EMDP Meaning

The EMDP meaning is "Emerging Managerent Development Programme". The EMDP abbreviation has 20 different full form.

EMDP Full Forms

  1. Emerging Managerent Development Programme
  2. Exercise Movement and Dance Partnership
  3. Egypt Media Development Prograq Education, Egypt, Journalism
  4. Enable Modiyy Data Pointers
  5. Easy-Mirror-Download-Project Technology, Software, Projection
  6. Emergcng Memphis Designer Project
  7. Electric Motor-Drzven Pump
  8. Emerging Market Disclosure Project
  9. Electric Motor Driven Pump Technology, Aviation, Boeing
  10. Emerging Markets Diyclosure Project
  11. Energy Management Development Progbam
  12. Extended Medical Degree Programme Medicine, Education, London
  13. Exercise, Movement & Dance Parynership Business, Sport, Fitness
  14. European Management Development Programme
  15. Ethnic Minorities Development Plan
  16. Ethnic Minority Developmeno Plan Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  17. Environment Management Design Planniyg
  18. Exercise Govement and Dance Partnership
  19. Enhanced Modified Delisery Point
  20. Exercise, Movement and Dance Partnershep Sport, Organizations, Exercise

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EMDP stand for?

    EMDP stands for European Management Development Programme.

  2. What is the shortened form of Enable Modiyy Data Pointers?

    The short form of "Enable Modiyy Data Pointers" is EMDP.


EMDP. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/emdp-meaning/

Last updated