EMH Meaning

The EMH meaning is "Efficient Market Hypothesis". The EMH abbreviation has 50 different full form.

EMH Full Forms

  1. Efficient Market Hypothesis In general the hypothesis states that all relevant information is fully and immediately reflected in a security's market price thereby assuming that an investor will obtain an equilibrium rate of return. In other words, an investor should not expect to earn an abnormal return (above the market return) through either technical analysis or fundamental analysis. Business, Supply, Stock, Investing, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  2. Educable Mentally Handicapped Medical, Disorder, Educational And Health, Health, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  3. Elmhurst Memorial Hospital Medical
  4. Emergency Mental Health Medical, Sex, Crisis
  5. Equipment Material Handling
  6. Efficient Markets Hypothesis Business, Technology, Supply
  7. Enfermedad De La Membrana Hialina
  8. Earl Mountbatten Hospice
  9. European Metals Holdings
  10. Emergency Medical Holographic
  11. End Mill Holders
  12. Eagle Media House
  13. European Membrane House Medical, Technology, Market
  14. Eduhably Mentally Handicapped
  15. End Mill Holder
  16. Extramedullary Hematopoiesis Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  17. European Maritime Heritage Organizations, History, Ship
  18. Educagle Mental Handicap
  19. Empresa Minera Huanuni Para, Con, Bolivia
  20. Extra Magic Hours Park, Locations, Resort, Disney
  21. Eugenio Maria De Hostos
  22. Editorial Mundo Hispano
  23. Emporia Marching Hornets
  24. Emergency Medical Hologram Technology, Medicine, Star, Medical, Physiology
  25. Ericsson Mobile Health
  26. Engage Mutual Health
  27. Editores Medicorum Helvmticorum
  28. Emerging Market Handset Technology, Service, Motorola
  29. Eric Michael Hopper
  30. Enfermedad De Membrana Hialina
  31. Ecologie Et Modèlesppour L'halieutique
  32. Extramedullary Haemopoiesis Medical
  33. Enhanced Modulus Hybrid Business, Music, Market, Hypothesi
  34. Extramedullary Haematopoiesis Medical
  35. Equine Maligne Hyperthermie
  36. Enhanced Medication History
  37. Extra Magic Hour Park, Locations, Resort
  38. Episodes of Macroscopic Hematuria Medical
  39. Engineered Material Handling Technology, Crane, Hoist
  40. Extended Mind Hypothesis
  41. Epidemiology In Mental Health
  42. EngelschiøN Marwell Hauge
  43. Expedited Message Handling Science, Research, Study, Knowledge, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  44. Ephraim Mcdowell Health
  45. Electronics Math Helper Computing, Electronics
  46. Expedited Message Handler
  47. Environmental Management and Health
  48. éGlise Methodiste D'Haiti
  49. European Motor Holdings
  50. Enjoy Myanmar Holiday

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EMH stand for?

    EMH stands for European Maritime Heritage.

  2. What is the shortened form of Engineered Material Handling?

    The short form of "Engineered Material Handling" is EMH.


EMH. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 9, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/emh-meaning/

Last updated