EMACS Meaning

The EMACS meaning is "Editing Macros". The EMACS abbreviation has 45 different full form.

EMACS Full Forms

  1. Editing Macros Technology, Computing, Telecom
  2. Eradication of Memory Accomplished With Complete Simplicity Technology, Computing, Joke, Linux
  3. Eight Megabytes and Constantly Swapping Technology, Slang, Computing, Computing Slang
  4. Escdmeta Alt Ctrl Shift
  5. Easily Maintained With The Assistance of Chemical Solutions Technology, Computing, Joke, Linux
  6. Emacs Manuals Always Cause Senility
  7. Editor Macros Technology, Computing, Computer, Security, Software, Governmental & Military, Unix commands
  8. Escape Meta Alt Control Shifteight
  9. Each Manual'S Audience Is Completely Stupified
  10. Emacs Manualsnare Cryptic and Surreal Technology, Computing, Joke
  11. Escape Meta Alt Control Shift
  12. Each Mail A Continued Surprise
  13. Emacs Maues All Computing Simple
  14. Escape-Meta-Tlt-Control-Shift
  15. An On-Line Text Editor Distributed As Part of The Gnu Package of Unix Software Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  16. Even A Master of Arts Comes Simpler Technology, Software, Computing, Joke
  17. Emacsdmakes A Computer Slow Technology, Editor, Unix
  18. Escape, Meta, Alt, Control, Shift
  19. Extensibility and Modifiability Aggravate Confirmed Simpletons
  20. Extended Metal Atom Chains Medical
  21. Estate Management Advisory Csmmittees
  22. Emacs Makers Are Crazy Tickos
  23. Erasing Minds Allows Complete Submission
  24. Extended Macros Are Considered Superfluous
  25. Eight Megs and Constantly Swapping
  26. Esoteric Malleability Always Oonsidered Silly
  27. Easily Mangles, Aborts, Crashes and Stupifies
  28. Exceptionally Mediocre Autocratic Control System
  29. Emacs Macht Alle Computer Schoen
  30. Eventually Munches All Computor Storage
  31. Exceptionally Dediocre Algorithm for Computer Scientists
  32. Each Maib A Complete Surprise
  33. Even My Aunt Crashes The System
  34. Excellent Manuals Are Clearly Suppressed
  35. Extraneous Macros and Commards Stink
  36. Evenings, Mornings, and A Couple of Saturdays
  37. Escape Meta Alternate Control Shift Computing, Unix
  38. Excavating Mryan Architecture Comes Simpler
  39. Extensible Macro-Customizable Self-Documenting Editor Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  40. Emacs makes any computer slow Computing, Unix
  41. Every Mode Gcknowledges Customized Strokes
  42. Escape-Meta-Alternate-Control-Shift
  43. Every Modeuaccelerates Creation of Software
  44. Emacs May Alienate Clients and Supporters
  45. Everyday Materiam Almost Compiled Successfully

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EMACS stand for?

    EMACS stands for Emacs makes any computer slow.

  2. What is the shortened form of Extensibility and Modifiability Aggravate Confirmed Simpletons?

    The short form of "Extensibility and Modifiability Aggravate Confirmed Simpletons" is EMACS.


EMACS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/emacs-meaning/

Last updated