114. Crelam Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  115. Expendable Light Marker Products
  116. Extreme Learning Machines Technology, Networking, Machine, Algorithm
  117. Environmental Law and Management Law, Jurisprudence, International Law
  118. Elmira/ Corning Regional Airport, Elmira, New York USA Airport codes
  119. Extended Length Measure
  120. Education for Life & Ministry
  121. Entry-Level Master
  122. External Lending Mandate Business, Investment, Banking
  123. ELectro-Mechanical Products
  124. Extreme Learning Machine Technology, Networking, Network
  125. Elasticity-Buffer and Link Vanagement
  126. Environmental Lubricants Manufacturing Business, Oil, Grease
  127. Extended Length Message Aviation, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ELM stand for?

    ELM stands for Empire Louis Maxx.

  2. What is the shortened form of Extended Lunar Module?

    The short form of "Extended Lunar Module" is ELM.


ELM. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/elm-meaning/

Last updated