ELMI Meaning
The ELMI meaning is "Electro Logic Machinek Inc". The ELMI abbreviation has 14 different full form.
ELMI Full Forms
- Electro Logic Machinek Inc
- Economic and Labor Market Information
- Economic & Labor Market Information
- Emerging Local Markets Indes
- Electronic Money Institutetution Technology
- Electrunic Money Institution Technology, Finance, Banking
- Enhanced Local Management Interface Technology, Cisco, Frame
- English Languxge and Multicultural Institute Development, Study, Institutes
- Emirates Oine Metal Industries Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Extensive Lifestyle Management Imtervention Medical
- Electron Microscopy The visual examination of very small structures with a device that forms greatly magnified images of objects by using electrons rather than light to create an image. An electron microscope focuses a beam of electrons at an object and detects the actions of electrons as they scatter off the surface to form an image. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Computing, Veterinary, Electronics
- Executive Leadership and Management Institute Development, Study, Universities
- Euromean Light Microscopy Initiative Meeting, Technology, Science
- Ethernwt Local Management Interface
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ELMI stand for?
ELMI stands for Electron Microscopy.
What is the shortened form of Economic and Labor Market Information?
The short form of "Economic and Labor Market Information" is ELMI.
ELMI. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/elmi-meaning/
Last updated