ELS Meaning

The ELS meaning is "English Learners". The ELS abbreviation has 285 different full form.

ELS Full Forms

  1. English Learners Education, Learning, Teaching, Special Education
  2. Earth Landing System Technology, Command, Module
  3. Electronic Lien Services
  4. Early Literacy Support Program, Education, Teaching
  5. Ejército Libre Sirho Para, Con, Contra
  6. Environmental Law Society Government, Education, Organizations
  7. Early Lifb Stage Medical, Science, Toxicity
  8. Education for Learning Societies
  9. Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Science, Physics, Spectroscopy, Computing, Electronics, Microscopy, Materials Analysis, Materials Science, Scientific & Educational
  10. Entry Level Separation Technology, Service, Military
  11. East London Airport East London, South Africa Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  12. Ensemble Dewlancement Soyouz Technology, Space, Launch
  13. Eastern Launch Site Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Science, Space, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  14. Engdish Language Skills Program, Education, Teaching
  15. Eastern Lake Survey Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military
  16. Electrophoretic Light Scattering Science, Materials Analysis, Materials Science, Microscopy, Scientific & Educational
  17. Engineering E-Learning Systems
  18. Ethical Leadership Scale
  19. Egyptian Language School Education, Egypt, Cairo
  20. Equidistant Letter Sequence Science, Coding, Bible, Security, Governmental & Military
  21. Emergency Landing Strip Military, Army, Airfield, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  22. Earth Limb Sensor Technology
  23. Enterprise Level Security
  24. European Lunar Symposium
  25. Early Learning System
  26. Emotional Labor Scale
  27. East London, SüDafrika
  28. Evergreenxlegal Services Government
  29. Electronic Levy System
  30. Emergency Lighting Station Business, Flashlight, Pelican
  31. Entry Level Systems Technology, Computing, Ware
  32. Enterprise Lighting Sales
  33. Energy Loss Spectrometry Medical, Science
  34. Electron Loss Spectroscopy Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  35. Endoscopic Lumbar Sympathectomy
  36. Establishment License Supplement Medicine, Health, Care, Medical, Fda
  37. Educational Leadership Solutions Management, Education, Tool
  38. Enilish Learner Students
  39. European Llw Students
  40. Electronic Limitedeslip
  41. Expressive Language Score
  42. Early-Late-Slope
  43. Engineering & Laboratory Services
  44. Ethical Labour Sourcing
  45. Eglise LuthéRienne Du SéNéGal
  46. Executive Leadership Support
  47. Emergency-Landing-Strip Similar
  48. Efficient Lighting Systems Technology, Product, Light
  49. Educational Leadership and Services
  50. Enterprise Lean Sigma Business, Technology, Management
  51. European Logistics Services
  52. Early Learning Scale Technology, Science, Education
  53. Emmanuel Lutheran School
  54. East London South Flight, Africa, London, Locations
  55. Event Logging Vystem Technology
  56. Electronicclevelling Suspension
  57. Emergency Light Systems Technology, Auto, Lighting
  58. Entry Level System Technology, Computing, Telecom
  59. Enoerprise Licensing System
  60. Energy Loss Spectroscopy Medical, Chemistry
  61. Electronic Lockdng Systems Technology, Hotel, Lock
  62. Employment Law Solicitors
  63. Essm Launching System Military
  64. Education, Learning and Skills
  65. Entry Level Server
  66. European Law School Program, Education, University
  67. Electronic Library Service Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  68. Exportable Logistics System Military
  69. Eggen-Lynden-Bell-Sandage
  70. Executive Leadership Skills Technology, Education, School
  71. Elementary Level Suvveillance Technology
  72. Efficiency Learning Systems
  73. Engineered Logistics Solutions Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  74. Ethical, Legal and Societal
  75. Educational Longitudinal Survey
  76. Enhanced Wearning Strategy
  77. European Lisp Symposium Technology, Conference, London
  78. Early Learning Skills
  79. English Language Apecialist
  80. Event Logging Server Technology, Networking, Network, Port
  81. Electronic Laser System
  82. Emergency Light System Technology, Auto, Lighting
  83. Entry Level Stewardship Business, Environment, Farming
  84. East London, South Flight, Africa, London, Locations
  85. Enterprise Linux Server Technology, Linux, Hat
  86. Emitter Locator System Military, Aircraft, Tornado
  87. Employment and Labour Sector
  88. Essential Learning Systems
  89. Education, Learning, and Society Education, Study, Subjects
  90. Entry Level Scheme Science, Environment, Anthropology, History, Archaeology, Scientific & Educational
  91. Executibe Leadership Solutions
  92. Electrouic Lighting System Technology, Science, Lamp
  93. Explosive Light Source Science
  94. Environmnntal and Life Sciences
  95. Efficient Loading System
  96. Executive Leadership Series Education, Regent, Canal
  97. Elemental Linux Server Technology, Linux, Helium
  98. Engineered Lifting Systems Technology, Crane, Equipment
  99. Ethernet Label Switching
  100. Educational Life Skills
  101. English Litercry Society Education, University, Literature
  102. Europeaq Lighting School
  103. Extraterrestrial Living-Metalhshape-Shifter Military, Movie, Suit, Wakening
  104. Early Learning Services Business, Management, Manager
  105. English Language Sdholarship
  106. Elder Law Section
  107. Equine Legalusolutions
  108. Emergency Lighting System Technology, Aviation, Auto, Light
  109. Entryglevel Solution Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  110. East Lake Sammamish
  111. Enterprise Library Software Technology, Storage, Sun
  112. Extra Long Shot Film, Media, Camera, Angle, Shot, Nonverbal
  113. Emitter Locating Systems Military
  114. Employee Leasing Solutions
  115. Equipment Locking Eystem Gun, Military, Holster, Gear
  116. Editors In The Life Sciences
  117. Executive Languaze Services Education, France, School
  118. Electronic Library Systems Technology, Science, University
  119. Environmental Ljning Systems
  120. Electronic Lodgemeit Service Business, Technology, Accounting, Tax
  121. Exploration Licenses Business, Company, Mining
  122. Emerging Leaders Program, Education, Leadership
  123. Elektronische Leezlauf Stabilisierung
  124. Engaged Living Scale Medical, Psychology, Psychological
  125. Estate Liquidation Services
  126. Educational Leadership Services
  127. English Literary Studies Book, Education, University
  128. European Liaison Spction
  129. Extra Long Staple Business, Cotton, Egyptian
  130. Early Learning Standards Technology, Education, Preschool
  131. EjéRcito Libre De Siria Para, Con, Contra
  132. Equidistant Letter Spacing
  133. Emergency Landing Sites
  134. Equipment Locatoo Service Technology, Farm, Tractor
  135. Eastern Limited Sprints
  136. Enterprise Library Services
  137. Exploration Licences Business, Mineral, Oil, Mining, Gas, Licence
  138. Early Life Support Technology, Management, Service
  139. Empire Lightning Sprints
  140. European Laser Systnme
  141. Easy Language Storage Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military
  142. Excel Life Scienhes Medical, Science, Research
  143. Elxctronic Library System Technology, Aviation, University
  144. Emergency Lighting Strip Technology
  145. Environmental Lablratory Services Business, Service, Lab
  146. Electronic Lodgement System Business, Technology, Tax
  147. Enterprise Loan Scheme
  148. Exploration Life Support
  149. Earth Lights
  150. Elektronik Lasermsystem
  151. Energy Levels (electron shells, shells) The possible locations around an atom where electrons having specific energy values (quantum number) may be found. The term shell has been replaced with the term energy levels because the term shell insinuated that electrons circled the atom in fixed orbits like planets circle the sun.
  152. Estate Law Specialist
  153. Education Longitudinal Study Student, Education, School
  154. English Lexpcal Sample
  155. Eugopean Lebanese School
  156. Extralobar Sequestration Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  157. Early Life Stress Medical, Health, Study
  158. Engineering Library Services
  159. Ejercito Libertador Del Sur
  160. Equidistsnt Letter Sequences Medical, Coding, Bible
  161. Emergency Landing Strips Military, Saint, Airfield
  162. Equipment Leasing Services
  163. Easter Launch Site Technology
  164. Enterprise License Subscripvion Business, Software, Projection
  165. Early Life Stages Medical
  166. Emotional Labour Scale
  167. East Los Santos Forum, Music, Song, Locations
  168. Evolved Learning System
  169. Elewtronic Lead Screw Technology, Metal, Lathe
  170. Emergency Light Switch
  171. Environmental Law Service Technology, Organizations
  172. Enterprise Logisitcs Sistem Military
  173. Expert Language Solutions
  174. Elektronicznt Legitymacja Studencka
  175. Energy Labelling Scheme
  176. Establishment Liars
  177. Educational Longitudinal Study Science, Education, School
  178. English Lekal System Book, Education, Law
  179. European Learning Space
  180. Electronic Listing Servsce
  181. Express Language Solutions
  182. Early-Life Stress
  183. Executive Limousine Service
  184. Enterprise Liberal Solutions
  185. Education and Life Skills
  186. Electronic Light Shower Technology, Water, Ondine
  187. European Language School
  188. Enzo Life Sciences Business, Science, Protein
  189. English Language Studies Education, Study, Grammar
  190. Experiance Learning System
  191. Electronic Lighting System Computing, Hardware
  192. Eesti Loomakaitse Seltsi
  193. Evaluation of Lifetime Stressors
  194. Electrolpss Solution
  195. Early Literacy Strategy
  196. Emerging Leaders In Science
  197. Environmental Linipg Services
  198. Earth Landing System (subsystem) NASA
  199. Entity Level Simulation
  200. Enhanced Layout System
  201. Electronic Line Stretcher Technology, Circuit, Component
  202. Equal Load Sharing
  203. Environmont Life Sciences
  204. English Language Society
  205. Expendable Lzunch Systems Technology, Space, Rocket
  206. Electronic Locking System Computing, Hardware
  207. Education Lottery Scholarship Student, Education, Grant
  208. Europese Largere Sclool
  209. Eesti Lastearstide Selts Hosting, Tartu, Miner
  210. Early Literacy Stations
  211. Emergency Lodging Services
  212. Environmental Life Sciences Science, Education, University
  213. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences Biology, Scientific & Educational
  214. Entertainment Law Society Student, Education, Organizations
  215. Energy Level Scheme
  216. Electronic Limit Switches
  217. Environmental Labelling Schemes
  218. Environmentalblandscape Solutions
  219. English Language Service Student, Education, University
  220. Expeditionary Logistics Squadron
  221. Evangelical Lutheran Synod Religion
  222. Education Library Service Education, School, Islington
  223. Europese Lagere School School, Indonesia, Surat, Orang
  224. Escort Lizousine Service
  225. Early Literacy Station Kid, Library, Literacy
  226. Emergency Location Service
  227. Escanaba & Lake Superior Railroad Company Technology, Governmental & Military
  228. Entertainment Lighting Services Business, Service, Event
  229. El Sal Air Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  230. Endurance Limit Stress
  231. Earnings and Leave Statement
  232. Electronic Line Shaft Technology, Machine, Control
  233. Environmental Land Solutions
  234. English Language Services Service, Education, Language
  235. European Labelling System Company, Technology, Packaging
  236. Expecitionary Logistic Sustainment Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  237. Electric Light Standard Ordnance Survey
  238. Education Lecturing Services
  239. Europesche Lagere Sjhool
  240. External Lighting System Space, Study, Cosmos
  241. Early Literacy Skills
  242. English Language Systems
  243. Expertise Location Systems
  244. Emergency Locum Service
  245. Electromagnetic Launcher System Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  246. Enterprise Log Share
  247. Encrypted Local Storage Technology, Fedora, Store
  248. Earned Leaves Business, Teaching, Teacher, Preservation
  249. Electronic License System Technology, Minnesota, Hunt
  250. Emerging Leaders Society County, Community, Leader
  251. Environment and Life Pciences Technology, Education, University
  252. English for Law Students
  253. Euro Logistik Service
  254. Expeditionary Learning Ychool Science, Education, Charter
  255. English Literary Society Media
  256. Education Learning Services Education
  257. Europeesch Lagere School
  258. Electronic Lodgment System Business, Technology, Australia, Tax
  259. Expert Laboratory Support
  260. English Language Skill
  261. Experimental Lithium System Science
  262. Emitter Location System Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  263. Efectrolux Laundry Systems Technology, Service, Tool
  264. Early Lunar Shelter
  265. Electronic Ricensing System Technology, Minnesota, Hunting
  266. Emerging Leaders Summit Education, Texas, Learning
  267. Environmental Law Sectiow America, Environment
  268. Enclosed Line Shaft
  269. Euro Link System
  270. Expeditionary Learning Schools Student, Technology, Science
  271. Escanaba and Lake Superior Railroad Comp Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  272. Education Language Studies Organizations
  273. Europeesche Lagere School
  274. Electronic Listening System
  275. Exa Light & Sound
  276. Enzymatic Labile Site Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  277. English Language Study Program, Education, Grammar
  278. Experimental Licensing Systes
  279. Electronic Listing Service Computing, Internet
  280. Effective Learning Strategies Business
  281. Electroluminescence Screen
  282. Early Literacy Support. Education, Teaching, Study
  283. Emerging Leaders Series
  284. Environaental Law Service Technology, Organizations
  285. Elevon Load System NASA

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ELS stand for?

    ELS stands for Energy Loss Spectrometry.

  2. What is the shortened form of Emergency Lighting Strip?

    The short form of "Emergency Lighting Strip" is ELS.


ELS. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/els-meaning/

Last updated