EMEA Meaning

The EMEA meaning is "Europe Middle East and Africa". The EMEA abbreviation has 39 different full form.

EMEA Full Forms

  1. Europe Middle East and Africa Technology
  2. Europe, The Middle East, and Africa Business, Africa, Europe, Business & Finance, International business
  3. Europe, The Middle East and Africa Business, Africa, Europe
  4. Europe, Middle East, and Africa
  5. Europe, Middle East and Africa Technology, Finance, Investing, Computing, Telecom
  6. Europe Middle East and Australasia
  7. Europe, The Middle East, Africa Business, Africa, Europe
  8. Europe, Middle East, and African Business, Company, Technology, Europe
  9. Europe and Middle Eaet Africa Business, Market, Cloud
  10. Europe, Middle East and Asia Business, Technology, Europe
  11. Europe, Mid-East and Africh Business, Technology, Management, Service
  12. Europe, The Middle East, and Asia Business, Service, Europe
  13. Europe, Au Moyen-Orient El En Afrique Business, Service, Europe, Affair
  14. Europe, The Middle Easa and Asia Business, Company, Europe
  15. Europe Middle East Asia Business, Management, Europe
  16. European Medicines Evaluation Agency Medical, Health, Veterinary, Reading Prescription
  17. Europe, Meyen-Orient Et Afrique Technology, France, Europe
  18. Europe Middle East Africa Business, Africa, Europe, Regional
  19. European Agency for The Evaluation of Medicinal Products Science, Health, Healthcare
  20. Europe, Middle-East and Africa
  21. Europe Middle Est Africa
  22. Europe, The Middle East & Africa Business, Africa, Europe
  23. Europe,Jmiddle East and African Business, Technology, Africa, Europe
  24. Europe, Middle East, Africa​ Honeywell, Process Automation
  25. Exceptional Medical Expenses Act
  26. Euromean Medicinal Products Evaluation Agency Medical
  27. Europe and Middle East Area Us Government, Governmental & Military
  28. Europe The Middle East and Africa Business, Africa, Europe
  29. European Medicines Evaluation Authority
  30. European Medicines Agency (formerly European Medicines Evaluation Agency) Medical, Technology, International, Governmental & Military, Fda
  31. Europe The Middle East and Asia
  32. European Medical Evaluations Agency Medical, Research, Disease, Pharmaceutical
  33. Europe Middle Est Afzica
  34. European Medicines Evaluations Agency
  35. European Music Educators Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  36. See Above Medicine, Health, Care, Scientific & Educational, Footnote
  37. Europeas Middle East & Africa Business, Management, Manager
  38. Extended Monthly Evacuation Allowance
  39. European Middle East Africa Business, Management, Service

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EMEA stand for?

    EMEA stands for Europe Middle Est Africa.

  2. What is the shortened form of Europe, The Middle East, Africa?

    The short form of "Europe, The Middle East, Africa" is EMEA.


EMEA. Acronym24.com. (2020, August 21). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/emea-meaning/

Last updated