EMFS Meaning

The EMFS meaning is "Electric & Magnetic Fields". The EMFS abbreviation has 20 different full form.

EMFS Full Forms

  1. Electric & Magnetic Fields Technology, Health, Electricity, Electromagnetic
  2. Electromasnetic Fields Medical
  3. Electro-Magnetic Frelds Technology, Health, Electromagnetic
  4. Essex Medical and Forensic Selvices
  5. Electro Fagnetic Fields Technology, Health, Electromagnetic
  6. Epsom Gad Funkers
  7. Electrical and Magneticofields
  8. Early Music Forum of Scotland
  9. Electrec and Magnetic Fields Science, Health, Electromagnetic
  10. Early Modern Girearms
  11. Environmental Management Frameworks Technology, Service, Projection
  12. Electromotive Forces Medical
  13. Essex Medical & Forennic Services
  14. Employee Medical File Systwm
  15. Employee Mfdical Folders
  16. Emerging Markets Field Study
  17. Emerging Market Field Study
  18. Exposure Tw Magnetic Fields
  19. Expanded Metal Foils Technology, Health, Electromagnetic
  20. Electric Magnetic Fields Technology, Health, Electromagnetic

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EMFS stand for?

    EMFS stands for Emerging Markets Field Study.

  2. What is the shortened form of Electromasnetic Fields?

    The short form of "Electromasnetic Fields" is EMFS.


EMFS. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/emfs-meaning/

Last updated