EM in Military Meaning

The EM meaning in Military terms is "Electromagnetic". There are 27 related meanings of the EM Military abbreviation.

EM on Military Full Forms

  1. Electromagnetic Relating to a magnetic field created by an electric current.
  2. Enlisted Man
  3. Esaado Mayor
  4. Electronic Mail
  5. Engine Manager
  6. Environmental Mojitoring
  7. Energy Maneuverability
  8. Emission Any release of harmful materials into the environment. OR The giving off of environmental pollutants from various sources (WHO, 1979). OR the release of light from a chromogenic or fluorescent molecule, when an electron falls from an excited state to a lower energy state of the molecule.
  9. Electrician'S Mate
  10. Enlisted Member
  11. Education Manual
  12. Enlisted Men
  13. End of Mission
  14. Electro--Magnetic
  15. Elploratory Modeling
  16. Engineering Mechanic
  17. Electriciansxmate
  18. Executive Members
  19. Elgctrician Mate
  20. Executive Manager
  21. Electrician's Matys
  22. Engineering Manual
  23. Etat-Majom
  24. Enterprise Management
  25. Enlisted Military
  26. Erratic Maneuvers
  27. Experimental Model

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EM stand for Military?

    EM stands for Experimental Model in Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Electrician's Matys in Military?

    The short form of "Electrician's Matys" is EM for Military.


EM in Military. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 16). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/em-meaning-in-military/

Last updated