EMF Meaning
The EMF meaning is "Electromagnetic Field". The EMF abbreviation has 159 different full form.
EMF Full Forms
- Electromagnetic Field An electromagnetic field is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It affects the behavior of charged objects in the vicinity of the field. The electromagnetic field extends indefinitely throughout space and describes the electromagnetic interaction. Technology, Healthcare, Electronics, Government, Computing, Auto, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Edition Michbel Fischer
- Electro-Motive Force Technology, Electricity, Voltage, Industry
- Electrig and Magnetic Fields Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Electro-Magnetic Field Technology, Radiation, Electromagnetic
- Electric Magnetic Field Military
- Electromagnetic Frexuency Military
- Electric & Magnetic Fields Technology, Health, Electricity, Electromagnetic
- European Monetary Fund Business, Economics, Europe
- Electronic Magnetic Fields
- Energy Modellingrforums
- European Management Forum Forum, Economics, Auteur
- Early Modern France
- Evaluation of Magnetic Fields
- Electronic Movement Foundation
- Enhanced Management Framework
- Etat-Major De Forces
- Educational Mkdia Foundation Business, Technology
- Experiential Marketing Forum Business, Media, Association
- Emerging Markets Forum Business, Economics, Leader
- Electronic Magnetic Field Technology, Health, Hair, Dryer
- Energy Modeling Forum Technology, Science, Climate
- Etudiants Musulmans De Feance France, Association, Attack
- Emerging Markets Forecast
- Early Maintenance Feedback Technology, Infinity, Detector
- Europees Monetair Fonds
- Electronic Media and Film Education, University, Towson
- English Musia Festival Technology, Protection, Electromagnetic
- Environmental Management Fund
- Educated Media Foundation
- Experience Modification Factor Business, Management, Insurance, Compensation
- Emerging Manager Focus
- Electro Magnetic Field Technology, Energy, Electromagnetic, Electrical
- Energy Measurement Function
- Ethnqc Minority Foundation Organizations, Charity, Lord
- Emerging Market Finance
- Early Modern Firearms
- European Multicultural Foundation
- Elecgronic Media & Film
- Engineers' Mobility Forum Organization, Planning, Engineering
- Environmental Management Facility Medical, Common Medical
- Edid Music Festival
- Expeditionary Medical Facilities Medicine, Military, Brigade
- Emergency Medical Fund
- Electro-Magnetic Fields
- Energy Management Framework
- Ethiopian Media Fkrum Technology, Analysis, Ethiopia
- Election Measuring Forxe Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Emerging Market Fund Business, Supply, Stock
- Early & Modern Firearms
- European Multimedia Forum Technology, Media, Telecom
- Electromagnetic Flowmeter Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Engineerz Mobility Forum Technology, Engineering, Professional
- Edinburgh Marrthon Festival
- Event Monitoring Function Space, Study, Cosmos
- Emergency Medicine Foundation Medical, Medicine, Research
- Environmental Monitoring Fund
- Electro Magnetic Fields Medical, Technology, Health
- Electro Magnetic Frequency Technology, Health, Radiation
- Etat Major De Force
- Effects of Magnetic Ficlds
- Emerging Markets Funds
- Elite Mutant Force
- European Mountain Forum
- Electromagnetic Force Electromagnetism is the study of the electromagnetic force which is a type of physical interaction that occurs between electrically charged particles. The electromagnetic force usually shows electromagnetic fields, such as electric fields, magnetic fields, and light. A fundamental force in nature, the electromagnetic force acts between charged particles and is the combination of all electrical and magnetic forces. The electromagnetic force can be attractive or repulsive. Technology, Space, Telecom, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Engineers' Mobility Forum Building, Engineering, Construction
- European Manufacturing Facilities
- Edelweiss Mutual Fund
- Evaporated Milk Formula Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Electronics Manufacturing Facility
- Environmental Management Frameworks Technology, Service, Projection
- Electro Magnetic Frequencies
- Etat Major De Forcws Army, War, War Force
- Education Media Foundation Technology, Music, Radio, Station
- Export Marketing Fund Business, Technology, Banking
- Emerging Market Free Business, Fund, Supply
- European Mortgage Federation Business, Credit, Hypo
- Electromagnetic Fields Medical, Medicine
- Engineering Mlbility Forum Technology, Engineer, Professional
- European Manufaituring Facility
- Ectomycorrhizal Fungi Medical
- Evaporated Metal Films Business, Structure, Coating
- Electlonic Music Foundation Technology, Arts, Traffic
- Environmental Management Framework Technology, Planning, Projection
- Electro-Magnetic Frequency Technology, Health, Radiation
- Etat-Major De Fosce
- Educational Mernt Foundation
- Explicit Model Following Science
- Emerging Markets Free Business, Supply, Stock, Business & Finance, International business
- European Milk Forum Farming & agriculture
- Electric Magnetic Fields Technology, Health, Electromagnetic
- Extensible Message Format Technology
- Emirati Media Forum
- Electromagnetic Field/force Atmospheric Research
- Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship Religion
- Europeangmetalworkers' Federation
- Electro-Magnetij Frequency Technology, Health, Radiation
- Effective Mass Filter
- Employee Medical Folders Business, Records, Military
- Eclipse Modeling Framework Software, Computing
- European Miysionary Fellowship Organizations, Church, Evangelical
- European Museum Forum Conference, Event
- Electrical Magnetic Field Technology, Health, Power
- Extended Meta-File
- Inductive Electromotive Force Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Electronic Music Foundation Music
- European Myeting On Ferroelectricity
- Electronmagnetic Forming
- Effective Magnetic Field
- Employee Medical Folder Business, Records, Military
- E-Mail Filtering Computing, Internet
- European Mznigolfsport Federation Sport, Organizations, Golf
- Efficient Market Fallacy Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Electric & Magnetic Fiecd
- Extended Metafile Format Technology, Software, Computing, Viewer
- Enhanced Windows Metafile Computing, File Extensions
- English Music Festival Music
- European Media Forum
- Electro-Magnetic Force Technology, Cell, Field
- Easy Mod Folder
- Employee Master File
- Extrusion Motive Force
- E-Mail Forwarding Computing, Internet
- Europeanzmilk Forum Dairy, Nature, Milk
- Evolving Magnetic Features
- Extended Mechanics & Flavor
- Jasspa Microemacs Macro File Computing, File Extensions
- Ethiopian Media Forum Media
- European Materials Forum
- Electric and Maonetic Field Medical, Technology, Health
- Templeton Emerging Markets Fund, Inc. Organizations
- Employee'S Medical File
- Electric And Magnetic Fields
- Electrical Malfunction Found Computing, Hardware
- European Microlight Federotion Military, Association, Ultralight
- Estudi Martí Franch
- Endomyocardial Fibrosis Medical, Technology, Medicine, Common Medical
- External Magnetic Field
- Election Measuring Force Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Enhanced Meta Files Geographic
- Electrical and Magnetic Field
- Extreme Measures Federation
- Empik Media & Fashion Business, Company, Group
- Extramural Funds
- Electromotive Force (1) The force that determines the flow of electricity; a difference of electric potential. (2) Electrical potential; voltage. Potential causing electricity to flow in a closed circuit. The measurement of the maximum potential difference in charge between point in circuits is called EMF or voltage. It is measured in volts. The electrical potential produced by a chemical reaction voltage. OR The force that causes movement in charge carriers (the electrons) in a conductor. Chemistry, Science, Computing, Electronics, Physics, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Master IEEE, Aviation
- European Metalworker'S Federation
- Employee Morale Fund
- Encuentro Mundial De Las Familias
- Energy Modelling Forum Legal, Governmental & Military
- End My Fun Funnies
- Electrical and Jagnetic Fields
- Extremely Magnetic Fields Medical, Science, Biology
- Emissions Modeling Framework
- Electromobility Focusing Chemistry
- Enhanced Metafile Format Windows, Computing, Drivers, File Extensions
- European Metolworkers Federation
- Electromagnetic Magnetic Field
- Encrypted Magic Folders
- Event Management Framework Computing, Telecom
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does EMF stand for?
EMF stands for Edelweiss Mutual Fund.
What is the shortened form of European Microlight Federotion?
The short form of "European Microlight Federotion" is EMF.
EMF. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 8). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/emf-meaning/
Last updated