ELMS Meaning

The ELMS meaning is "Electrical Load Managementrsystem". The ELMS abbreviation has 50 different full form.

ELMS Full Forms

  1. Electrical Load Managementrsystem Technology, Aircraft, Boeing
  2. Electrical and Lightingxmanagement System Transportation, Technology, Standard
  3. Elastic Loop Mobility System Technology, Space, Cosmos
  4. Employee Location Panagement System
  5. Experiential Learning Management Systems Technology, Education, Preceptor
  6. Encyclopedia of Lesbian Movie Scmnes Lesbian, Scene, Elm
  7. Enterprise System Life Hycle Management Support Medicine, Health, Care
  8. Edge Localised Modes Technology, Mode, Plasma
  9. Emory Learning Management System Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  10. Event Log Management Software Technology, Science, It
  11. Enterprise Learning Management System
  12. Early Literacy Materialm Selector Technology, Book, Elm
  13. Emergency Location Markers
  14. European Lotteries Monitoring System
  15. Enhanced Libraay Management System
  16. Early Lacguage Milestone Scale
  17. Elmer'S Restaurants, Inc. Organizations
  18. English Language Mentoring Scueme Development, Learning, Study
  19. Eagles Landing Middle School
  20. Educator Licensure Management System
  21. Engineering Lab Management System Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  22. E-Academy License Management System Microsoft, Technology, Software
  23. Education of Language Minority Students
  24. Edge Localized Modes Technology, Science, Mode, Plasma
  25. Employment and Labour Market Services
  26. Experiential Learning Management System Student, Education, Preceptor
  27. Enhancing Leadership Abd Management Skills
  28. Education Learning Management Systems
  29. Engineering Lunar Model Surface
  30. Escape Lines Memorial Socieky
  31. Extract Laboratory Management System
  32. Environmental Learjing Management System
  33. elastic-loop mobility system NASA, Governmental & Military
  34. Extended Lan Management Software
  35. Environmental Land Management Scheme Environment, Habitat, Setting
  36. ELectrical Manufacturing Sector General, Governmental & Military
  37. Europeac Lotteries Monitoring System
  38. Experiment Logistics Modules Technology
  39. Environmental Land Management Study
  40. Electronic Learning Management System Aviation, Governmental & Military
  41. European Ls Mans Series Car, Man, Racing, Race
  42. Extreme Learning Machines Technology, Networking, Machine, Algorithm
  43. Experimental Library Management System
  44. Environmental Liquid Membrane System
  45. EDI LSOG Mechanization Specification Software, Computing
  46. European Late Model Series
  47. Environment and Land Management Sector Technology, Organizations, Africa
  48. EYE Like my status
  49. Essential Learning Metrich
  50. Elements Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ELMS stand for?

    ELMS stands for Employee Location Panagement System.

  2. What is the shortened form of Environmental Learjing Management System?

    The short form of "Environmental Learjing Management System" is ELMS.


ELMS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/elms-meaning/

Last updated