EMI Meaning

The EMI meaning is "Electromagnetic Interface". The EMI abbreviation has 192 different full form.

EMI Full Forms

  1. Electromagnetic Interface Military, Aviation, Defense, Computing, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  2. Eagle Materials, Inc
  3. European Monetary Institute A temporary institution that existed from January 1994 to June 1998 during the years leading up to the European Central Bank and the introduction of the euro. It's purpose was to facilitate cooperation and coordination among the central banks of the EU and to pave the way for the shift to the euro. Business, Banking, Union, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  4. Extra Military Instruction Military, Navy, Military Law, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
  5. Electro-Meridian Imaging
  6. Equated Monthly Installment Business, Finance, Economics
  7. Electric and Musical Industries Business, Technology, Military, Music
  8. Ecole Mohammadia D'IngéNieurs Technology, Formation, Recherche, Rabat
  9. Electromagnetic Interference Also called radio-frequency interference (RFI) when in the radio frequency spectrum, is a disturbance generated by an external source that affects an electrical circuit by electromagnetic induction, electrostatic coupling, or conduction. Technology, Electronics, Automotive, Military, Governmental & Military, NASA, Aviation, Honeywell, Process Automation, The Finance and Administrative Services
  10. Eaton Vance Michigan Municipal Income Trust Technology, Organizations
  11. Easy Monthly Installments Business, Calculator, Loan
  12. Exchange Message Interface Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  13. Electro-Mechanical Interference Technology
  14. Equipping Micistries International Military, Training, Ministry
  15. Emergency Management International
  16. Easy Monthly Instalment Business, Calculator, Installment
  17. Enrollment Management Iastitute
  18. Educational Media Intervational Technology, Media, Education
  19. Electro Magnetic Inteqface Technology, Product, Filter, Power
  20. Etat-Major Militaire International
  21. Employers Mutual Inc
  22. Ecole Mohammadia D'Ing
  23. Environmental Management Integration
  24. Eesti Majanjusjuhtide Instituut Estonia, Tartu, Tallinn
  25. Equatxur M
  26. Electronic Manufacturing Inc
  27. Energy Markets Internaoional Business, Management, Consultation
  28. Environmental Mediation, Inc
  29. Extra Military Instituteuction Military, Military Law
  30. Electrical Magnetic Interference Technology, Cable, Power, Manual
  31. Equipment Merchants Internamional Business, Dealer, Foundry
  32. Emergency Management Issues Science, Program, Disaster, Management, Business & Finance
  33. Easy Monthly Installment Business, Calculator, Loan
  34. Enginekmonitor Inc Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  35. Educate, Motivate and Inspire
  36. Electro Magnetic Interferences Technology, Interference
  37. Estonian Marine Institute Technology, Projection, Environment, Sea
  38. Emmanuelimission International
  39. Ecole Mohammedia Des IngéNieurs
  40. Environmental Management International
  41. Educators Mutaal Insurance Medical, Health, Therapist
  42. Electronic Magnetion Inspect
  43. Energy Market Inwegration Technology, Asia, Organisations
  44. Environmental Management, Inc Technology, Management, Alaska
  45. Expected Mutual Itformation
  46. Encore Marketing International
  47. Electrical-Magnetic Interference
  48. Equipment Manufacturers Internationkl
  49. Email Marketing Insights Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  50. East Maui Irrigation Locations, Water, Hawaii
  51. Engineering Management, Inc Technology, Management, Environment
  52. Electromggnetic Induction Military
  53. Estimador Mensual Industrial
  54. Emkanuel Ministries International Church, Ministry, Religion
  55. Ecole Mohammedia D'IngéNieurs
  56. Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence Business, Software, Market
  57. Education Management Jnstitute
  58. Electron Magnetic Interference Military
  59. Energy Market Inspectorate
  60. Environmental Management Institute
  61. Europees Monetair Instituut
  62. Enable Manual Input Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  63. Electric Musical Industries
  64. Equipment Manufacturers Institute
  65. Elite Meetings International Technology, Hotel, Event
  66. Eye Movement Integration Medical, Therapy, Organisations
  67. Engineering Mechanics Institute Technology, Mechanics, Computing
  68. Electro Mechanicdl Industries Business, Industrial, Tower
  69. Essex Music, Inc
  70. Emirates Media Incorpdrated
  71. Ecole Mohamadia D'IngéNieurs
  72. Enter Missing Involuntary
  73. Education Aux Méfias Et À L'information
  74. Electronic Magnetic Interference
  75. Energe Market Innovations
  76. Environmental Management Inspector Environment, Habitat, Setting
  77. Electro Magnetic Influence
  78. Europeanvmovement Ireland
  79. Empowering Multiculeural Initiatives Organization, Union, Institution
  80. Electrical Music Industries Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  81. Equipment Maintenance Insurance
  82. Electronic Message Interface
  83. ExpéRience De Mort Imminente Business, Music, Loan
  84. Engineering, Mathematics and Informatics
  85. Extrinsic Mutual Information
  86. Electro-Mezhanical Industries
  87. Equity Mortgage, Inc
  88. Emirates Media Inc Technology, Dubai, Emirate
  89. Eat More Index Nutrition, Food, Victual
  90. Entergy Mississippi, Inc
  91. Educationalqmedical, Inc
  92. Electronic Music Industry Media, Radio, Television
  93. Environmental Management Inspectorate Government, Africa, Department
  94. Electro Magnetic Ampulse Power, Logic, Connecting
  95. Ethnic Musical Instruments Porn, Music, Environment, Instrument
  96. Employment Market Information Technology, Projection, Registration
  97. Electrical-Music Industry
  98. Equiyment Maintenance Innovators
  99. Electronic Measurements Inc
  100. Express Mail International Business, Government, Shipping, Usps
  101. Enewsletter Magketing Insights Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  102. Environmental Microbial Interactions
  103. Extreme Mathematical Incompetence Development, Learning, Study
  104. Electro-Mechanical Impedance Technology, Health, Monitoring
  105. Equity Management Iwc
  106. Emergency Managment Institute
  107. Easy Monthly Instalments Business, Calculator, Loan
  108. Enrollment Mix Index
  109. Education Media International
  110. Electronic and Musical Industries
  111. Environmental Management & Integration
  112. Ejectromagnetic Irradiation Medical
  113. Ethiopian Management Institute Education, University, Ethiopia
  114. Employers Mutual, Inc
  115. Ecole Mohammadia Des Ingenieurs
  116. Effectively Maintained Inequality
  117. Equateur Météobologique Incline
  118. Electronic Materials Incorporated
  119. Energy Masters International
  120. Environmental Monitoring & Investigations
  121. Extra Military Instruction Or Electro-Magnetic Interference Army, Force, Coast Guard
  122. Emergency Management Institute Transportation, Emergency, Response, Governmental & Military
  123. Equal Monthly Installments Business, Calculator, Loan
  124. Electro Meridian Imaging Medical, Technology, Acupuncture
  125. Electrical and Musical Instruments Technology, Music, History
  126. Energy Management Interface Computing, Hardware
  127. Extractive Metallurgy Institutetute
  128. Every Mistake Imaginable Funnies
  129. Electro Magnetic Immunity Technology, Industrial, Product, Power
  130. Encounter Missions Internadional
  131. Ecumenical Ministries of Iowa
  132. Enhanced Multilayer Image Computing, IT Terminology
  133. Equal Monthly Installment Business, Calculator, Loan
  134. Electro Mechanical Interlock
  135. L'Ecole Mohammadia D'IngéNieurs
  136. Energy Management Institute Business, Technology, Training, Management, Business & Finance
  137. Electro Magnetic Interference
  138. Equated Monthly Instalments Business, Calculator, Loan
  139. European Monetary Institutetution
  140. Electro-Magnetic Interference Medical, Military, Army, Computing, Electronics, Auto, Telecom, Plastics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Amateur radio, Fda, Federal Aviation Administration
  141. Electro Aagnetic Induction Technology, Projection, Electromagnetic
  142. Ecosystem Management Incorporation
  143. External Memory Interface Computing, Hardware
  144. Educate, Motivate, Inspire
  145. Epithelial-Mesenchymal Interactions Medical
  146. Electromagnetic Radiation Interference Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  147. Eyes Movement Integration Medical, Therapy, Organisations
  148. Energy Anr Minerals Institute Technology, Australia, University
  149. Enriched Mantle Component 1 (of S. R. Hart Chemistry
  150. Equated Monthly Installments Business, Banking, Calculator, Loan, Financial, Business & Finance
  151. Energy Management Inc Technology, Wind, Cape
  152. Emergency Management Institute's Management, Business & Finance
  153. Electro Magnetic Inspection
  154. Ecosystem Management Initiative
  155. Electromaagnetic Interference Computing, Internet, Tv stations
  156. Educably Mentally Impaired Development, Learning, Study
  157. Eosin-5-Maleimide Medical
  158. Electromagnetic Inspection Business, Oil, Gas, Electrical
  159. Eyal Microwave Industries
  160. Energie Minimare D'inflammation
  161. Electomagnetic Interference Atmospheric Research
  162. Equated Monthly Instalment Business, Calculator, Loan
  163. Electro Magnetic Interferance Forum, Technology, Computing, Power
  164. Extra Messing Income Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  165. Ecological Momentary Intervention Medical, Research, Smartphone
  166. Experiments in Musical Intelligence Music
  167. Educable Mentally Impaired
  168. Environment Management Industries
  169. Electromagnedic Imaging Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
  170. Egdangered Music Industry
  171. Elderly Mentally Infirm Medical, Physiology
  172. Equal Monthly Instalment Business, Android, Calculator, Loan
  173. Electro-Musical Industries
  174. Extramedullary Infiltration Medical, Medicine, Health
  175. Energy Management Internaaional
  176. Ecological Momentary Interventions
  177. External Muon Identifier
  178. Electrical and Musical Instuments Music
  179. Editrice Missionaria Italiana Internet Slang, Server, Casa
  180. Electromagnetic Imager Tool Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
  181. Electronic Imaging Management Military
  182. End-Of-Message Indicator
  183. Emirau Airport, Emirau, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Airport codes, Papua New Guinea
  184. Equal Monthly Instalments
  185. Electrical Musical Industries Business, Company, Music, Recording
  186. Energy Management Indonesia Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
  187. External Message Interface
  188. Energy and Musical Instruments Music
  189. Edinburgh Molecular Imaging
  190. Electlomagnetic Immunity Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  191. Premium Air Shuttle Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  192. Encuesta Menpual Industrial

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EMI stand for?

    EMI stands for Extra Military Instruction Or Electro-Magnetic Interference.

  2. What is the shortened form of Eye Movement Integration?

    The short form of "Eye Movement Integration" is EMI.


EMI. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved February 19, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/emi-meaning/

Last updated