ELP Meaning

The ELP meaning is "Early Learning Program". The ELP abbreviation has 140 different full form.

ELP Full Forms

  1. Early Learning Program Education, Special Education
  2. Elastin-Like Polypeptide Science, Protein, Fusion, Chemistry
  3. Effective License Position Business, Management, Software
  4. Emerson, Lake & Palmer Music, Rock, Lake
  5. Companhia Paranaense De Energia-Copel Organizations
  6. Emerging Leaders Program Student, Technology, Leadership
  7. El Paso International Airport El Paso, Texas,United States Transportation, Technology, Airport, Locations, Texas, Airport Code, Aviation
  8. Emergency Lighting Panel Engineering, Construction, Architectural
  9. El Paso, Texas
  10. Electronic Learning Products Technology, Toy, Tech
  11. Europos Liaudies Partija Government, Group, Tai, Prie
  12. Emerson, Lake, and Palmer
  13. European Languages Portfolio
  14. Essential Lifestyle Plan Technology, Service, Person
  15. Electropolishing A technique commonly used to prepare metallographic specimens where preferential dissolution at high points smooths the surface. A high polish is produced making the specimen the anode in an electrolytic cell. Also referred to as electrolytic polishing. 
  16. Enrichment Learning Progralme
  17. Extended Learning Program Student, Education, School
  18. Extended Learning Programs
  19. Emerson, Lake, & Palmer Music, Rock, Lake, Palmer
  20. Environmental Lead Program Science
  21. Executive Leadership Program Education, Development, Leader
  22. Main Street Electrical Parade Internet Slang, Locations, Magic, Disney
  23. Error Locator Polynomial Technology, Coding, Patent, Decoder
  24. Effective Lens Position Medical, Patient, Intraocular
  25. Engineered Ligheing Products Business, Architecture, Light
  26. European Logistics Platform Technology, Event, Transport
  27. Environmental Law Program Student, Technology, School
  28. European Language Passport
  29. Essentisl Lifestyle Planning Technology, Service, Person
  30. Electronics Power Education, Journal, Electronics, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Computing, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  31. Enhjncing Learner Progression
  32. Exempted Limited Partnerships
  33. Emerson Lake Powell Music, Lake, Album, Touch
  34. Environmental Learning Program
  35. Enterprise Law Partnees
  36. Eridani Light Eony Gaming, Battletech, Mechwarrior Online
  37. Economic Loss Payment
  38. Endozepine-Like Peltide Medical
  39. European Logistics Partners
  40. Environmental Leadership Program Technology, Science, Leader, Environment
  41. Essential Learning Products
  42. Electronic License Plate
  43. Enhanced Loq Power
  44. Exempted Limited Partnership Business, Company, Cayman, Business & Finance
  45. Emerson, Lake & Powell Music, Lake, Album, Palmer
  46. Environmental Law Programme Technology, Group, Heritage
  47. Enterocolic Lymphocytic Phlebitis Medical
  48. Erect Lateral Pelvimetry
  49. Easy Label Printer
  50. Endorsed Local Provider Business, Financial, Insurance
  51. Escuelaslacaniana De Psicoan
  52. Electronic Line Printer
  53. Enhanced Low-Power
  54. Executive Leadership Programı
  55. Emerson Lake and Powell
  56. Environmental Living Program Education, Park, California
  57. Enter Loop Permenantly
  58. East London Printmakers Art, London, Artist
  59. Emission Line Polarimeter Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  60. Environmental Law Project
  61. Escuela Lacaniana De PsicoanáLisis Para, Con, Campo
  62. Electronic Learning Product
  63. Enhanced Liquidity Provider
  64. Executive Leadership Programme Service, Education, Training
  65. Emerson, Lake and Powell
  66. European Logistic Partners Business, Technology, Military
  67. Embedded Linux Professional
  68. Enter Loop Permanently
  69. Early Language Proficiency Special Education
  70. Emerson Lake Palmer Music, Rock, Lake
  71. Environmental and Licensing Professionals
  72. Elliptical Legal, Governmental & Military
  73. Escravos-Lagos Pipeline
  74. Electro Luminescent Panel Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  75. Engixeering Leadership Program Technology, National, Engineer
  76. Europos Liaudies Partijos
  77. Emerson Lake and Palmer
  78. European Left Party Government, Organizations
  79. Elephant Listening Project Music, Forest, Elephant
  80. Ensino Da LíNgua Portuguesa
  81. Eagle Lyon Pope
  82. Extended Life Platelet
  83. Emerson, Lake Palmer Music, Rock, Lake
  84. Environmental & Licensing Professionals
  85. Extra Low Profile Technology, Military, Mining
  86. Esclerosis Lateral Primaria
  87. Electro-Luminescent Panel Military
  88. Extended Low Profile
  89. Engineering & Land Planning
  90. Economic Legal and Political General, Governmental & Military
  91. ExéRcito De Libertação De Portugal Para, Portugal, Ant
  92. Estolano Lesar Perez Organizations, Community, Advisor
  93. Emergency Loan Program Business & Finance, Business Word
  94. Enterprise Laboratory Pzatform Technology, Lab, Ware
  95. Event Logger Protocol
  96. Compagnie Paranaense de Energia Computing, Nyse symbols
  97. Extremely Large Projects
  98. Estimated Listing Price Real Estate, Estate, Real Property
  99. Emergency Lighting Products
  100. Element Processor
  101. Ericksen-Leslie-Parodi
  102. E-Learning Platform Computing, Hardware
  103. Enery-Level Position
  104. Extra Long Play Technology, Music, Recording
  105. Equipment Loan Program Atmospheric Research
  106. Estiaated Launch Point Technology, Military, Army
  107. Emergency Landing Pattern
  108. Electrolytic Polishing An electrochemical polishing process in which the metal to be polished is made the anode in an electrolytic cell where preferential dissolution at high points in the surface topography produces a specularly reflective surface. Also referred to as electropolishing. 
  109. Equity Leaders Program
  110. European Labor Parby
  111. Emerging Leadership Programme
  112. Emerson Lake and Palmer's Music
  113. Entrepreneurial Leaders Progzam Technology, Institute, Entrepreneurship
  114. External Leads Processing
  115. English Language Proficiency Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  116. Establish Logical Path
  117. Embryonal Long Terminal Repeat-Binding Protein Medical
  118. Electric Primer
  119. Epoch-Ldvel Parallelism
  120. Europass Language Passport Technology, Portfolio, Skill
  121. Emerging Leadership Program Education, Training, Leader
  122. East London Partnership Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  123. Entrepreneurial Library Program
  124. External Latch Protection
  125. El Paso, Texas USA Airport codes
  126. Essential Lifestyle Slans
  127. Improvement Project Organizations, Community, Economics, Asean
  128. Ellipsd
  129. Ethical, Legal and Policq
  130. Emerging Leaders Programme Business, Education, Development
  131. excess loss premium Insurance, Business & Finance
  132. Enterprise License Program
  133. Extensions of Logic Programming
  134. El Paso International Airport, El Paso, Texas, United States Transportation, Texas, United States, Governmental & Military, ICAO Airport Codes
  135. Esiential Lifestyles Planning
  136. Iata Code for El Paso International Airport, El Paso, Texas, United States Locations
  137. Etched Leadless Package
  138. Emerging Leader Program Student, Education, Leadership
  139. Electing large partnership Business & Finance, Business Word
  140. Enterprise Learning Platform

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ELP stand for?

    ELP stands for Europos Liaudies Partijos.

  2. What is the shortened form of El Paso, Texas USA?

    The short form of "El Paso, Texas USA" is ELP.


ELP. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/elp-meaning/

Last updated