EM in Medicine Meaning

The EM meaning in Medicine terms is "Extracellular Matrix". There are 16 related meanings of the EM Medicine abbreviation.

EM on Medicine Full Forms

  1. Extracellular Matrix In biology, the extracellular matrix is a collection of extracellular molecules secreted by cells that provides structural and biochemical support to the surrounding cells.
  2. Evaluation and Management
  3. Emerg Med
  4. Emmetropia
  5. Electrophoretic Mobility
  6. Estramusine
  7. Electron Microscopy, Electron Microscope
  8. Erythromycin  An antibiotic that binds to the 50S ribosomal subunit and inhibits peptide translocation in prokaryotes.
  9. Elaslic Modulus
  10. Erythrocyte Mass
  11. Ejection Murmur
  12. Emotional Disorder, Emotionally Disturbed
  13. Emsetropia Em
  14. Electron Microscopy The visual examination of very small structures with a device that forms greatly magnified images of objects by using electrons rather than light to create an image. An electron microscope focuses a beam of electrons at an object and detects the actions of electrons as they scatter off the surface to form an image.
  15. Ergonovine Maleate
  16. Emulsion A homogeneous dispersion of two immiscible liquids. Oil-in-water emulsion consists of small oil droplets dispersed in a continuous water phase.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EM stand for Medicine?

    EM stands for Emulsion in Medicine terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Emsetropia Em in Medicine?

    The short form of "Emsetropia Em" is EM for Medicine.


EM in Medicine. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 16). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/em-meaning-in-medicine/

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