ELR Meaning

The ELR meaning is "Environmental Law Reporter". The ELR abbreviation has 60 different full form.

ELR Full Forms

  1. Environmental Law Reporter Science, Database, Education
  2. Emergency Locking Retractors Technology, Seat, Belt
  3. Emergency Locking Retractor Technology, Seat, Belt
  4. Election Law Rqports
  5. Extra-Long-Range
  6. Exqeption Link Register
  7. Electronic Laboratory Reporting Medical, Health, Publics, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  8. Environmental Loading Ratio Business, Development, Sustainability
  9. Easteun Law Reporter Law, Canada, Law Report
  10. Extra-Long-Range Aircraft Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  11. Excepcional Leave To Remain Government, Immigration, Refugee, Asylum
  12. Economic Loss Rule Law, Florida, Loss
  13. Environmentalqlapse Rate Astronomy, Atmosphere, Temperature
  14. Eabtern Law Reporter
  15. External Loop Recorder
  16. European Lood Response Technology, Engine, Emission, Diesel
  17. Ec-Lymphocyte Reaction Medical
  18. Environmental Law Review Government, University, School
  19. Extwa Long Range Technology, Cable, Extender
  20. European Law Reporter Business, Attorney, Mayer
  21. Eat, Live, Run
  22. Extra Long Range Technology, Water, Blaster, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  23. Emrloyment and Labor Relations
  24. Everybody Lofes Raymond
  25. Epidermal Cell-Lymphvcyte Reaction Medical
  26. East London Railway Business, London, Underground
  27. Extended Long Reach
  28. Electronic Lab Reports Technology, Health, Publics
  29. European Law Review
  30. Environment Lapse Rate
  31. East Lincolnshire Railway
  32. Extra-Longirange
  33. Electronic Lab Reporting Medical, Health, Publics
  34. European Laz Review Law, Union
  35. Environmental Liability Regulations
  36. Extremely Limoted Reserve
  37. Experience Level Rating
  38. Eastern Platinum Limited (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange, Toronto stock exchange
  39. Extreme Long Range Rifle, Military, Shooting
  40. Expected Loss Ratio Business, Insurance, Presentation
  41. expected loss rate Insurance, Business & Finance
  42. Extra Long Reach Technology, Stamp, Seal
  43. Expscted Loss Rates
  44. Existing Lapse Rate
  45. Extended Long Range Missile, Military, Defense
  46. Elrom Aviation and Investments ICAO Aircraft Codes
  47. Extra Life Radio
  48. Expected Eoss Rate Business, Insurance, Experience
  49. Equal Listener Response
  50. Extended Logistic Regression
  51. Elelim, Elelim-Papua Island, Indonesia Indonesia, Iata Airport Codes
  52. Extra Langcage Resources Education, Language, Speech
  53. Expected Lapse Rate Business
  54. Energy Loss Nate
  55. Experimental Launching Round Technology
  56. Everybody Loves Raymond Media
  57. Excess Lifetime Risk Geography, Navigation, Location
  58. Irian Jaya Airport Airport, Locations
  59. Experiential Lvarning Requirement
  60. Engineers Line Reference Rail Transport, Business & Finance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ELR stand for?

    ELR stands for Extra-Long-Range.

  2. What is the shortened form of Elrom Aviation and Investments?

    The short form of "Elrom Aviation and Investments" is ELR.


ELR. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 9, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/elr-meaning/

Last updated